Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, June 21

Library Assembly Meeting
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
1:00 – 2:00 pm
159 Ellis Library

Attending:  Members: Laura Buck, Erin Zeller, Gary Cox, Matt Stottle, Steve Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Mark Ellis, Bette Stuart, Suzy Bent, June DeWeese

Ex-officio: Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Deb Ward (LMT), Felicity Dykas (MULAC)

Guests: From Digitization Unit, Catalog Dept.: Elaine Huntsucker and Regina Guccione

Absent: PT Martin

  • Announcement:
    • Director Jim Cogswell: LMT held retreat last week.  A written report will be out week of July 5th.  Planning an Open Forum July 21st, 2- 3:30 pm.   Focus will be on staff input.  The biannual All Staff meeting will be August 16th. (CORRECTION – it will be August 18th).
    • Committee Chair Bette Stuart:  Library Assembly election results:  Jack Batterson will represent Cataloging.  Karen Witt will represent Special Collections.  The Acquisitions vote ended in a tie. A representative will be named after this week’s run-off election.
    • MULAC Chair Felicity Dykas:  This is her last Library Assembly as MULAC representative.  Next month, MULAC will be represented by incoming chair Anne Barker.

  • Dual Appointments:  What are the implications of employees who work in two different departments?  Should they be allowed to vote for representatives in both departments?  If only one, which one? If both, can they be a representative?  Can they potentially represent both departments?  Or have concurrent appointments – one representing each department?
    • Discussion:  after discussion it was concluded that this was a bylaws issue.
    • A suggestion was made to create a bylaws subcommittee.
    • Some felt the issue should just be dealt with rather than creating another subcommittee.
    • Chair Elect Gary Cox suggested that we discuss by email.
  • Follow-up discussion of Ex-Officio members and their membership status.
    • Roberts Rules definition of ex-officio was distributed by email prior to the meeting suggesting that members in such status are, by the positions they hold, full members with votes and all privileges.
    • Discussion shifted to whether or not specific members, in this case ex-officio, should be non-voting members?
      • List of ex-officio members of Library Assembly:
        • Library Management Team (LMT) members = up to 4
        • Staff Representative Committee (SRC) Chair  = 1
        • MU Librarians and Archivists Committee MULAC Chair, LMT =1
    • Jim Cogswell, as Director of Library and member of LMT would prefer to not have a vote.
    • It was pointed out that it isn’t really a decision making body so there really aren’t a lot of votes.
    • Also since every department is represented, does having groups like SRC and MULAC present double representation?
      • Some asked, “If needed, what does the department representation lack?”
      • Others felt the unique roles of MULAC and SRC merit full membership.
        • MULAC = Librarian/Archivist representation.
        • SRC = an ombudsman role.
          • SRC is not department specific.
          • SRC is not classified/academic specific.
    • Ann Riley as someone who was on the task force to create the charge of the Library Assembly:  It was the intent of the charge for the Library Assembly to control its own bylaws.  It was also discussed and decided that bodies such as SRC and MULAC would have full memberships.
  • Draft Library Assembly Review – Draft of the survey were shared.
    • After considerable discussion the Assembly agreed upon 7 questions to be distributed via survey monkey.
    • Ann Riley is going to share electronically with Library Assembly so that they can review the text one more time before the survey gets distributed to the Library Staff.


Library Assembly Election Results

Three departments have representatives to Library Assembly with terms of service that expire this month. Elections were held recently and the following individuals will represent their departments starting July 1, 2011. Each will serve a three-year term.

Jack Batterson, ACTS-Cataloging

Libby Myre, ACTS-Acquisitions

Karen Witt, SCARaB-Special Collections

Congratulations to the new members…and Thanks to the outgoing members: Suzy Bent, Bette Stuart, and Erin Zellers.

Library Assembly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Room 159/Ellis Ref Conference Room

Attending: Members: Suzy Bent, Erin Zellers, Matt Stottle, Mark Ellis, Steve Clayton, Stephen Stanton, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Gary Cox.  Ex-Officio:  Ann Barker (MULAC), Deb Ward (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT).  Absent: PT Martin (LMT and SRC ex-officio)

Guest: Pat Jones, Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee (ESFAC).

  • Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee – Pat Jones, Chair.
    • Pat used the following webpage as visual:

  • 8 members appointed by Jim Cogswell : Wayne Barnes, Ryan Bish, Michaelle Dorsey, Wayne Sanders, Sandy Schiefer, Ernest Shaw, Sheena Waggoner, and Pat Jones.
  • From web site, employees can see lists of completed projects, projects in progress and a suggestion form to make new suggestions.
  • Examples:
    • Completed:
      • Removed bars from West entrance.
      • Ramp installed over threshold into Government Documents office area.
        • Location of Library contact for patrons with disabilities.
        • In progress:
          • 1st floor women’s restroom remodeling.

started 3 years ago, to be done in three stages.

  • Proposal to go shortly to LMT.
  • Removal of the CPRR desk.
    • Proposal submitted to LMT.
    • Signage.
    • The group meets twice a month.
    • Questions:
      • Q. has website been announced?  A. Yes.
      • Q. Have you thought about posting suggestions?  So that employees know what has been suggested before.  Might spark suggestions.   A. PJ thinks that it a good idea. She will bring it up at the next meeting.
  • Announcements:
    • Library Assembly Representatives for Acquisitions, Cataloging and Special Collections come up for reelection.
      • Leo will send out ballot next week.
  • Celebration of Service, Thursday, May 25th – Top Ten List.
    • Jim would like 10 volunteers to read one of the ten accomplishments on the list.
    • Jim handed out a list of the 10 categories.
      • Members asked to put name on any categories that interest them.
      • Jim will assign one of the Top Ten list items to Library Assembly members prior to the event.
  • Staff Web Standing subcommittee (spin off of assignment to look at staff web page):
    • Jim will write the charge for the subcommittee.
    • Subcommittee will advise WAG about the staff web.
    • Subcommittee will be comprised of 3 members.
      • June DeWeese and Stephen Stanton volunteered to serve on the subcommittee.
  • Assessment of Library Assembly – The Assembly’s charge calls for an annual assessment.
    • From the Library Assembly Charge:
    • Members discussed how best to solicit broad input from staff.
    • Members decided to survey all staff.
    • Members will send suggested survey questions to Bette Stuart via email
    • The goal is to conduct the survey before our June meeting.
    • Ann Riley volunteered to assist with setting up the survey using Survey Monkey.
    • VII.-A The elected officers and the Library Management Team will seek broad input to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the Library Assembly after each year of operation.
    • VII-B Those officers and Library Management Team will report the results of the evaluation to all staff. They will make recommendations and seek suggestions for the future operation of the Assembly.

Bette Stuart suggested the Library Assembly move the June 28 meeting to June 21.  Members agreed to change the meeting to the 21st.

Submitted by:  Mark Ellis 6/6/11

Library Assembly Minutes, April 26

159 Ellis Library
April 26, 2011

Present: Members: Bette Stuart (chair), June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Suzy Bent, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Matt Stottle, Erin Zeller, PT Martin*.  Ex-officio: Jim Cogswell (Director) Felicity Dykas (MULAC), PT Martin (SRC)*. Guest: Leo Agnew.  Absent:

*Listed twice as representative from LTS and ex-officio SRC Chair

  • Announcements:
    • Jim C – Director Announcements:
      • News from Development Office: MU Libraries has been given permission to fill Library Development Officer Position (position formerly held b y Gena Scott).  Jim is working on job description and it will be posted soon.
      • Celebration of Service Top Ten List: Jim would like members of Library Assembly to help read off his “Top Ten List” of the Libraries’ accomplishments over the past year.  (No one opposed.) Jim will assign/contact as he assembles list.
      • Jim and LMT will  have their annual retreat in June.  A major topic will be succession planning – Developing a plan to react to upcoming retirements as there are a significant number of library employees (both Librarians and classified staff) reaching retirement age in the near future.
      • Math Library –In response to the concern over the collection and services at the Math Library (since the loss of Math LIS II position), Math Faculty and the Libraries resolved to create a GLA positions (20 hours per week) to maintain the Math collections, supervise Math students and maintain reduced service hours at the Math Library.
      • Library Systems Office – Reorganized  after LSO Director Kurt Kopp retired.  MU Libraries will house 6 (of 10) personnel that were formerly LSO employees.  They will operate as system employees with MU Libraries supervising. The two MERLIN and MOspace programmers will be have been assigned to LTS. The three employees who perform database procurement  functions, will be assigned to Access, Collections and Technical Services .  Details are still being worked out regarding the personnel that worked with digitization.   The number of digitization personnel will be determined by budget.
    • Bette Stuart– Acquisition:
      • LSO staff have been assigned to ACQ and moved into rooms 67 and 68 Ellis Library.
      • A new paper-cutter has arrived, the old one has left the building (no small accomplishment).
    • June DeWeese  – Access Services:
      • Access Services is looking at its ILL services operations. This is done every year but this year, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), of which we are a member, will be reviewing the GWLA-ILL best practices document in a meeting at Salt Lake City.  Last Best Practices document was written in 2002 – there are many things to update
      • Concerning the web page review, Judy and June are about ½ done with June’s assigned portion of the web review.
    • Erin Zeller – Special Collections:
      • Special Collections maps are currently on exhibit in the display cases.  Special Collections is working on a digital exhibit as well.
    • PT Martin – LTS:
      • Integrating LSO staff has inspired (necessitated) the reorganization of their offices.  They will all still be in either 76 Ellis Library or in the room across the hall, 75 Ellis Library.
  • MU Libraries Values Statement Discussion – at the previous meeting Library Assembly representatives were asked by the chair to have discussions with the departments they represented about the Libraries Value statements and bring comments back to the Assembly for further discussion.  They also urged, if possible, to have a member of the Diversity Action Committee present to help facilitate.
    • Library Assembly Discussion took place facilitated by Diversity Action Committee Chair (and Personnel Coordinator) Leo Agnew.
      • Notes and comments will be considered by LMT during their June Retreat.
      • Jim Cogswell hopes to have more discussion among libraries staff about the Values Statement.
      • He thanks everyone for looking at these and initiating serious discussions at their home departments.
      • Jim invites any group that had written notes of their meetings to please forward them to Mark Ellis.

If any employee would like to see the summary notes of the values statements discussion that took place during the Library Assembly meeting, please contact Mark Ellis or your Library Assembly Representative.

  • Thanks and next meeting:
    • Bette Stuart:
      • Thanks everyone for discussing with constituents and for bringing back comments to discuss with the group.
      • The next Library Assembly meeting is May 24.
        • Bette has asked Pat Jones to speak with the Assembly about the Ellis Library Space Planning Advisory Group.
        • Please keep in mind the assessment of the Library Assembly as an assessment process is written in the charge.

Library Assembly Minutes, Mar. 22

Present:  Members: Tammy Green (stand in for June DeWeese, Access Services), Laura Buck, Suzy Bent, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Bette Stuart (chair), Matt Stottle, Erin Zeller. Ex-officio: Deb Ward (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (Director) Felicity (MULAC), Guest: Kelli Hansen.  Absent:  PT Martin (Representative from LTS and SRC Chair).

Staff Web – Jim Cogswell

  • Jim gave overview of library assembly’s involvement in staff web page update.
  • Last Fall Jim requested Library Assembly consider taking responsibility for Staff Web Site
  • Library Assembly created a subgroup to review the page, remove broken links, and try to find out who was responsible for the information posted.
  • The subgroup presented recommendations at the last meeting (February 2011).
  • Jim would like to propose a permanent Library Assembly Subcommittee to oversee content on staff web page.
  • Discussion: No significant comments or discussion.
  • Stephen Stanton officially motioned Jim’s recommendation.
  • Steve Clayton seconded.
  • Motion  – unanimously passed.
  • Jim volunteered to submit a draft charge.
  • He suggested up to 3 members.
  • He will rely heavily on the recommendations of the Library Assembly Staff Webpage Subgroup’s recommendations.

MU Libraries Values statement: Jim would like the Libraries to revisit the MU Libraries Values Statement.  (See Appendix A for Value Statement)

  • He would like to draw in the Library Diversity Action Committee into the discussion to make sure the values relate a sense of inclusion.
  • Jim would also like to use Library Assembly as mechanism to get staff input on the current statement.
  • Jim would like to know if staff feel the values statement:
  • Is it missing anything?
  • Reflects the organization’s values?
  • Expresses the values of the Library personnel?
  • Discussion ensued.  (See Appendix B for discussion notes)
  • Bette asks the representatives to take issue (questions) to constituents and promote discussion
  • Bring feedback to the Library Assembly for future Library Assembly discussion.

UPDATE:  3/24/2011 12:59 PM Follow-up email:  Jim and Bette ask that departmental discussions include a member of DAC, if possible.  Members to contact Leo for scheduling.
o    Timeline:  Jim wonders if a new draft could be made available during the celebration of service.   (Approximately the second week in May).

Library Elections to take place in June 2010:  Three members will transition off.  Bette read procedures from bylaws.

  • Admin will supply list, (Bette checked with Leo Agnew – he will create ballots.)
  • The departments whose representative will rotate off are:  Acquisitions, Cataloging, Special Collections
  • New officers will be elected the first meeting in July.


  • Mark Ellis for Administration: Mark and Shannon (members of the Celebration of Service Committee) would like to use the Library Assembly to help with the planning and feedback process surrounding the Celebration of Service events each year.  (It may be too late to have a large impact on this year’s celebration, but in the future it would be helpful to gather staff feedback through the assembly if everyone is agreeable to it.) He will send follow-up email.
  • Jim:  LSO Reorganization – the electronic resources function and software support will be brought under management of the MU Libraries but will continue to serve the four campuses (much like the UMLD and UMLD2).  The digitization function is still under discussion.
  • Kurt Kopp’s last day will be April 8th.
  • Next meeting will be April 26th.  Pat Jones will discuss the Library Space Planning and Advisory Group.

Appendix A

Values Statement – How we conduct ourselves
As employees of the MU Libraries, we affirm and support the core values of the University of Missouri-Columbia, including respect, responsibility, discovery, and excellence. We hold the fundamental purpose of a land-grant university as a guiding principle in all that we do.
In addition, we uphold the following values:
1.    People. We value our users, regardless of their level of expertise or affiliation, as the foundation of our mission. We esteem our fellow employees, regardless of their job assignment, as our most valuable asset. We treat all people with respect and courtesy. We celebrate the diversity of our staff as one of our greatest strengths.
2.    Service. Our principal goal is to provide the best quality service possible, at all times, to all our users. We recognize and celebrate excellence whenever and wherever we encounter it. We work together as a team for the greater good of the Libraries and the University.
3.    Stewardship. We maintain our collections and facilities for future generations of scholars. We make the most efficient use of scarce resources. We plan for the challenges which will confront us in the future.
4.    Access. Freedom of access to information in all forms and for all persons is our most cherished principle. We treasure the library ideals of free speech, open inquiry, accessibility, and equality; all of which are upheld by our collections, our services, our policies, and our procedures.

Appendix B
o    Library Assembly discussion  about MU Libraries Values statement –  some of the suggestions/comments  below:

  • The values guide how the Libraries interact with the public and  how staff interact with each other.
  • There is a distinction between valuing all users and differentiating between levels of users.  It was suggested we can value all users while prioritizing how we support different levels of users.
  • Libraries have to balance values with privacy/confidentiality (Patron records & Copyright aspects).
  • Some values  that were suggested include:

•    Honesty, integrity, and trust (People/Service)
•    We build and maintain our collections … (Stewardship)
•    Innovation (Service)
•    Open access (Access)
•   Should the statement reference ALA’s “Library Bill of Rights”, the “Freedom to Read Statement”, etc.  where it refers to “library ideals”? (Access)

Library Assembly Minutes, Feb. 22, 2011

159 Ellis Library

Present: Members: June DeWeese,  Laura Buck, Suzy Bent, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Bette Stuart (chair), PT Martin*. Ex-officio: Deb Ward (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT),  Jim Cogswell (Director), PT Martin (SRC Chair)*.  Guest: Shannon Cary.  Absent: Matt Stottle, Erin Zeller.

*listed twice – as department and SRC representative

Ø  Agenda(as emailed out 2/21/11):

o   Communications Committee (Shannon Cary)

o   Staff Web group report (June DeWeese and Laura Buck)

o   Discussion item: MU Libraries Values Statement

o   Announcements from  Assembly representatives and the Director

o   Agenda items for next meeting on March 22nd

Ø  Communications Committee (Shannon Cary, MU Libraries Communications Officer)

o   Shannon started by describing her position: it is (50% fund raising support/ 50% Marketing/Public Relations/Media Contact).

§  Promotes Library events.

  • Works with coordinators to determine:

o   Who is the audience?

o   What is the best way to target audience?

  • Coordinates the use of promotional outlets:

o   Flyers, pamphlets, posters, mass email.

o   Facebook, Twitter, MU Library website.

o   KBIA, Mizzou Weekly, Maneater, papers, etc.

o   She also works with news bureau to get info items out.

§  For example:   Archives’ St. Louis World’s Fair exhibit press release will go out nationally.

  • She supervises a student-designer to help make promotional material.
  • MU Libraries Media Contact

o   Flyers, posters, postcards, bookmarks, etc.

o   The Communications Committee – Shannon is the convener and an ex-officio member.

§  Purpose: to advise on all aspects of MU Libraries and communications/ process.

§  Started as a taskforce to make an MU Libraries “communications plan”.

§  Continued as an advisory group.

§  Website:

  • The website contains:  Objectives, members, communications plan and communications information.

o   Such as how to use MUL logo, suggestions for contact with the media.

o   Questions:

§  Q. What relationship does communications have with web committee

  • A.  Shannon serves on web committee as an ex- officio member.  She helps keep consistency and standards on the web page.

§  Q. How could employees help (promote Libraries)? Would she like to attend department meetings?

  • A. employee could share info and events with her.  Some avenues of communications (like twitter) need almost a constant “feeding” of material (or so it is recommended).  It would be helpful to have assistance gathering appropriately tweet-able material.  She would be happy to attend meetings or develop a process to get MU Libraries information out.

§  Q. Do you (Shannon) need more staff members on the committee?

  • A. Yes, she would actually like to have more members who could, beyond advising, volunteer to help with outlets like a digital kiosk, or (as mentioned before) Twitter.  Many communication tools (like digital kiosks) are easy to set up but hard to maintain effectively.  (Keep up-to-date, interesting and fresh).

o   MU Libraries will soon try a web-based free trial of a digital kiosk software.

§  This is in preparation for a full digital kiosk that is under consideration.

§  Like many things, digital kiosks are ideas that seem easy/simple, but are actually quite complex and time-consuming to do effectively.

Ø  Staff Web group report (June DeWeese and Laura Buck)

o   Recommendations were sent out with the agenda (2/21/11).

§  June presented report and took a moment to point out some areas of concern/suggestions:

  • 1. Library policies – The ones on the staff web are very out of date.

o   The subgroup has reasons to believe that revisions to some policies exist but are not the copy posted.

o   Recommends that the individuals named on each policy (as  sponsors) be contacted to update.

o   A “document about the document” may be needed so sponsors know exactly how to update policies.

  • 2. Subgroup suggests that a specific someone (or a few specific people) be designated to update the staff web (when sponsors make changes).

o   The subgroup suggests, as an example, Judy and Shannon could be the ones in charge of updating the page.

  • 3. Someone (or a group) needs to be identified to regularly check the links/stay in contact with questions of what is still needed.

o   June highlighted student corner as an example of a site that could either go away or be kept in archives.

§  In this case she contacted Mark Ellis to see if still in use.  She is still waiting for an answer. Items like this will need follow-up.

  • 4. Perhaps a person or group could determine if SharePoint would be a better destination for some of the material kept on Staff Web.

o   I.e. Historical/Archival and of interest for staff only.

  • 5. News Notes: June suggests a survey (perhaps using survey monkey) to inquire if/how often employees are reading News Notes in current format.

o   Would other formats be better (non blog)?  Could current blog be reorganized?

o   Subgroup asks “what is next step” for this assignment and the subgroup?

o   All agreed that the Staff Web Subgroup did a great thorough job.

o   Jim C. suggests asking the Web Group to stay on as a continuous monitor (if they are willing, perhaps with new or more members).

§   Jim further suggests that as they move forward, they consult:

  • Shannon for consistency.
  • Judy Maseles for technical help.
  • Those responsible for links/material for authority.

o   Sometimes this will be LMT – especially when it comes to things like the policies.

3/8/11 – Clarification after email discussion: No further charge or task was officially assigned to the subgroup at the meeting. Suggestions by Jim Cogswell may be considered by the Library Assembly the next time the topic is discussed.  Jim will take the process of updating the Library Policies (which are posted on the Staff Web Page) to discuss at LMT.

Ø  Time was up and meeting needed to be adjourned.

o   Next meeting:  take up the agenda item that the assembly didn’t get to today:

§  Discussion item: MU Libraries Values Statement

Ø  Announcement/Reports:

o   Deb – date for HSL 25th Anniversary Celebration set as September 28

§  VIPs:  Dr. Lindberg, Joyce Mitchell, others.

o   Chair Bette Stuart – Next Library Assembly meeting will be on March 22nd

Submitted by Mark Ellis


Attachment A.

Recommendations for Library Staff Webpage

1.      Update the format.

2.      Reorganize the headings.  Ones that get used most should be more prominent on page.

3.      Make the web page searchable.

4.      Make staff directory sortable by department.

5.      Assign someone to be responsible for checking the links on a regular basis for broken and outdated ones.

6.      Designate one or two persons (only) to add things to the website

7.      Determine the types of things to be added to the website and have a group to be responsible for what will and will not be added and to suggest alternative locations for items

8.      Determine a method by which policies are revised and a method by which the revisions are then added to the website

9.      Discuss what belongs and what really does not belong on the website—survey monkey survey for all library employees?

10.  Would LibGuide format work better for some things?

11.  Remove headings for things that are no longer available

12.  Pages not updated, once notification/request is given to the person or department responsible, within a reasonable amount of time will be removed or archived.

Library Assembly Minutes

159 Ellis Library

January 25, 2011 1pm

Present: Members: June DeWeese,  Matt Stottle, Laura Buck, Erin Zeller, Suzy Bent, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Bette Stuart (chair), PT Martin*. Ex-officio: Deb Ward (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT), Felicity Dykas (MULAC Chair), Jim Cogswell (Director), PT Martin (SRC Chair)*.  Guest:  Karla Geerlings.

*listed twice – as department and SRC representative

Ø  Welcome to Stephen Clayton. Steve replaces Will McCrary who left MU Libraries to take a position at Columbia College.  Steve represents the Math, Engineering and Journalism Libraries.

Ø  Announcement/Reports:

o   Jim C. – Director’s Announcements: Recent meetings to discuss the Math Library staffing situation and the recent merging of Western Historical Manuscripts Collection with the Missouri State Historical Society were postponed due to the weather last week.  Jim has nothing further to report at this time.  Concerning the University budget, Jim has heard that the 7% reduction announced by the state appears to likely be the official amount, which is better than the University was expecting (estimates were closer to 10%).  It is also possible that the expected cost increase (for the departments) of employee benefits may be less than the University Admin had estimated.

o   PT- LTS: There will be a mandatory campus password update in the near future.

§  Employees will be asked to change their password by April 15. (If it hasn’t been changed since beginning of 2011.)

o   Deb Ward –HSL: One of the two days, either April 19 or 20, is the tentative date for a public HSL Anniversary event that will include a visit by Dr. Lindberg.

§  HSL is also in the planning stage of a renovation of the first floor.  It will include improvements to the utilities, remodeling the public area (similar to Ellis Library Info Commons) and a much needed renovation of the HSL staff room. Funding is part of stimulus money ($1.5 mil).

o   Suzy Bent –Catalog Dept:  due to the Annex Project, Dan Dodd will be spending 2 days a week at U2 (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

§  Suzy and June DeWeese explain the Annex Project:  items formerly stored at the Annex and then moved (in call number order) over to the U2 underground storage will now be formally processed into U2.

§  Along with work at U2, Suzy and Colleen, in Cataloging, are running lists to make location changes on the items (to reflect their original location), ensure that check-in locations and Itypes are correct, etc.

§  Net result = the recapturing of shelf space at U2 and a cleaner catalog.

o   Erin Zeller – Special Collection: Special Collections has starting a blog: , “Scripta Manent,” that will help communicate news and events.  There is a link from the department page.

o   PT Martin – LTS: the new KIC scanner is up and running on the first floor near the OASys area.  Available to public.  Provides flat or “v” scanning.  Ability to manipulate (crop, color, combined, etc).  Currently goes to USB drive and email.  No printing or CD burning at this time.  USB drives are for sale in vending machine.

o   Mark Ellis – Admin: Jessi Menold started in Admin office to help Ellen.  She will be a go-to person for supply orders, expense reimbursements and student budget reports.

o   Stephen Stanton – Geology:  They are dealing with a lot construction in the Geology Building.  They have had to endure times of power and utility outages with little or no notice.

Ø  New Vice Chair:  Will McCrary’s departure from MU Libraries leaves role vacant.

o   Call for volunteers.  Discussion ensues about how to elect. Assembly reviews term expirations of various members.

§  Gary Cox asks Bette to review the role (term, duties, etc.) of Vice Chair.

  • Bette, from bylaws: Vice-Chair assists Chair, Convenes meetings when Chair is absence. Takes over the Chair position for one year.

§  Bylaws are vague about when the terms of offices/memberships start.

o   PT Martin motion to amend bylaws to have new committee appointments and offices to start on July 1 –June DeWeese seconds. Motion passed.

o   PT Martin nominates Gary Cox as Vice Chair. Stephen Stanton seconds. Gary accepts. No other nominees accept nominations.  Gary assumes Vice-Chair by acclamation.

Ø  Staff Web sub-group and discussion about the need for new volunteers:

o   Will McCrary was the chair of the Web sub-group that was assigned to look into the staff web page and follow-up with links and resources that need to be updated.

o   Other members are June DeWeese and Laura Buck.

o   Discussion: June and Laura report that they believe the webpage review is nearly complete. They will contact Will to confirm his report before he left that his section of the website review was complete.  June and Laura are finished or almost finished with their initial review of the staff web.  They don’t think they need any new members at this time.  They will prepare a report for the next Library Assembly meeting.

Ø  Salary information: Jim Cogswell – the FY2012 budget includes a 2% salary increase pool.

o   Not everyone will necessarily get 2%.  The University Administration would like all pay increases to be based on merit.  The accumulative divisional pay increases can add up to 2% of the division’s total salary pool.

o   Jim will meet with LMT and others to determine the best way to proceed.  He wants the guiding principal is to be fair, while recognizing that the 2% spread out over 130+ people limits the impact of full assessments.

o   Adding to the dilemma is that some library titles are compensated low/depressed compared to university and national peers.

o   Jim wants to let everyone know about the situation. He would be happy to answer any questions?  More information should be available soon.

Ø  Library Committees/Groups:  Bette Stuart wishes to follow up on the suggestion for the Library Assembly to invite various Library Committees and Groups to report and field questions at future Library Assembly meetings.  Bette distributed a list of Library Committee groups.  She would like Library Assembly members to mark down the top five in ranking order.  These will be used to decide which groups to invite first.

Ø  Next meeting: February 22nd at 1 pm.

o   On the Agenda so far:

§  Staff web page report.

Ø  Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Mark Ellis


Library Assembly Minutes, Nov. 16

Present: members: Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, PT Martin*, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Will McCrary, Suzy Bent, Bette Stuart (chair), Erin Zeller, Matt Stottle. Ex-officio: Felicity Dykas (MULAC Chair), Deb Ward (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (Director), PT Martin (SRC Chair)*. Substitutes: Terri Hall (for Laura Buck).

*listed twice – as department and SRC representative

Absent: Laura Buck

Ø  Matt Stottle, the newly appointed representative from Security, was welcomed.

Ø  Reports/Announcements:

o   Jim Cogswell, Director’s report:

§  Two of the three librarian searches are closed. The search committees have made selections, the Library has extended offers and candidates have tentatively accepted the offers.  The hiring will be announced as soon as they are official.

§  Last week Jim attended a retreat of the MU Deans in Springfield, MO.

  • They met with community and higher education leaders in the area.
  • Discussed:

o   Then Breaking news of MU Center for Distant and Independent Study (CDIS) merging with MU Direct.

o   Budget and program cutting.

§  Last week we learned that Western Historical Manuscripts Collection will be merging with the State Historical Society of Missouri.

  • Jim is pursuing concerns of ownership of some of the historically significant MU documents that are housed in WHMC.

§  On November 30, 2010, Jim and Library Fiscal Officer Ellen Blair will meet with the Provost and his budget team to discuss MU Libraries Budget scenarios as they do each year.

o   PT Martin, on behalf of LTS: All new staff computers have been deployed.  They will run Windows 07. LTS will redeploy the 620’s to Student Staff. Everyone will gradually be migrated over to Windows 07 and Microsoft 2010.   A total of 32 new computers were deployed.

o   June DeWeese, Access Services:  Ellis Library Reserves has an IPAD. Just this week someone asked for an ILL item that is only available for purchase to be placed on a Kindle.  A Kindle is on the way.  Once it comes in she will let everyone know.

o   Suzy Bent, Catalog Department: Cataloging has interviewed three of four candidates for the vacant Metadata Cataloger Position.  Fourth Candidate will interview this week.

o   Deb Ward, on behalf of HSL:  The Health Sciences Library has been meeting with the School of Medicine to discuss plans for the redesign of the first floor of the HSL library.  (To be funded by the School of Medicine.) Nothing has been finalized.  Deb will report as she knows more.

o   Felicity Dykas, MULAC:  MULAC will be meeting with faculty from the School of Information Science and Learning Technology (SISLT) and officers of the student group, Library and Information Science Graduate Student Association (LISGSA), in the near future as an effort to keep in touch and stay informed of what is going on in each others’ program/division.

Ø  Report from staff web group

o   Members (Laura, June and Will) met a few weeks ago to review webpage.  Have concluded that the current links/content needs to be updated and/or fixed before recommending large modifications. Divided the links among each of them.  They are going through the process of finding out who is responsible for each link, asking if they can be fixed, updated, or removed. Making progress. When site is more stable, they will regroup and decide how to proceed.

o   Discussion:

§  Concerning content:  a staff member asked if there could be a blog or some type of link on the staff web from Jim, Administration or LMT, that could better (more frequently) inform staff about Library news (“what is going on…”).

§  Jim Cogswell recognizes the need for clear and timely internal communication.  He hoped that the Library Assembly itself could be a vehicle of such communication.

§  Discussion ensued concerning reports given to the Library Assembly and how they are posted in News Notes.

  • It was also pointed out that LMT announcements are posted in News Notes.
  • Some felt that pulling the information together under a single link on the staff web would help internal communication.
  • Others felt the time of effort to do so is a duplication of effort (i.e. News Notes can be  viewed by category).

§  Should Library Assembly Members reporting back to their departments take care of this?

§  Jim will consider the request for more communication involving the staff web page.

§  No one objected to a link to the Library Assembly minutes from the staff web page.

Ø  How should the Assembly connect/collaborate/communicate with other committees and task forces?

o   Ann Riley, speaking from the perspective of someone on the group who wrote the charge:  One of the reasons the MULAC and SRC Chairs and LMT members are ex officio members is to facilitate communication between the Assembly and these groups.

  • The design should allow a good flow of information.
  • As for other Library Committees…. That is a larger question.

§  Discussion ensued.

  • Suggestions included:

o   Invite Library Committees and groups to come to a Library Assembly meeting to talk about projects, accomplishments, etc.

o   Announce in News Notes that Library Assembly is interested in having committees and task forces share milestones, conclusions and activities of their groups at one of our Meetings.

o   Post a calendar in News Notes of when various committees and groups meet so that employees can get a sense of what is going on at the Libraries.

§  Many felt that most employees don’t realize how much is going on at MUL.

§  Might spark interest/desire to request an update to the Assembly.

o   Perhaps committees could be given a feature profile either in News Notes or by internal email that will inform the staff about who is on a featured committee and what that committee does.

After discussion a proposal was made to invite Library Committees and groups to future Library Assembly meetings.  PT and Bette will create a comprehensive list of committees, task forces and groups.

Ø  How items get put on the agenda – Getting items from our constituents on the agenda for either information or discussion items (continued discussion from Oct. meeting).

§  Discussion ensued about the requests for agenda items and the timing/structure of reporting out and seeking input from represented departments.

§  Resolution: As a general rule, the members will try to get agenda items to the Chair a week before the scheduled Library Assembly meeting.

  • Bette emphasizes that members shouldn’t hesitate to bring up new or current issues should any arise directly before a meeting.

Ø  Agenda ideas for future meetings.

o   Suggestions:

§  Update on any renovation plans in the works.

§  MULSA and renovation of staff lounge plans.

Ø  Next meeting:  Dec 21

Submitted by Mark Ellis

Library Assembly Minutes, Oct. 26

Present: members: Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, PT Martin*, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Will McCrary, Suzy Bent, Bette Stuart (chair), Erin Zeller. Ex-officio: Felicity Dykas (MULAC Chair), Deb Ward (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (Director), PT Martin (SRC Chair)*.

*listed twice – as department and SRC representative

Ø  Introductions: new to meeting= Mark Ellis (replaced Cathy Heckmaster), Erin Zeller (alternate for Special Collections).

Ø  Recorder:  Stephen Stanton stepped down as recorder.  Mark Ellis will replace.

Ø  Minutes from Library Assembly Meeting 9/28/10 were accepted as amended:

o   Paragraph starting “Cathy Heckmaster has accepted….”, the following text should be added:  “Jim Cogswell  (as head of Administration) will appoint a representative for Administration.”

§  There was discussion about whether or not the procedure for replacing a representative needs clarification in the by-laws.

o   Paragraph under the heading “Staff Web” the text “ …design and usability” should be deleted.

Ø  Announcements:

o   Bette Stuart: Kat Koehn resigned employment at Library.   Pat Jones to appoint another representative.  In Acquisitions: Adrienne Arden – is working 8 hours a week in ILL borrowing Sean Witzman is working 8 hours per week in Electronic Resources.

o   Jim Cogswell: Jim and LMT have created two new advisory groups

§  Assessment group – motivated by two factors:

1.       Ongoing Library need to take pulse of users and judge quality of service.

2.        New MU Strategic Plan specifically mentions MU Libraries and calls for development of benchmarks and assessment of library collections and services.

  • Goal = benchmarks and mechanisms for assessment in place Fall Semester 2011.
  • Membership: Maryellen Sievert to chair. Dirk Burham and Shannon Cary will assist/support.

o   Members: Karen Darling, Mary Ryan, Gwen Gray, Nancy Turner-Myers, Caryn Scoville, Gary Cox, Will McCrary.

o   First meeting and a webinar will take place within the next two weeks.

§  Ellis Space and Facilities Advisory Committee (ESFAC) – to advise Jim and LMT how to re-purpose, renovate and reallocate space, furnishings, equipment and facilities in Ellis Library in order to meet user needs and to support the mission of the MU Libraries.

  • Membership: Pat Jones to chair.

o   Members:  Wayne Barnes, Ryan Bish, Sandy Schiefer, Wayne Sanders, Michaelle Dorsey, Ernest Shaw and Sheena Waggoner.

o   First meeting will take place within the next two weeks.

o   Deb Ward: walk up scanner ordered.  Coordinators agreed to put the scanner in the OASys  area on the first floor of Ellis Library.  Deb invites any others with thoughts to contact her.  Should arrive within the next couple of weeks.

Ø  Staff Web discussion: After review of the current staff webpage, a discussion of the feedback from the departments, and a look at a revised webpage as reformatted by Judy Maseles; the following proposals were made:

1. Switch to the revised website, and request more feedback.  

2. Form a subgroup to periodically review the page and recommend updates/changes.

§  Recommendations to be made to whomever it can be determined posted the material. (e.g.  Library Administration to be solicited to update/edit material under the “Administration” heading, etc.).

§  The following Library Assembly members volunteered to serve on this subgroup: Will McCrary (chair), June DeWeese and Laura Buck.

o   Outcome: Proposals were accepted.

Ø  How items get put on the Library Assembly agenda – discussion item: Discussion ensued regarding:

1. Who decides if Library Assembly is where a suggested agenda item belongs?

2. If it does not belong in the Library Assembly (needs to be resolved somewhere else), how can it be noted or recorded to the entire Library Assembly so that transparency exists without taking up too much procedural time?

o   Outcome: No resolution.

Ø  Agenda item not addressed: How should the Library Assembly organize and work with other groups?

o   To be brought up as first agenda item of the next meeting.

Ø  Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Mark Ellis

Library Assembly Minutes, Sept. 28

Present:  Gary Cox, Cathy Heckmaster, PT Martin, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Will McCrary, Jim Cogswell, Suzy Bent, Kat Koehn, Bette Stuart, Alla Barabtarlo, Ann Riley [Member of LMT (Ex-officio)], Felicity Dykas [MULAC Chair (Ex-officio)]

Guests:  Ernest Shaw

Windows 7 and Administrative Rights (Ernest Shaw)In an effort to control viruses, as Windows 7 is put on staff computers, the default will be to make the default a user account rather than an administrator account.  This should not affect normal work.  Users who need to regularly install programs will need a separate administrative account set up, with supervisor approval.  There will be no restriction other than this.  A sample Local Administrator Access Agreement was submitted.

Open Access Week was announced by Anne Riley, sponsored by the MU Libraries, the University Bookstore and SISLT.  At 2pm on Tuesday, October 19 at the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI 200) Paul Thirion from the University of Liege, Belgium will speak on “Open Access University Repositories.”  Sponsors are SISLT and the RJI Transatlantic Center.  Reception to follow 3:30-5 in RJI 100.

At 2pm on Thursday, October 21 in Jesse Wrench Auditorium, Eric Frank from Flatworld Knowledge will speak on “Open Access Textbook Solutions.”  The event will be co-sponsored by the Bookstore.  There will be a panel discussion.  Refreshments will follow.

Cathy Heckmaster has accepted a new position and Friday will be her last day.  Jim Cogswell  (as head of Administration) will appoint a representative for Administration.

We will shorten the time it takes for minutes to be approved and also try to keep them brief.  Stephen suggested that we use more of a “summary note” style, and this was considered by all to be a great idea.

A SharePoint site has been established for us to use (in addition to the usual channels).  Will will send us the link.

Other Library Groups
Discussion deferred until next meeting.

Posting open positions
There will be an all-staff email notification for open positions and those positions will be posted for the prescribed open time in the News Notes.  We want the most coverage when a vacancy comes open.

Staff Web
The Library Assembly will be responsible for content on the Staff Web page.  It shouldn’t be a catch-all and some things shouldn’t be there at all.  We’d like to get feedback on what people expect of it. Focus will be on content.  What needs to be there?  What doesn’t?

All members will ask staff in their departments for their ideas, comments, etc. on the page.

Agenda ideas for the October meeting, Tuesday, October 26.

One idea: Have Shannon Cary come and talk about upcoming events.

The meeting adjourned at 2pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Stanton