Peter Botts and Lilia Voss: Untitled Collaboration

Artist Statement 

Untitled Collaboration concerns itself with emergent methods of reality creation. As URL space has gained primacy over IRL space, the creation of reality has become everyone’s job. Through a process of improvisation, iteration, and documentation in domestic spaces, Untitled Collaboration presents a series of magickal possible realities. Household objects become sigils, charged with each burst of flash. The artists’ collaborative process entails relinquishing ultimate authority over what is created, instead relying on generative glitches in communication to create something beyond their control. We have seen what happens when ideas pass from the screen into IRL space. Untitled Collaboration asks what IRL space looks like when alternative rulesets gathered from the logic of the internet are applied.

About the project 

  • Title of Work: Untitled Collaboration 
  • Medium: inkjet prints
  • Student's Name: Peter Botts 
    • Major: Mechanical Engineering
    • Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2020
    • Hometown: Columbia, Missouri
  • Student's Name: Lilia Voss
    • Major: Interdisciplinary (Women's and Gender Studies)
    • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2022
    • Hometown: Columbia, Missouri
  • Student's Mentor: Joe Johnson
  • Mentor's Department: Photography
  • Art Project ID: 21VADS - 001


Isabelle Jefferis


Marcus Wilkins

Such relatable portals during these pandemic times. I'm especially intrigued by the fourth image and its anachronistic pop-cultural elements. Altogether intriguing visual assemblages. I'm stumped — but I like it.

Jim Spain

Impressed by how you have collaborated and blended your different preferrences.