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This Week in Black History, Woolworth Sit-In

On February 1, 1960, four black students from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University went to the segregated lunch counter at the Woolworth Store in Greensboro, North Carolina where they responded to being denied service by remaining at the counter until closing. The sit-in grew in size and scope eventually leading to the official desegregation of Woolworth lunch counters throughout the South, making it one of the most memorable and impactful efforts of the Civil Rights Movement.

The theme for this year's Black History Month at MU is Focus on Black Education. This year's calendar has many great events including a lecture and discussion with Keeanga-Yamatta Taylor on February 8th at Ellis Library, a concert by the LBC Gospel Choir and the Oakwood University Aeolians on February 17th, and an event on February 24th celebrating Monica Hand and Nina Simone. More details on events are included on the 2017 Black History Month calendar. For more information contact the Department of Black Studies at