Notes from the Director, 9/15/15

Hello everyone,

The weeks are rolling along now, and Ellis’ 24/5 hours are operational.  Security reports all is going well, with cooperative users, up to 50 or so per night, making use of the extended hours.

Many of you have probably noticed how crowded the first floor of Ellis has been during most days.  Apparently Journalism and other locations are experiencing a high level of use, too.  I’m sort of surprised we are having use this early in the semester with the weather still very nice outside, but it’s a wonderful testament to the value of the libraries.

That’s great news for us as we approach our fee vote in November.  Matt and the Library Student Ambassadors, along with Shannon Cary and Cindy Cotner, are working hard to start marketing to students. This week we also started distributing our new promotional folder on the fee.

Next week we hope to have Ellis 114 back in service.  A few members of the Student Fee Working Group will be setting up some informational items for students on the fee in the front of the room soon. Room 202 will be ready in another week or so.

This coming Monday, Sept. 21, from 9-11 may be your only chance to see our new Census Research Data Center in Ellis 205.  Stop by for coffee and doughnuts to meet the Center’s new full-time staff member, Jake. After its official opening in October, only pre-screened, qualified researchers will be allowed inside.

The big event next week is our Centennial Kick-off on Sept 23 on the mall. Don’t miss it! Thanks to some generous library donors, we will have Shakespeare’s pizza and Buck’s ice cream for all.

Have a great week,
