I’m just going to post the winners here. The full spreadsheet with all nominees is available upon request.
- Most mysterious: Wayne Barnes, Ellis Reference
- Best storyteller: Terry Brooks, Ellis Circulation/Reserve
- Most patient despite all foolishness: Mary Ryan, Ellis Reference
- Most likely to be featured in Wired Magazine: Ernest Shaw, LTS
- Most commonsense: Karen Darling, Acquisitions
- Most likely to wear something creative: Adrienne Arden, Acquisitions
- Most attractive body art: Mary Amann, Cataloging
- Most Web 2.0-savvy: Rachel Brekhus, Ellis Reference
- Likeliest to save someone from a scary animal: Jeremy Clark, Receiving
- Most subtle sense of humor: Wayne Sanders, Cataloging
- Likeliest to make people laugh instead of crying: Ted Dodson, Ellis Circulation
- Likeliest to know obscure cultural allusions: Rachel Brekhus, Ellis Reference
- Best bureaucratese-to-English interpreter: Ann Campion Riley, Technical Services
- Prettiest office decor: Mark Ellis, MU Libraries Administration
- Most resembles a character from literature: Anne Barker, Ellis Reference
- Likeliest to retire on patent royalties someday: Dan Dodd, Cataloging
- Likeliest to play a stereotype-busting librarian on TV: Katie Carr, Special Collections
- Best librarian glasses: Amanda McConnell, HSL Information Services
- Best cat herder: Tammy Green, Interlibrary Loan
- Most poetic: Nancy Turner Myers, Ellis Reference
- Best young people rustler: Goodie Bhullar, Ellis Reference
- Most likely to share their lunch with you: Jee Davis, Cataloging
- Most likely to win a dance competition: Rebecca Graves, HSL Information Services
- Most diplomatic: Leo Agnew, MU Libraries Administration
- Most likely to keep a secret: Leo Agnew, MU Libraries Administration
- Most likely to win a rap contest: Sean Witzman, Acquisitions
- Best laugh: Kathy Peters, Acquisitions
- Most likely to go into treatment for biblioholism: John Wesselmann, Ellis Reference
- Most likely to visit exotic places in spare time: Amanda Sprochi, HSL Cataloging
- Loveliest singing voice: Karla Geerlings, Cataloging
- Nicest telephone voice: Cindy Cotner, Ellis Reference
- Most likely to be a closet knitter: John Meyer, Ellis Circulation
Comments welcome!
Oh – and the additional award for “Cleanest Office” goes to Wayne Barnes, Ellis Reference. There were a couple other additional awards suggested, but these came too late to be incorporated into the survey for everyone. I’ll consider adding them if we do this again next year.
Also: those winners who didn’t attend the picnic or were not present for the awards portion of the picnic will receive their certificates via campus mail or in-person delivery over the next week or so.