Notes from the Director, 2/22/16

Hello everyone,

I'm writing today to let you all know there will soon be an article in the Columbia Tribune on our library materials budget problems for FY 2017 that starts in July.  The Provost knows about it, and we are starting to work with faculty on possible journal cuts.

This shouldn't be news to any of you, but I hate for people to be surprised by what's in the paper.

Otherwise, everything seems pretty normal for this point in the semester. If you like trivia contests, don't miss the Black History one on Monday evening the 29th in 114a.

LMT is still working on getting some improvements to 114 and 202, and you probably read in NewsNotes that we are pricing a renovation of the first floor men's room.

All for now– have a great week!


Notes from the Director, 12/10/15

Hello everyone,

Finals week is here on Monday!  Most of you know we will open all four floors of Ellis for our extended hours again for finals.  I told someone today, “Everybody take a deep breath.” It’s busy time of year and tense for our students.  I’m delighted that we will have therapy dogs in Ellis next week for a while. That’s fun for students.  Thanks to the User Engagement librarians in RAIS (Cindy, Grace and Mike) for doing this.

Other good news is that the Libraries are set to receive an additional $650,000 from the Information Technology Fee funds to help us avoid immediate acquisitions cuts, and the Provost has indicated she will help more as needed.  We are still pursuing other options for next fiscal year, but that’s good news for now, and I’ll take it!

Mark your calendars for Jan. 14 at 2 pm for our all staff meeting. An Outlook invitation will be out soon.  Our Centennial Re-dedication ceremony will be the next day, Jan. 15, in Ellis 201 at 3.  You will also be invited to that soon and I hope as many of you as possible can attend.

Special thanks this week to Ruth and Sharon in Physical Processing for their vigilance on environmental conditions throughout the Libraries, and to Kathy Peters and Susan McCormack for their continuing good work on transitioning to using MERLIN for payments from LSO.

We’ve also been asked to submit a formal request to move the Archives from Lewis Hall to the SHS space.  No word on when that might occur, but it’s great to think it may move forward.

The Friends of the Libraries organization is planning a fund-raising concert at the Missouri Theater on March 20, 2016, with country music.  More details will come out later, but some of you are likely to be interested!

See you all at the holiday party next week; best wishes for the season if I don’t.  As always, email me with questions or concerns.


Notes from the Director, 11/11/15

Hello everyone,

We have had an eventful few days on campus.  MUPD and the Provost’s Office have reassured everyone that campus is safe today, and extra officers are around to watch for any possible threats or incidents.  The Libraries have had NO threats or incidents in the last few days, and the accused perpetrator of the YikYak threats of violence on campus has been apprehended this morning.  There have been no verifiable events of violence but all threats must be taken seriously.  Please remember to sign up for MU Alerts. They have been improved, and do contain important information.  Remember that if the Libraries close or have altered hours, you will get a call from the Emergency Phone Tree. Mark Ellis is working on updating it this week, and supervisors need to be sure to have a way to reach all of their people.

Nevertheless, we ask that you all be aware that if anyone feels threatened, from racially-based threats or anything else, the person should follow the instructions MUPD sent to the whole campus community: try to record the situation if possible, get a car license number if applicable, but call 911 right away.  Feeling fearful or threatened on campus is not acceptable in any way, and we must keep reporting bad things whenever they happen.

If any of you out there have concerns, I encourage you to contact me directly, or Sheryl Cullina, or Pat Jones.  We need to pull together and continue to focus on our important work preserving knowledge and facilitating learning and scholarship while supporting our students and all those working for justice. Eradicating incidents of racism and bigotry will require effort from all of us in the Mizzou community. Please extend support and empathy to all those in our community who are hurting when you encounter them.

I’m going to quote from the Provost’s message yesterday:

“The University of Missouri has experienced a very difficult time that has affected every member of the campus community, including the staff members who keep this institution running every day. Cultural change often begins on university campuses, and the process is not always easy. The healing starts now even as the hard work continues and intensifies on our campus.

Our students have and need the support of our staff as well as our faculty as the campus moves forward with the process of healing and as the work of cultural change continues. Support is also available to our students through MU Student Health and the MU Counseling Center.

Let us all continue to learn together. We know that many members of our staff have daily contact with our students and that you can be a part of helping our campus heal and improve and thrive. Whether or not you work directly with students, please know that we are grateful for your presence on our campus. The Office of the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative offers resources for staff and faculty who need assistance.

Our students have shown great courage in their efforts to bring change to our institution, and their hard work and the support of the MU community give me great hope for the future we will create together.


Garnett S. Stokes

Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor”

And let’s not forget the Kinder Institute is now going to Jesse Hall. That’s a win for us.  We have to hang on one more week, and get a win for the library fee.  Special thanks to all who are working hard to make that happen, and to our Library Ambassadors and student workers.  Remember to thank them!


Notes from the Director, 10/20/15

Hello everyone,

There’s so much going on right now, I don’t know how to squeeze it all into an email, but here’s a try!

The MSA and GPC elections will run from 5 pm Nov. 9 to 5 pm Nov. 11.  The library fee proposal will be on every ballot, and the voting will be online.  Before that, we need everyone to be positive about the fee.  If you can, volunteer to help hand out flyers at the library doors in the weeks before the vote. Cindy Cotner is coordinating volunteers. Matt has several more events planned, so watch for them and encourage students to attend.  We had about 150 students at the forum in 114 last week, and all three MSA slates of officers running in the election have indicated support for the libraries. I’ll share the final language of the referendum when I have it.

The Provost, Vice-Chancellors, Deans and others all know how tough a situation failure of the fee will mean. Journal cuts may be avoided if they can find funds for us, but most of our other improvements will have to wait. We will proceed with the plan for the UMLD expansion no matter what.

The Kinder Institute for Constitutional Democracy now has a signed contract with the University for them to move into the northeast corner of the 4th floor of Ellis on or about July 1, 2016.  The Music Listening Room is closing late this fall, and its materials will be relocated and dispersed with the help of the Music Dept. Some will go to Access Services. Most of the books in the footprint of the Institute will go to Ellis 202; some will go offsite or be otherwise handled. Thanks to Jeannette and Freddy along with Ryan and all the selectors for their hard work on this.  Demolition and construction will not start until the end of this fall semester, December 20.  The Nook will be re-constructed elsewhere in Ellis before that, and details on that should be ready soon. We also have other agreements in writing with campus facilities, including more money for improvements in Ellis.  NewsNotes will have more details in a week or so.  We want the best deal we can get!

HSL had a lovely open house for the centennial; thanks to all who planned and attended. Mike Muchow is giving wonderful tours of historic Ellis Library.  His photos and other materials enrich our centennial year in a meaningful way. Special thanks to Mike and all who worked with him.

Meanwhile, it’s Open Access Week, and a great panel is planned for tomorrow at 4 pm in Ellis 114.

Mark your calendars for April 29 for Jim Cogswell’s retirement party.  It’s hard to believe it’s only about 6 months away.

I hope you are all enjoying this warm weather.

More in a week or so.


Notes from the Director, 10/5/15

Hello everyone,

Today my message is passing along an important message from the Chancellor.  Racism hurts, and is an evil in the world. We can all work to end it at this campus. See his message below.

On another note, the 4th floor project may well be delayed once again. More on that as the situation develops. The Campus Library Committee meets on Thursday and we will know more after that. Special thanks to Deb Ward and Mike Holland for filling in at meetings during my absence at ACRL meetings. It’s great to see our LMT functioning as a real team.

The last NewsNotes mentioned Brian Cain leaving for a great job in New Mexico. I know you all join me in wishing him well and thanking him for amazingly good work during the terrible time of mold.  LMT will be discussing how to replace his work at the depositories soon.

Join the farewell celebration for Delores Fisher on Friday, as she leaves the world of ILL after many years for the world of retirement.  The party is 2:30 pm  Friday afternoon in Ellis 201.

Ellis rooms 114 and 202 are both open again, as most of you know.

Best wishes for a pleasant and festive Homecoming Week.  Black and gold are appropriate colors all week, especially Friday. Note that Ellis has an open house after the parade on Saturday, and all are welcome to join us for snacks.


Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 4:39 PM


Subject: Racism at Mizzou
Importance: High

Racism at Mizzou

Dear Mizzou family:

I am sorry that I cannot be on campus today when our students are dealing with yet another incident of racism and are angry and scared. I am currently out of the country at a meeting with the University of Ghent and the University of the Western Cape. I recorded this message on my mobile device because I want you to hear from me personally and know that I share your outrage.

Early this morning, I was furious and disappointed to learn about another person who has harassed Mizzou students and used racist and hateful speech. The latest incident occurred when an intoxicated person reportedly interrupted some of our students who were rehearsing for a Homecoming event and was asked to leave the area. His response included racist accusations and use of the N-word.

Racism exists at MU. I want to make it clear that we do not tolerate racism and prejudice on our campus. We will identify this individual from last night, and this person will be disciplined according to our campus conduct policies.

I am sorry that racism continues to hurt our students, faculty and staff. We are challenged by the fact that it is difficult to change people’s hearts and attitudes, but we are not deterred. We will continue to work so that everyone, regardless of background, feels welcome and included at Mizzou — because everyone is.

All on this campus are hurt by racism, and all students deserve the opportunity to learn in an environment that supports them, respects them, and doesn’t discriminate against them because of race, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or any other difference.

Our police and Student Conduct investigators have been aggressive in identifying responsible individuals and disciplining them quickly. In the recent past, students have been suspended and expelled for engaging in race discrimination including offensive remarks and vandalizing university property with racist messages.

What we have been doing on campus to address racism has not been enough. I have personally talked with affected students and will meet with them when I return. We are working on several actions that I hope will make our campus better. Those include:

  • Vice Chancellor for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity: Provost Stokes is leading a national search for this new position. We are searching for the best person who can understand the challenges we face and help us move toward a better future.
  • Diversity training for job searches: Every person who is responsible for hiring faculty on this campus will be required to complete training to ensure that we are fully considering diversity when we recruit for positions on campus. We know that we have a disproportionately low number of faculty and staff from under-represented groups. We want to change that.
  • Campus Climate Survey: We will ask everyone to participate in a campus climate survey related to race issues on campus.

Additionally, I am asking all deans, chairs, and academic and non-academic directors to discuss with their colleagues and staff the continuing issue of racism at MU and to develop ideas and action plans for creating a more inclusive environment in their respective areas. The Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative can provide facilitators and resources to assist campus leaders with this dialogue.

Reports of racism — including race-related harassment and other threatening and intimidating behaviors — are handled collaboratively through the Office of Student Conduct, the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative, the Title IX Office, Human Resources and the Provost’s office to ensure that all reports are addressed. Students who violate Mizzou’s code of conduct are subject to sanctions up to and including expulsion.

Anyone who experiences racial discrimination may file an online report at:

You also may contact:

  • Assistant Vice Provost Ellen Eardley – 573-882-3880
  • Chief Diversity Officer Noor Azizan-Gardner – 573-882-6282
  • Senior Coordinator of Student Conduct Julie Drury – 573-882-6597
  • Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources Jatha Sadowski – 573-882-4859
  • Senior Associate Provost Ken Dean – 573-882-6597

Criminal behavior should be reported to MUPD at 573-882-7202.

Please join me in fighting hatred and racism at Mizzou. Together, we will make our campus a place that is welcoming to everyone.

R. Bowen Loftin
University of Missouri

This e-mail has been generated in accordance with the MU Mass E-Mail Policy:


Notes from the Director, 9/15/15

Hello everyone,

The weeks are rolling along now, and Ellis’ 24/5 hours are operational.  Security reports all is going well, with cooperative users, up to 50 or so per night, making use of the extended hours.

Many of you have probably noticed how crowded the first floor of Ellis has been during most days.  Apparently Journalism and other locations are experiencing a high level of use, too.  I’m sort of surprised we are having use this early in the semester with the weather still very nice outside, but it’s a wonderful testament to the value of the libraries.

That’s great news for us as we approach our fee vote in November.  Matt and the Library Student Ambassadors, along with Shannon Cary and Cindy Cotner, are working hard to start marketing to students. This week we also started distributing our new promotional folder on the fee.

Next week we hope to have Ellis 114 back in service.  A few members of the Student Fee Working Group will be setting up some informational items for students on the fee in the front of the room soon. Room 202 will be ready in another week or so.

This coming Monday, Sept. 21, from 9-11 may be your only chance to see our new Census Research Data Center in Ellis 205.  Stop by for coffee and doughnuts to meet the Center’s new full-time staff member, Jake. After its official opening in October, only pre-screened, qualified researchers will be allowed inside.

The big event next week is our Centennial Kick-off on Sept 23 on the mall. Don’t miss it! Thanks to some generous library donors, we will have Shakespeare’s pizza and Buck’s ice cream for all.

Have a great week,


Notes from the Director, 9/2/15

Hello everyone,

As we approach the end of the second week of regular semester classes, I have to wonder if you all feel the same way I do, that the fall semester hit like a tidal wave.  Of course Law, School of Medicine and Vet Med students were already back, but they are fewer in number. Apparently the graduate students and administration are working through their differences with the help of the Chancellor’s task force and other groups, and we all wish them well.  The campus strategic plan emphasizes graduate student enrollment and enhancing the graduate student experience, which should help.

We have been experiencing delays with returning Ellis rooms 114 and 202 to service, mostly because of the new carpeting. We need the rooms back, but we also need the new carpet that is still coming. Both rooms should be available now after Sept.14. A small committee will be working with Facilities to get the furniture in 114 re-arranged, and will plan for new furniture as part of the fee campaign. Without the orange periodical shelves, the traces of its old role as CPRR will be almost gone. It will have a very different look and feel, and we want to make it an attractive, usable space. 

On the 24/5 transition for Ellis, we should be ready by Sept 8.  Some new security staff has been hired and trained, and signs, some new locks, and other details solved or in process. We are hoping to get self-check machines installed in Ellis as soon as we can also, but that won’t be before Sept. 8.

Work continues on plans for the addition to UMLD, and I hope to have more good news on that soon.

Special thanks this week to Michaelle Dorsey and her staff for their vigilance in monitoring environmental conditions across the University Libraries to ward off any mold or related problems in library collections. It’s a thankless, continuing task but makes a difference.

This week was the second meeting of the newly re-constituted Library Management Team (LMT).  Most of you have heard that in addition to Jeannette Pierce, Mike Holland, Deb Ward and me that Ernest Shaw, Sheryl Cullina, Ellen Blair, Pat Jones and Corrie Hutchinson are now LMT members.  We all meet together twice monthly.  I hope that adding more operational people to the team will help us address many issues more promptly and effectively.

Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend.


Notes from the Director, 8/6/16

Hello everyone,

It’s hard to believe we are another week closer to the start of school again.  On Monday, Reference training starts, and the semester isn’t far behind.  Our new User Engagement Librarian, Grace Atkins, starts Monday in Ellis, so let’s all welcome her, along with other new staff.

You all should have received your re-appointment letters with next year’s salaries. Sorry it could not have been more.  A question that’s been raised is about the percentage listed.  Remember to add any lump sum for longevity or additional assignment, etc. to your salary to get the real percentage, as those are in addition to 1 ½ % for most people. Thanks to all for your continued service to the University and the Libraries.

On the 4th floor project announced last week, it’s still confidential, but I have made the Provost aware that we didn’t want it, had way too little notice, and will need her help if we must make it happen. We need a more workable time frame, assuming it still has to be here.  Time for faculty consultation is essential, and we need a way to address the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee funds used for the Nook. Hope with me that we can have some impact on at least the timing of the project.

The Student Fee Working Group continues to work on getting promotional material ready for when the students return. We know our Library Ambassadors, our library student group, will be effective in the peer marketing of the proposal, and our Social Media Group will be doing much marketing also.  Most of us are in a different age demographic than our students, and we have to reach them as voters. Special thanks to Matt Gaunt for all his very hard work on this.

Judy Maseles asked me to announce that our webpages will now refer to us as “Libraries”, rather than “MU Libraries”.  MU Libraries was repetitive and some felt it was confusing (University of Missouri, MU Libraries—why put MU right after University of Missouri).  The Law Library is fine with this. We will transition to using Libraries on cards and stationery too, eventually, as we use up what we have…  See upcoming NewsNotes for more details.

Please remember our all staff meeting is coming up on August 13.  Plan to attend! 


Notes from the Director, July 30, 2015

Hello everyone,

Today Suzy Bent shared with me that of about 443,000 books treated for mold, about 85,000 are now re-processed and available again.  That number will grow quickly now, as we re-directed some of our Mellon grant money toward getting it done.  Thanks to Suzy, Brian and their staffs, and congratulations to all working on the project.

Construction is beginning this week on the US Census Research Data Center in Ellis 204, after some delays.

Speaking of construction, the big news for today is that a donor is funding a special project with some faculty from History, Law and Political Science from the current MU Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy.  Libraries administration has met several times and now we know the project will begin in the fall semester to build a new space for an expanded Center, with offices and seminar areas, on the north east corner of the 4th floor of Ellis.  More information should be available soon as Facilities shares more.  They are working with us to relocate study areas, Recorded Sound and some book stacks to accommodate the project.  No Library funds will be used. Facilities will re-do bathrooms, paint, add offices and many other amenities to that section of the library, and when the Center leaves in five years or so, all those will stay.

Please don’t share this beyond the libraries, as University Development plans an announcement soon, and they want it to be special, but you all need to know about it as construction may begin in September.  I know this raises many questions, and I will share more information on our strategies for handling this as soon as possible.  Many groups and committees will be consulted along the way for details and decisions.

Saying no to this project was not an option, and I hope we may develop good cooperation and beneficial joint activities with the new Center and its eventual staff of 23.

There may be more news, but I think that’s enough for today!  Watch NewsNotes for updates on this and all other activities in the Libraries, and keep your calendars marked for lunch time on September 23, when we kick off the Centennial celebration of Ellis, along with a general celebration of the University Libraries, with pizza and ice cream for all on Lowry Mall.


Notes from the Director, July 20, 2015

Hello everyone,

This week I’m delighted to announce that the last staffers from Jesse Hall will be leaving Ellis soon, and Room 114 will re-open before classes start on August 24.  Room 202 will not re-open until after Sept. 5 due to work on the heating pipe in the west wall. Both rooms will return to quiet study, but with many additional power outlets added.  Many details still need finalized, but the space will be back to library use.

In alignment with campus raise guidelines, the Libraries will be giving merit-based pay raises this year.  Letters via email will go out to each of you the first week of August with your new rate of pay for the academic year 2015-16. Campus HR will not let us tell anyone new amounts before then! Even supervisors don’t know, so we all have to be patient a little longer, but I thought you’d like to know. (Remember the raise pool was 2%, so most raises will be slightly more or less than that)

LMT is working to re-vitalize our library committees, so look forward to hearing more about that.  We will also be adding some subcommittees to the Student Fee Working Group.  We need a space planning group and a technology advisory group, so tell your LMT member if you are interested.

All of us were shocked to hear of SISLT’s loss of ALA accreditation for the library program.  Their appeal is underway, the Libraries have offered to help any way we can, and I know you all join me in hoping better days are ahead for them.

Finally, thanks to all who participated in the recent communications forums. Communication is an area where improvement comes when we all work together to make it better.

As always, feel free to email me questions, and please send ideas for the All Staff meeting agenda.
