Kottewar, Saket, Bearelly, Dilip, Bearelly, Smitha, Johnson, E. Diane, Fleming, David A. Residents' End-of-Life Training Experience: A Literature Review of Interventions. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2014 Jun; 17(6):725-32.
Kottewar, Saket, Bearelly, Dilip, Bearelly, Smitha, Johnson, E. Diane, Fleming, David A. Residents' End-of-Life Training Experience: A Literature Review of Interventions. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2014 Jun; 17(6):725-32.
We presented a poster at the 2nd Annual MU Health Sharing Days Event last week. This is an event that highlights innovations in quality improvement at the hospital.
Our poster presentation was “Eliminating Document Delivery Fees from the Health Sciences Library” with the following employees contributing: Information Services—Darell Schmick, Caryn Scoville, E. Diane Johnson
Interlibrary Loan—Ivy Hui, Caroline James, and Yasuyo Knoll. Special thanks to Graduate Library Assistant Sarah Norris for assistance with poster design!
A little more about Sharing Days:
Innovations now on display during Sharing Days
Employees are invited to view more than 100 posters created for the second annual University of Missouri Health System Innovation and Improvement Sharing Days today, Tuesday, April 29, through Thursday, May 1. In each poster, the creators shine a spotlight on the completed or ongoing improvements and innovations in their areas of work or research.
Posters are on display at the following locations.
• Main lobby of the School of Health Professions' Lewis and Clark halls
• School of Medicine's atrium
• Sinclair School of Nursing second floor
• University Hospital's main lobby and mezzanine
• Women's and Children's Hospital Conference Center
• Quarterdeck
The poster locations will be rotated, and each poster will appear at each location for one day.
For a schedule of where the posters will be placed each day, please visit https://mymuhealth.org/documents_02/PR/SharingDays2014.pdf and click "OK" to open. This "poster of posters" will also be displayed at each location to serve as a key.
–Darell Schmick
Kelli Hansen published a section entitled “Approaching the Book as an Artifact” in Using Primary Sources: Hands-On Instructional Exercises, ed. Anne Bahde, Heather Smedberg, and Mattie Taormina (Libraries Unlimited, March 2014).
Hardy Pottinger presented at the post-SPARC Open Access DSpace Users's Group in Kansas City, on March 5 [1]. The slides for the presentation are in MOspace [2].
[1] https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/SPARC+DSpace+User+Group+Meeting+2
[2] https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/41264
Darell Schmick and Shelly McDavid will be presenting “Prioritization 101: Balancing Work and Professional Commitments in your Library Career” at the LISGSA conference on April 5.
The poster titled "FIRST-YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS’ PREFERENCES FOR ONLINE INFORMATION RESOURCES WHEN PRESENTED WITH A CLINICAL SCENARIO" that was co-authored by Caryn Scoville, Darell Schmick and Dinara Saparova was accepted to the 2013 Health Sciences Research Day.
Kate Anderson:
Paper: Around the World: Unraveling the Web of One Health. Barb Hamel (UW-Madison), Kate Anderson (MU)
Trenton Boyd:
Co-Chair: 7th International Conference of Animal Health Information Specialists (ICAHIS)
Member: MLA National Program Committee, representing ICAHIS
Paper: VetPrint: Building an International Print Preservation Program for Veterinary Literature. Esther Carrigan (Texas A&M), Ana Ugaz (Texas A&M), Trenton Boyd (MU), Heather Moberly (Texas A&M), Vicki Croft (Washington State)
Session Moderator: Exploring the History and Development of the One Health Concept
Barb Jones:
Continuing Education Instructor: Business Communications: Library Style. Marty Magee (Univ of Nebraska-Omaha), Barb Jones (MU)
Poster: Partnering with State Libraries: Supporting Public Library Health Information Programs and Training. Barb Jones (MU), Jim Honour (Univ of Wyoming), John Bramble (Univ of Utah), Dana Abbey (Univ of Colorado), Rachel Vukas (KUMC), Marty Magee (Univ of Nebraska-Omaha), Betsy Kelly (Wash U).
Betsy Kelly, Claire Hamasu and Barb Jones wrote “Applying Return on Investment (ROI) in Libraries” for Journal of Library Administration (52:8, 656-671, 2012). The article was featured in the January 2013 issue of Informed Librarian Online (www.informedlibrarian.com) and can be found at http://ow.ly/jiknZ. After reading this article, you may want to figure out your ROI and then submit your data to the Library Value Calculator.(bk)
The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge has accepted Amy Lana’s paper “Monographic titles cited in faculty-authored works” as one of 12 papers to be presented during the 2013 Institute. From the abstract: A study of monographic titles cited in faculty-authored works was conducted in 2010 by the University of Colorado (CU) Libraries; the University of Missouri (MU) Libraries agreed to replicate the study in response to a call by the authors. This paper will present the results from the MU Libraries study, which shows interesting variances from the original study, especially in the areas of acquisition method and type and age of the resources used. Additional data collected on holdings within the MU Libraries’ consortium provides insight into whether a shared collection policy might serve the needs of the various libraries.