Notes from the Director, July 30, 2015

Hello everyone,

Today Suzy Bent shared with me that of about 443,000 books treated for mold, about 85,000 are now re-processed and available again.  That number will grow quickly now, as we re-directed some of our Mellon grant money toward getting it done.  Thanks to Suzy, Brian and their staffs, and congratulations to all working on the project.

Construction is beginning this week on the US Census Research Data Center in Ellis 204, after some delays.

Speaking of construction, the big news for today is that a donor is funding a special project with some faculty from History, Law and Political Science from the current MU Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy.  Libraries administration has met several times and now we know the project will begin in the fall semester to build a new space for an expanded Center, with offices and seminar areas, on the north east corner of the 4th floor of Ellis.  More information should be available soon as Facilities shares more.  They are working with us to relocate study areas, Recorded Sound and some book stacks to accommodate the project.  No Library funds will be used. Facilities will re-do bathrooms, paint, add offices and many other amenities to that section of the library, and when the Center leaves in five years or so, all those will stay.

Please don’t share this beyond the libraries, as University Development plans an announcement soon, and they want it to be special, but you all need to know about it as construction may begin in September.  I know this raises many questions, and I will share more information on our strategies for handling this as soon as possible.  Many groups and committees will be consulted along the way for details and decisions.

Saying no to this project was not an option, and I hope we may develop good cooperation and beneficial joint activities with the new Center and its eventual staff of 23.

There may be more news, but I think that’s enough for today!  Watch NewsNotes for updates on this and all other activities in the Libraries, and keep your calendars marked for lunch time on September 23, when we kick off the Centennial celebration of Ellis, along with a general celebration of the University Libraries, with pizza and ice cream for all on Lowry Mall.
