Healthy for Life Update

NEW! 2017 Step Challenge
Step into summer with the 2017 Step Challenge! MU Health Care and Healthy for Life are committed to helping employees live healthy lives, both on the job and at home. You are invited to join the 2017 Step Challenge, along with your friends and family, which runs April 3 – June 25. It is a progressive step challenge with daily goals beginning at 5,000 steps per day and increasing each week. Throughout the challenge, all participants will be eligible to earn prizes. Eligible university faculty and staff participating in the Wellness Incentive can also earn 50 points in Healthy for Life-sponsored wellness challenge category.


  • Form your team  

    • A designated team captain can form a team and invite other team members to join.
    • Teams may have up to 5 members.
    • Anyone can participate, but each team must have at least 2 University of Missouri employees.
  • Register now through March 31

    • All team members must register by the deadline for the team to participate.
    • You will register in the MU Healthcare Cerner Portal, which is separate from the Healthy for Life Cerner Portal.
  • Track your steps

    • You can either manually log your steps on the MU Healthcare Cerner Portal or sync a device (i.e. Fitbit, Garmin, iHealth, and more).
    • NOTE: Your device can only sync to a single Cerner Portal at a time. If you sync to the MU Healthcare Cerner Portal and were previously synced to the Healthy for Life Cerner Portal, then your device will be disconnected from the Healthy for Life Cerner Portal.
    • Check out the Mizzou Store for discounts and rebates on Fitbits.
    • If you do not already have a step-tracking device, please contact me to request a basic pedometer.
  • Start moving
  • You are challenged to walk 882,000 steps during the 2017 Walking Challenge by walking an average number of steps each week to meet the overall goal.
  • There will be weekly prize drawings for teams and individuals who reach the average daily step goal for the week.
  • Eligible faculty and staff can earn 50 points toward the 2017 Wellness Incentive for walking a minimum of 500,000 steps during the 2017 Step challenge. Additionally, you must register for the 2017 Step Challenge and use your UNIVERSITY EMAIL to receive the wellness incentive points.

To learn more, visit or view the 2017 Walking Challenge FAQ and Timeline. If you have any additional questions or need assistance, please feel free to email us at

Ask. Listen. Refer.
The University of Missouri Suicide Prevention Training Program was designed to help faculty, staff, and students prevent suicide by teaching you to:

  • identify people at risk for suicide
  • recognize the risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs of suicide
  • respond to and get help for people at risk

Click here to access the program which takes about 20 minutes to complete. It is intended to be educational rather than therapeutic, and it must be completed in one sitting.

Eligible employees can earn 10 points for participating in diversity and inclusion activities, with a maximum of 100 points in this category. Employees must self-report diversity activities on the Healthy for Life Wellness Program website. Contact for questions about the Wellness Incentive.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

Level 1
Employees, retirees, and community members are all invited to participate in this eight week strength training program. It can get your fitness journey (re)started, right on campus! Participants will be guided safely by a trained instructor through warm up, 8 muscle strengthening exercises and cool down. Geared toward older adults or sedentary middle-aged females who want to improve strength, balance and flexibility. All equipment provided.


Mondays & Wednesdays, 04/03/17 – 05/24/17


12:00 pm


McKee Gymnasium




Online by April 1st


Level 2
Employees, retirees, and community members are all invited to participate in this eight week strength training program, a follow-up to Level 1. It is for those who want to challenge themselves a bit more! In order to enroll in the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy–Level 2 program, you must have completed the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy-Level 1 program at least twice and/or have approval from the instructor. All equipment provided.


Mondays & Wednesdays,

04/03/17 – 05/24/17

Tuesdays & Thursdays,

04/04/17 – 05/25/17

Tuesdays & Thursdays,

04/04/17 – 05/25/17


5:15 pm – 6:15 pm

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm


Med School

McKee Gymnasium

McKee Gymnasium






Online by April 1st

Online by April 1st

Online by April 1st

For more information contact Kelsey Weitzel at or visit

As a Healthy for Life sponsored program, eligible employees can earn 100 points for attending at least 14 of the 16 sessions during the 8-week Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program. There are a maximum of 200 points possible for this category.

Financial Wellness Seminar
Cultivating financial wellness can be as easy as completing a few steps annually. Check out the financial wellness webpage to access your one-stop-shop for financial information, tools, and events.

Make the Most of Your Retirement Savings

When: March 29, 2017

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm             

Location: Ellis Library 106A and UM University Hall (Telepresence) 

Registration: Online or call 800-642-7131 

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the Financial Wellness Workshops. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category.

Classes on Campus
Did you know a variety of low-cost and free physical activity and stress management classes are offered on campus? View the calendar of events to find a class near you or check out a few opportunities below:


When: Mondays, 03/27/17 – 05/08/17

Time: 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm

Registration: Contact Susan Tharp at

Cost: $25 for 7 sessions

Where: Missouri Psychiatric Gym (located on the 1st floor at the University Hospital)

Eligible Faculty and Staff can earn up to 100 points for engaging in physical activity. Participation in physical activity classes must be self-reported in the Cerner Wellness Portal in the ‘Engage in Activity’ category to receive incentive points. Visit to discover other activities and resources to help you Be Active.

MU Libraries, MU Extension and MOspace

In the March 2017 issue of Prime Magazine, Publisher Fred Parry extols the contributions of MU Extension.  He describes his involvement with the 4-H program while growing up and the contribution that MU Extension makes in Missouri today.  For example he notes that, “Statewide, their business specialists helped companies increase sales by $186 million last year while creating or retaining 7,766 jobs.” 

MU Libraries supports MU Extension efforts through its inclusion of MU Extension publications in MOspace. Working with Extension, Digital Services collected and added archival Extension publications to MOspace and continues to add new and revised publications as they are made available.  MOspace now includes 2,400 Extension publications, dated 1932 to 2017.  To give an idea of the range of subjects covered by Extension, here are the titles of a few of the 2016 publications:

In addition to these publications, nearly 200 4-H Circulars were added in 2016-2017 with funding from a Project Ceres grant.  Ranging in dates from 1922 to 1967, the 4-H publications give an interesting snapshot of agriculture and farm life during that time period.

More information:


Annual Report 2015-2016 Now Available

The first annual report that has been produced by the University Libraries in a long time is now available in paper and on our website. If you would like a paper copy, please email me.

Thanks to everyone who provided ideas and content or helped to edit the document. Special thanks to Dani Gomoll, our student designer.

–Shannon Cary

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have an immediate opening for a Business Support Specialist II in ACTS – Accounting. 
For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at

The Libraries have an immediate opening for an Assistant or Associate Director for Special Collections, Archives, and Rare Books (SCARaB).
For additional information about the position and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at

Endangered Data Week

The first annual Endangered Data Week will be held from April 17-21, 2017. As noted on the DLF Endangered Data Week wiki page, “Endangered Data Week is a national series of independently-organized events intended to raise awareness of threats to publicly available data, discuss the power dynamics of data creation, sharing, and retention, and work to make endangered data more accessible and secure.”

More information:

Endangered Data Week website:

Twitter site:

Digital Library Federation resources page:




Technical Services Librarian Search Complete

It is with great pleasure that I announce our newest member of the University Libraries team: Julie Housknecht. She will be joining MU as our newly appointed Technical Services Librarian responsible for helping the UM System libraries transition to a standalone ILS within the MOBIUS organization. She starts on May 1st. Thank you all for your input in this process, your feedback was invaluable.

Corrie Hutchinson

Staff Advisory Group Notes, 4/4/17

Staff Advisory Group Notes

April 4th, 2pm

  • Guest Speaker: Laura Pieter – Outreach Coordinator, MU Career Center

    • Help all students – focus on those in transition, deciding, or in programs that do not have a specific career office or person for the department, major, or school

      • In transition – changing majors, rethinking area of study, etc.
      • Deciding – trying to “figure out” what they want to do and how to get there
      • Without specific office – Neither A&S nor HES have focused career offices, some individual programs have a career advisor or coordinator though
    • Help on a drop-in basis

      • 40+ student peer-advisors/paraprofessionals who undergo 100+ hours of training to work with other students on making career decisions
      • Help through resume/cover letter review, mock interviews, self-assessments
    • Many colleges have focused career services offices which are able to focus on that particular industry and help with recruitment and exposure through career fairs and other programming
    • MU Career Center does not do recruitment or host career fairs

      • Focus is on making student “employable”, not necessarily finding them employment
    • Top services:

      • Resume and cover letter review
      • Self-Assessment – particularly Strength Quest
      • Mock interviews
      • Workshops on online image, LinkedIn, etc.
    • Work with employment while a student

      • Part-time on and off campus, internships, etc.
      • Work Study based in Career Center
      • – Job board with over 10,000 jobs a year ranging from full-time with experience to part-time while a student
    • Also offer in-depth career counseling by graduate counseling students by appointment throughout the semester
    • Do a lot of referral work, between area specific career centers, international center, etc.
    • Question: Interview space for students

      • Do have some interview spaces for students as do some of the college specific offices (for skype and such); need to call career center to arrange
    • Do maintain a reference library of career resources, available for use in the career center, many are only and linked to from the website;Craig Benson coordinates getting new resources
    • Ways to partner:

      • If you work with student groups, Career Center and do presentations, specific workshops, provide resources, etc.
      • Library already partnering by putting part-time student jobs on


  • Division Reports:

    • HSL and Specialized Libraries: Deb Ward

      • Upcoming HSL advisory council meeting – planning on getting feedback, hearing the desires and wishes of the advisory council
      • Recently re-worked mission statement to align to libraries mission, vision, and values
      • Using a development gift to replace some furniture under stairs and at entrance: new couches, computer/study tables, new shelving
      • Looking at moving HSL ILL to HSL tech services space and opening up study area of the library further by removing a wall
      • Had several people travel to a data management conference
      • Columbia Missourian Library: Sandy Schiefer becoming full-time
      • Engineering Library: Judy Maseles retirement party on 5/15, email invitation forthcoming
      • Noel Kopriva moving to engineering at 50% during interim time before new Engineering Librarian can be hired

        • Question about filling Noel’s current role: situation is temporary, will look at ways to alleviate staffing issue’s.
    • ACTS: Kevin McFillen

      • Scan on demand button going into Merlin, standardizing and simplifying the process
      • UMLD: nearing the end of mold remediation, ~2 weeks remaining
      • Catalogue Management review duplicate titles out at U2
      • Physical Processing & Preservation working with Special Collections to evaluate microfilm
      • Updating division website
    • RAIS: Jeannette Pierce

      • Looking at hiring 50% government documents specialist to assist Marie Concannon with Sandy Schiefer moving to Missourian Library
      • Felicity Dykas and Freddy Martinez-Garcia both presented at ACRL
      • Marie Concannon working on state conference for those interested in preservation of state government information and making that information accessible


  • Directors Report: Anne Campion Riley

    • President Dr. Choi’s recent message: Dean’s Council told on Monday message would go out, not given specifics
    • Library has been modeling a variety of cuts for a while

      • Looking at program effectiveness, encouraged to make vertical cuts if necessary
    • Dean’s Council worried about Dr. Choi’s time line, seems aggressive
    • Focusing on strategic priorities
    • Please maintain on open mind, be flexible, remember no one means ill-will, tight budget situation likely in place for 3 years or so
    • Lots of other big university taking large hits as well, if cuts are strategic, can strengthen the institution in the long term
    • Friends of the Libraries luncheon this Saturday
    • Cindy Cotner been invited to serve on extension council, great for the libraries to be invited to the table
    • Library has published first annual report in quite a while, will be going out shortly, see Shannon Cary for a copy
    • Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee – awarded library $50,000 for new chairs in Information Commons
    • Question: looking for efficiencies across the system

      • Some are, Engineering for example working with Rolla to specialize research programs
      • Libraries always work to collaborate across the system, shared system acquisitions
    • Question: our spending depends on other college’s cuts

      • money is vanishing, limits planning time table
      • reserves have taken large hit, normally would provide cushion in these situations, have been down since 2008
      • Dr. Choi has discussed tuition increase
      • Shrinking student body is a challenge
      • Still a lower cost than peer institutions
      • Just not a lot of good information right now
    • Question: are we ok for this fiscal year?

      • As far as we know, unless something happens or changes


  • New Business:

    • Security Updates: Pat Jones

      • Emergency exits are all posted, may see new signs for those soon

        • Please tell security if there is an unmarked emergency exit
      • Entering tornado season

        • Watch: tornado is possible

          • North and West security desks turn on weather radios
          • Disaster prep kit is gotten out and prepared
        •        Warning
          • Officer will make announcement
          • Evacuate to safe area’s
          • Officer will sweep the building
      • Talking about training circulation staff in emergency procedures
      • Emergency phones, double as information phones

        • Ring straight to west security desk
        • Located in 3 East in stacks and on chair lift to 4 West (Special Collections)
        • New signs in process
    • MU Giving Day: Matt Gaunt

      • Campus had 3600 gifts: 3.8 million

        • Vet medicine got largest through estate gift
      • Library had no estate gifts: raised $115,000 through 118 donors

        • At least 23 of the 118 were library staff
        • Provost Stokes gave nice gift
      • Libraries 8th overall all, 9th in participation
    • Open Positions: Sheryl Cullina

      • Programmer in LTS: offer extended and accepted
      • Technical Services Librarian in ACTS: offer extended and accepted
      • Head of Instructional Services in RAIS: conducting phone interviews, on-campus interviews scheduled
      • Head of SCARaB: Posted, accepting applications through June 10th
      • Business Support Specialist II in ACTS: been reposted, accepting applications through April 14th


  • Upcoming Events:

    • Trainings: Sheryl Cullina

      • Campus wide – Diversity and Inclusion series – online

        • Diversity 101
      • State Historical Society Presentation – African-American Experience in Missouri
      • Staff Recognition Week May 22 – 26, schedule will be posted soon
      • Question about Active Threat training:

        • Available through MUPD, not required at this time
      • Library: Student Employee Appreciation Reception, April 13th, encourage students to attend

        • Write notes of thanks to students for a display, see Noah in 104
    • Library Events: Shannon Cary

      • National Library Week next week

        • April 11th, Library Ambassadors in Speakers Circle
        • Goodies at HSL as well
        • Social media campaign planned
      • Development Office is co-sponsoring the Unbound Book Festival on April 22nd

        • Booth with the Bronte manuscript
        • Kelli Hansen give presentation at 1pm on the manuscript


  • Closing Remarks: Noah Hartsfield

    • Will be conducting a Qualtrics survey next week, please complete and share thoughts