Library Assembly Minutes 9/23/2014

Minutes can also be viewed on the MU Libraries Staff Website:


Present: Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Jim Cogswell, Kevin Cossey, Ruth Feldkamp, Matt Gaunt, Tammy Green, Dana Houston, Dustin Hoffman, Dana Houston, Shelly McDavid, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Sandy Schiefer, Bette Stuart, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward

  • Matt Gaunt on Development

Leadership at the campus level is pro-libraries

  • Gaunt spoke to Tom Hiles, MU Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations, about 8-figure prospects for the MU Libraries

Tom Hiles was supportive last year, but stated that he gets his priorities from the Chancellor

MU Libraries is now on the radar of Hiles as a potential target for 8-figure prospects

  • Chancellor Loftin

On board to increase funding for MU Libraries through student fee and is supportive of efforts to include the libraries in large proposals such as endowed chairs

  • Fiscal Year 2015



    • The library’s FY15 Annual Plan for Advancement focuses on prospects the library will present proposals to this year, and the amount of those proposals.
    • In addition to the library advancement team, there is a team of representatives from Planned Giving, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Regional Development and Advancement Research that meets quarterly to discuss library prospects from those units of advancement.
    • The team has identified 28 prospects who should receive proposals from the library this fiscal year
    • Based on those proposals a goal of $1.31M was established for FY15. Early commitments have increased the goal to $2M.

Will and Jan Trogdon increased their estate commitment to the libraries by $1M, (to a total of $3M), and are also considering a significant gift to remodel the north portion of the Ellis Library colonnade

Mellon Foundation grant received last year will be counted this year as the funding is spent

There are 3 other known candidates for estate gifts this year

  • Fiscal Year 2014 (July 2013-June 2014)

The MU Libraries FY14 fundraising goal was $465,000. We raised $745,000, with $374,166 in cash, and the remainder in pledges and planned gifts. This total does not include the Mellon grant, which will be counted in FY15

  • University of Missouri Capital Campaign



    • The MU Libraries goal is $10 million. Total university goal will likely be between $1.2B and $1.4B
    • Health Sciences Library Renovation of 2nd and 3rd Floors is a large portion of the library goal, with initial estimates of $4M to $5M

Deb Ward has been working hard over the past year to produce detailed plans for the HSL renovation

Matt Gaunt states, donors want solid plans that show their donations will have a major impact

  • Endowments for positions are included in the case statement, but there are no current discussions with donors for those opportunities
  • The aftermath of Renew Mizzou will present opportunities for space renovation. Grand reading room and west reading room renovations are included in the case statement.



    • Collection Enhancement Fund

Our goal was to raise $50,000 to assist with mold remediation, currently at $41,000 in gifts and pledges, $34,000 in cash

  • St. John’s Bible

This project is reaching people that otherwise would not be thinking about donating to the libraries

$62,500 raised so far, including a $12,500 matching gift

  • Upcoming Meeting

Will and Jan Trogdon have helped connect Jim Cogswell and Matt Gaunt to R. Crosby Kemper III, Head of the KC Public Library Board

Gaunt, Cogswell, and the Trogdons will meet with Kemper next month

  • Centennial



    • Opportunity to raise money to support centennial events
    • Advancement office is hopeful this will also stimulate general giving to the library
    • Centennial also provides opportunity to improve the library visually.

Banners, floor decals, and custom wallpaper could be used to mark the centennial and provide inspiration for students

Landscaping around the library could be improved

An architect has suggested exterior lighting for Ellis

This could help with security if we move to 24/5 study hours

Need to maintain awareness of our carbon footprint while obtaining this goal

  • Library Ambassadors Fund

We currently have approximately $13,000 in a spendable account for the Ridenhour Library Ambassadors Endowment. This funding can be used to fund student activities associated with promoting the libraries, which could include efforts to pass a student library fee, or student centennial activities.

  • Matt Gaunt comments

He makes contact with a lot of people that love this library and love what we do here for the campus

The users love us!


  • Meeting date changes (Nov 25 & Dec 23 are holiday weeks)

Provided there is a room available, these meetings will be changed to take place the week before the holiday

  • Possibility that December’s meeting will be cancelled outright

Director Announcements:

Renew Mizzou, four months into their stay – How are things going?

  • Still plan for them being in Ellis Library at least another 7-8 months
  • Estimating they will be leaving sometime around May 2015
  • No major incidents

Restrooms are being utilized more heavily than previous years (especially the 1st floor restrooms)

Recognized need for another round of custodial service during the day between 10am and 3pm, Monday through Friday.

Possibility of hiring a female custodian for this would be best, easier for her to access the women’s restroom during this peak time

Bookmark Café showing more business activity

Surrounding area around the café looks like it could use an additional sweeping too

  • Pat Jones and Jim Cogswell met

Both Jim and Pat Jones are aware of the above stated problems (1st floor restroom and Bookmark Café)

  • Ellis Library Carpet

It was pointed out that there are more stains on the carpet on the first floor of Ellis Library.

Essentially just a matter of time, space and a person to get this taken care of


Student Library Fee

  • Leadership team at the campus level is currently pro-libraries

The Chancellor is thinking long term

Expecting to have a student library fee

He will be helping the libraries by promoting it

  • The MU Libraries is currently working to take steps toward making this a reality

A working group has been established, that meets Tuesday afternoons from 4-5pm

The group’s deadline is December 2014, for this proposal to go before the Board of Curators during their January 2015 meeting.

  • Narrative of the proposal, 3 principle areas



    • Renewal, renovation of library spaces

A suggestion was made to utilize this virtual conference recording to plan: Designing Your Spaces, Services and Organization Around Your Users Elliot Felix

  • Enhancing Library Services and Staffing to provide these services
  • Collections

Need to pitch this to the major student groups on campus

Incentive for students and the Board of Curators: Student Tuition and Fees will increase; the fee will focus an increase on libraries, a proven student priority.

It is projected that 2 town hall meetings will take place to promote fee. Letters of endorsement will be sent by the leading student groups to Board of Curators.

The student fee amount is yet to be decided

Incrementally increasing over five years; unsure at this time of total amount of increase.

Revenue from the fee will make needed renovations to Ellis, including an all-night study area.


  • Department announcements:



    • Sandy Schiefer: MULAC: Communication Audit Update
  • Informal meeting was held with Dr. Rebecca Meisenbach, an Associate Professor in the MU Department of Communication, who teaches in the area of organizational communication.



    • Rebecca Graves, Sandy Schiefer, Darell Schmick, Rebecca Meisenbach, Edward McCain
  • Dr. Meisenbach asked the MULAC members at the meeting about their experiences with communication issues at MU Libraries. The discussion ranged from communication of MU Library goals to formal and informal communication channels. It was agreed that staff should be included in any audit, in addition to librarians and the Library Management Team.



    • Comprehensive audit from the International Communication Association could range from $30-$60K in cost. That obviously is out of our price range and Dr. Meisenbach will look for other methods that are less costly.
    • Possibility of hiring a GRA under Dr. Meisenbach’s supervision to save on some of the labor cost involved.  GRAs for fall already assigned, and assignments for most determined for the spring as well.  May take a while to go this route.
  • Need to know what outcomes we want – email Sandy with ideas
  • Internal vs. External:  Jim and Dr. Meisenbach mainly addressed internal communication as the main issue, but discussion of mold and other issues with communicating to faculty and news sources/campus journalism is an issue to consider as well
  • Cynthia Frisbee, in Strategic Communication, is working on a similar communication project with the athletic department.


  • Tammy Green: Access Services Report for Library Assembly

Update on MOBIUS’ inclusion of Tulsa City-County Library System (TCCL) and Prospector.

  • Patrons’ Side –Seems to be working well.  Have not seen or heard of issues.  We just received some flyers and bookmarks from the MOBIUS office.  A few of these were kept for staff and patron use at the front desk.  The remainder were given to the Reference Dept.
  • Processing Side–Many of us are not happy with it.  The transition of TCCL into MOBIUS has been very easy.  Most of our issues are with Prospector.  We received no information on what to expect and how to handle it.  Have received very little help from the MOBIUS Office since.  We are still working on solutions that will best help us to make a smoother operation.  Specific issues are with identifying the lending library, our patron and the due date.  After a recent conversation with others, many are creating a special book band to use.  We are looking at modifying the existing MOBIUS band to accommodate our needs.


  • Adrienne Arden: Digital Services Report



    • All full-time staff in Digital Services attended at least one User Experience Conference session held Friday, 9/19/2014 at Jesse Wrench Auditorium.
    • Scanning work is continuing, though the volume has been greatly reduced due to the loss of our digitization technician.
    • Our upcoming website will include information on current projects and the services we provide.
    • Digital Services has undergone another recent spacial reconfiguration which provides better workstation areas for student assistants, a new location for Felicity and improved traffic flow.
    • Felicity and Adrienne met with staff at Extension to get input on our work.  Extension regularly submits Extension publications for inclusion in MOspace.  We are looking at improvements in how we organize their material.
    • Felicity and Ernest Shaw met with a psychology professor and the Arts and Sciences IT Pro to discuss the possibility of uploading research data from that department into the institutional repository on a weekly basis.  We have an agreed upon workflow and will begin uploading the data as soon as it becomes available.
    • We now have a brochure describing our two digital repositories.  It was distributed at the new faculty orientation.  Thanks to Shannon Cary, her student assistant and public services for assisting with its design and production.
    • My thanks to Mat Miller for providing the following description of a project he is currently working on.  I am including this as an example of one form of work that our department does.  Mat is digitizing and editing volume 5 of the Vetusta Monumenta [Ancient Monuments], which was originally published in seven volumes between 1747 and 1906. This type of project is more arduous than standard book digitization because it is captured in color. When digitizing any book, it is important that all the pages are the same size. This is easy to achieve with a standard book, because we capture it in black and white and the white background can easily be resized. This is difficult with a book captured in color, especially at high resolution, since zooming in can reveal the fibers of the paper; the color might not be uniform, or able to replicate, etc.  Care has to be taken to capture as much of the page as possible, and cropping and resizing needs to be minimal and undetectable. Also, the large file sizes take a long time to load while editing.
  • Dustin Hoffman: LTS Report

LTS new employee: Maruthi Donthi

  • A programmer paid for by the Mellon Grant

Going to be working on HathiTrust and other items related to the mold


  • Rachel Brekhus: Ellis Library Reference

Reference Spaces:

  • Room 156 is now open as a quiet study space on the first floor.  The room is off the Information Commons on the west side.


  • Events surrounding the Lincoln and the Constitution exhibit on display at the Law Library have begun.  See for more information.  All events are free but one requires online registration – the bus tours Sunday October 5 – and one requires a special invitation – participation as a member of the live TV audience for the interview and audience Q/A on Saturday October 18.  Library employees with a keen interest in the Civil War are encouraged to contact Rachel Brekhus for an invitation that that event.


  • Instruction continues apace. In August, there were 7 instruction sessions (91 participants) and 13 orientation sessions (about 400 participants) taught.  You’ll hear the September statistics next month, and those numbers will be higher. We have started a new Fridays @the Library series.  The first to sessions of that series were oversubscribed, though we expect numbers to be a bit smaller for the more specialized sessions.  We are in the process of planning another Fridays @ the Library series for next semester.

   Continuing Education:

  • Several of us participated in last Friday’s all-day User Experience teleconference. Speakers addressed the topic as it relates to websites but also to building architecture, signage, and service provision generally.


  • Many campus committees have begun meeting, with members from our department in attendance, including the Honorary Degrees Committee, the Environmental Affairs and Sustainability Committee and others.
  • The September circulating display books (topic: banned books) will soon be returning to their shelves.  If you haven’t stopped by to check them out do so before September 30 when the display will change to the October display which will be the Mizzou Must-Reads.  These 175 influential books were chosen by professors at the University of Missouri to celebrate its 175th anniversary.



  • Wendy Batson: Branches

No announcements at this time


  • Bette Stuart: Accounting, Acquisitions & Collection Development, and Consortial Resources



    • Abbie Brown on maternity leave, will return in November


  • Ruth Feldkamp: Collection Services



    • Work study students are currently being trained, helping to move the workflow along


  • Ann Riley: Access, Collections and Technical Services



    • Swets, one of the MU Libraries suppliers for subscriptions orders has filed for bankruptcy

It is unclear at this time what impact this will have on MU Libraries, it came as a surprise to many libraries

  • Hopeful that an investor will come forth and buy Swets



    • WashU, MU Law Library, University of Chicago purchase through them as well.

Their annual report was constructed in August, but was just released a few days ago, this showed them in bad financial shape

  • UMLD and Mold

The first load of books came back from Texas all clean from the mold

  • Approximately 20,000 books; they look pretty good. Currently busy unpacking and assembling them.

Another load is expected to arrive from Texas by the end of the week

  • Mellon Grant

Using the money to remediate, place and store items

The status of the project has moved from an atmosphere of despair to one of control over the situation

Continuing to work through the plan established by the project team

  • The hope is to be filling requests through the MOBIUS system by the Spring 2015 semester

Bringing those unavailable records back up in the catalog


  • Deb Ward: Health Sciences Library

There will be an HSL Forum on October 30, 2014 to share the plans for the renovation of the 2nd and 3rd floors of the library.

  • The HSL Space Planning Committee engaged in strategically planning for library services of the future and analyzing how libraries might change in the future

Planning involved conversations with faculty representatives appointed by each dean of the three schools the library serves, as well as a student survey toward the goal of meeting the needs of the population the library serves

Deb and the HSL Space Planning Committee have been working through this process with Matt Gaunt and Jim Cogswell

  • Deb, Matt, Jim and the HSL Planning Committee have been methodical in the process of planning for this upcoming project and capital campaign
  • It all depends on money, the projected cost of the project is between $4 and $5 million dollars

Gayle Mooney is now working 2 hours/day in the afternoons in the HSL Admin Office

  • She is filling in for Mandi Davis, a full time staff member that left HSL Admin August 1, 2014

MU Libraries Chili Cook-Off and United Way 2014 campaign

  • Ellis Library Staff Lounge, September 25, 2014 11:30-1pm



    • Prizes will be awarded for the three most favorite chilis
    • There is also a raffle for door prizes for those in attendance
    • Representatives from United Way and the Food Bank will be guest speakers.


  • Dana Houston: Ellis Library Security



    • Two new Security Officers hired

Kevin Cossey, Security Office Supervisor of the North and West Security Officers of the desk

Shomari Wellington, is the new part-time Student Security Officer

  • Security has been inundated with massive complaints about the restrooms in Ellis Library

Out of paper towels

Commodes overflowing

Water fountain leaking – to be fixed this week



Sheena Waggoner, Administration Office

  • Renovations from the fire have now been completed in Administration
  • All the décor is now matching and it looks very nice
  • Admin has 3 new students starting September 24th, 2014

Jeannette Pierce, RAIS

Assessment Committee is beginning to create the FY2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) statistical report

  • Any questions or input may be directed to Jeannette Pierce


Shelly McDavid, Veterinary Medical Library

The weeding project and the shifting project is nearing completion

  • 1 range of books remain to be weeded and shifted
  • Once the weeding and shifting is completed, 3 stacks in front of windows are slotted to be taken down to provide more natural light into the library and provide an additional soft seating area for patrons to enjoy.


Jack Batterson: Cataloging & Metadata

No announcements at this time


Library Assembly August 2014 (August 26, 2014 Meeting cancelled)

Departmental Announcements; in lieu of the regular August meeting

Wendy Batson, Branch Announcements:
In honor of the university’s 175th anniversary, we have a new display at Engineering with a timeline of College of Engineering events and information on the COE deans.

We also have a “Lego Lafferre” display showing the many additions to Lafferre Hall, which have given the building its reputation of being difficult to navigate.  Stop by to see it, or check out the announcement on our website.

Deb Ward, Health Sciences Library Announcements:
HSL Information Services librarians are busy with fall orientations.

Mandi Davis is no longer with the HSL. Her last day was August 1. Mandi is now working as an insurance agent for Farmer's Insurance. 

On August 28, the HSL Space Planning Committee received final drawings for renovation from Cyndi Curnutte. This meeting included Jim Cogswell and Matt Gaunt, because the drawings will be used to prepare for the capital campaign that is scheduled to begin in fall, 2015. It is important for us to stay on schedule in preparing the materials that will be needed, and while it may seem early to have the drawings ready a year in advance, we will need time to develop the necessary communications materials to promote the vision of what we are trying to achieve. 

Jack Batterson, Cataloging & Metadata
We are all working hard.

Upcoming Retirements:

Alan Jones’ official retirement date is January 22, 2015

Jerri Eldridge’s last day of work is February 6, 2015

Library Assembly: Officers and Representatives 2014-2015

  • Tammy Green, Chair (2012-2015, Ellis Library Access Services, ACTS Division)
  • Sheena Waggoner, (2012-2015, Administration)
  • Shelly McDavid, Recorder (2013-2016, Health Sciences & Veterinary Medicine)
  • Wendy Batson (2014-2017, RAIS: Branches) 
  • Jack Batterson (2014-2017, Ellis Library Cataloging & Metadata)
  • Rachel Brekhus (2012-2015, Ellis Library Reference)
  • Adrienne Arden (2014-2017, Ellis Library Digital Services) Sub: Matt Miller
  • Ruth Feldkamp (2014-2017, Ellis Library Collection Services, ACTS Division)
  • Dustin Hoffmann (2013-2016, Library Technology Services)
  • Bette Stuart (2014-2017, Acquisitions & Collection Development, Consortial Resources, and Accounting, ACTS Division)
  • Marcia Strong, Vice Chair, Chair Elect (2013-2016, Security)
  • Kelli Hansen (2014-2017, SCARaB)
  • Sandy Schiefer & Rebecca Graves (ex officio/MULAC Chair)
  • Jim Cogswell (ex officio/LMT)
  • Michael Holland (ex officio/LMT)
  • Ann Riley (ex officio/LMT)
  • Deb Ward (ex officio/LMT)
  • Jeannette Pierce (ex officio/LMT)

Library Assembly Minutes, July 22

Present:  Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Jim Cogswell, Ruth Feldkamp, Tammy Green, Dustin Hoffman, Shelly McDavid, Sandy Schiefer, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, Deb Ward

1.      Discuss:

·         New Chair take over

o Tammy Green is our official new chair of the committee

·         Elected New Members – Edward McCain & Bette Stuart

o Bette Stuart is back, previously the chair of this committee

o Ed McCain is joining us also, only he is at a conference today

·         Recorder – Shelly McDavid

o Volunteered to be recorder for a second year

·         Vice Chair – to be elected

o What does the role involve?

§  Meet with Jim Cogswell right before the meeting

§  Find guest speakers to present to the committee

Ø  Copy of invitation letter has been passed on

§  Fill in for the current chair in their absence

§  Create and write up agendas for meetings

o  The committee conducted a lottery and Marcia Strong was elected our new Vice-Chair for the year

§  She will take over as Chair of the committee next summer (2015) 

    2.      Director Announcements:

·         LMT Retreat: June 2014

o   A full report of this retreat will be given during the August 2014 Library All Staff Meeting

o   The mission and vision document for the libraries was revised

o   The Libraries Strategic Direction and Goals were discussed

§  A Qualtrics survey is going out to all library staff, for their input

·         LMT wants assistance from staff for prioritizing library goals and actions

o   LMT is pursuing a communications audit, at the suggestion of MULAC

§  Shannon Cary is investigating resources available on campus for this audit

§  A report on the status of this audit will be given at the August 2014 Library All Staff Meeting

o   Assessment of the Libraries is a priority

§  The Assessment Committee

·         Reconstituting with Jeannette Pierce as the chair

·         The majority of members on this committee will be from the MU Libraries

·         Gera Burton is the person in charge of Assessment on campus, she will be talking at the Library All Staff Meeting in August 2014

o   She will be utilized by this committee as a resource

o   Library Committees

§  Currently compiling a master list of all the library committees with all members, their charges and goals

·         Possible need for new committees

o   MOSpace Advisory Committee

o   Scholarly Communications and Research Services Committee

o   UMLD Committee

§  SRC or Staff Representative Committee was discussed

·         The SRC (Staff Representative Council) is now considered officially disbanded from lack of interest

o   Inactive for a number of years

o   Deemed not necessary since we now have an HR Director for the libraries

·         This can be resurrected at any time, if a library staff member feels there is a need for this committee

o   Staff members who wish the SRC to be continued must take part in leading the effort. Feel free to speak to Sheryl Cullina, HR Director, about this

·         The committee was in charge of being a liaison between the library staff and library administration

o   A third party mediator that represented the staff on issues and brought questions before the administration

o   A member of the committee sat in on library council meetings

·         MULAC is just for librarians and archivists, does not include library staff

o   AAU Status, ARL Index, and the MU Libraries

§  How can the libraries elevate our AAU Status?

·         You can’t have an AAU caliber institution without an AAU level library

·         Jim Cogswell has spoken with the Chancellor about this issue

o   The Chancellor is in agreement, but the conversation falls short when it comes to the budget




·         The ARL Index calculates the relative ranking of members based on four major metrics: total library operating expenditures; total library materials expenditures; total salaries of professional library staff; and the total number of both academic and support library staff.

·         Our ARL status has been dropping over the past few years

o   LMT presented a proposal to the Chancellor on this issue

§  Still waiting to hear back from this proposal

·         Meet & Greet (open house)

o   Last week the MU Libraries welcomed the Renew Mizzou folks into Ellis Library with a meet and greet

§  Everyone felt this was very successful

§  Very welcoming and a great atmosphere

§  Ann Korschgen, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries felt this was a great event and should be duplicated in the future.

§  A big thank you goes out to the Ellis Library Events Committee, MULSA, and all those that volunteered or brought food/beverages to make this such a successful event!

§  The event was sponsored in large part by the Diversity Action Committee, typically they put on an International Tea around this time of year

§  Thoughts for the future, combine the MULSA Holiday Party with Renew Mizzou to have a Diversity Party

§  A very rough estimate of approximately 150 people were in attendance at this Meet and Greet

·         Budget news

o   Over the past 4 years the libraries budget has been getting closer and closer to a zero balance at the end of each fiscal year

o   Currently all academic units on campus have been asked for a 2% give back of their budgets for a reallocation to campus, by the Chancellor

§  This is to elevate our institutions status in the AAU

·         Boosting productivity of faculty and researchers on campus

o   The more our campus researches, publishes in high impact journals and receives competitive grants, the more our AAU status elevates

§  MU Libraries trying to make a case that some of the money we have been asked to give back to campus, should stay in the libraries

·         The libraries could help build our AAU status, by boosting our ARL index

§  A 2% or $353,000 give back is in effect for the next 3 years, through fiscal year 2018.  (The give back is for a total of 4 years from 2014 to 2018).

·         The $353,000 is based on the budget for Fiscal Year 2014 and will be the same amount for each fiscal year up to 2018.

o   The Libraries have been allotted $500K per year for fiscal year 2015 – 2018 to help address some of our budget concerns

§  This money comes directly from the 2% reallocation money

·         We can use it as we see fit

·         We will need it to address any shortfall in the budget this year, FY2015

·         It will also be used to cover the increases in costs of benefits in the coming years

§  Every area of the library budget is being considered

·         After the Access Services position is filled, the libraries probably won’t fill any other positions the rest of the year (2014) besides those in Library Security

·         Opting out of the LibQual Survey this year

·         Not renovating any of the restrooms in Ellis Library

·         Currently we are relying more heavily on our endowment funds, most are restricted with what they are allotted for

·         Raises for library employees are still not a possibility at this time

o   LMT is making plans for how to administer raises, should we get new money to do this

§  The libraries will never miss an opportunity to give raises as long as we can

o   Recently Governor Nixon withheld funds from Missouri colleges and universities due to lower tax revenues this year – of that amount, the libraries will not be getting $45,000

o   Library Student Fee

§  Jim Cogswell has spoken with the Chancellor about instituting a library student fee

·         The Chancellor has asked for a proposal from MU Libraries for this library student fee

o   The Chancellor was able to secure one at Texas A&M, with a built in multiplier

·         This library student fee would only be able to be used on things that benefit the student directly

·         There is a need to meet with student groups on campus, such as, but not limited to: MO Student Association, Graduate and Professional Student Groups to find out what they would like to see a library student fee go towards and for us to assess what they want

·         Best case scenario for the library student fee to take effect would be Fall 2015, a more realistic date would be Fall 2016

·         There would be a need to market this to the students

o   Need to find out from other campuses how they did their marketing and what it did for their students

·         About 5-6 years ago the MU Libraries tried to pursue a library student fee and how to go about getting it

o   The difference this time is that the Chancellor is the one that wants to lead the way, he will be our sales person

o   The libraries need to make a good case and market it appropriately showing concretely how it would positively impact/benefit our students

o   One possibility would be an all-night study

§  We do not want to turn one of the libraries into a study hall, but if there is a need we could do this

o   Some of the branch libraries on campus need refurbishment

§  New tables, chairs, updates

o   There are more databases we could purchase access to, to compliment what we currently have

§  ITF (Information Technology Fees) currently pay for some of our databases

3.      Department announcements:

Rachel Brekhus, Ellis Reference

1.  Kimberly Moeller, who has been in a temporary position over the past year, has been hired into the permanent position of Social Science Librarian. She will retain the subject areas of Women & Gender Studies and Library Science and add Psychology, Social Work, and Children’s/Juvenile books when Wayne Barnes retires in October. She will remain in Room 173. Paula Roper will now be the librarian for all areas of Education (previously split between Paula and Wayne).

2. Noel Kopriva, who has been hired as Science Librarian, will replace Ashley Nelson, who was hired as a temporary replacement for Brenda Graves-Blevins. Noel will start August 4 (also Kimberly’s official start date) and will be in Room 170. She will be subject liaison in many areas, the College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Food Science, including Parks, Recreation & Tourism, Forestry, Plant Science, Animal Science, and Food Science. She and Ashley will overlap for 11 days, as Ashley’s contract continues to August 15.

3. Room 156, the “old work room” next to Rhonda's office, has had most of its large furniture cleared. DoIT will move its supplies to a new location to be determined, but probably close to the poster printer area. Reference graduate student assistants will work in the East Reference outer offices, likely using Room 174 as a slightly more private space in which to meet with students and the like.  We do not have a date on the re-opening of 156 as study space, but the plan is to have it be available as repurposable study space, meeting space and classroom space; a full conversion will be dependent on funding.

4. Outreach and Instruction:

·         Mizzou Fair wrapped up July 11. Many thanks to all who participated in this major outreach effort to incoming students and parents.

·         Many of us are working with faculty now to prepare to meet with classes this fall.

·         We are preparing to train new graduate assistants in reference work as well as teaching.

·         We have planned a semester-long “Fridays At the Library” series of workshops aimed at grad students, faculty, and in some cases undergraduates

·         We are planning major library orientation events and tours in August and September.

5. Collection management projects:

·         We are examining print and online copies of journals held in long runs in the JSTOR modules we subscribe to, in order to determine if there are journal volumes we are willing to deaccession completely, to make room in the stacks in Ellis Library.

·         We have been identifying some reference books for possible deaccession or replacement with electronic reference works; we have contacted vendors on availability of books in our collection in their systems.

·         We have been writing and discussing proposals for certain gift funds, and some     journal cancellation and replacement

Jack Batterson, Cataloging & Metadata

·         Catalog Management is currently transferring a few books to UMLD (UMLD 1)

Shelly McDavid, Veterinary Medical Library

·         Currently shifting book stacks

·         Journal shift is complete

·         Took down half a stack to make our fire exit more visible

Adrienne Arden, Digital Services

·         Tammie Busch has arrived! She started with our department on July 7.  She is already working on several aspects of MOspace.  We are all benefitting from Tammie’s skills and sense of humor.

·         Elaine Nelson’s last day was July 18.  Elaine was highly skilled in scanning and image editing and Digital Services will miss her.  We have student assistants who will continue to do our scanning work.

·         Felicity attended the ALA annual conference this year.  She participated in committee work, attended a multitude of sessions, especially those related to digital libraries and scholarly communications. While ALA was a valuable event indoors, the 107 degrees outside was not so pleasant.

·         In the “Pardon our dust” department, staff changes have prompted a spacial reconfiguration of Digital Services.  It looks a bit jumbled at the moment, but the dust will settle on a new design soon.

·         We have two exciting projects in the works. One involves rare books: a 1762 French Parliament manuscript has been uploaded to the Digital Library.  The other is a series from the Congressional Research Service that Marie Concannon requested to be digitized and placed in the digital library.  Marie says the set is of high interest and not available online elsewhere.

Bette Stuart, Accounting, Acquisitions & Collection Development, and Consortial Resources

·            The financial books were balanced and closed for fiscal year 2014 on July 8th.

Marcia Strong, Ellis Library Security

·         Jesse Hall move went well, a little hectic the first week, but everything went well

·         Security hired 2 or 3 new people

o   Will share the particulars of these hires at the next LA Meeting

Ruth Feldkamp

·         Spine repairing

·         Labeling new stuff

·         Jackie Blonigen is leaving MU Libraries on July 24, 2014 for a cataloger position with Ingram Content Group

Wendy Batson, Engineering Library

·         No announcement

Deb Ward, Health Sciences Library

·         HSL closed out fiscal year 2014

·         Had approximately $500 left

o   Utilized these funds for new recharge equipment at the Circulation Desk

Sandy Schiefer, MULAC

·         Changed officers

Dustin Hoffman, LTS

·         Hired Bryce McDonald

·         PT has returned from a month long vacation

Tammy Green, Access Services

·         Nothing to report at this time

Meeting adjourned at 2pm



Library Assembly Committee Meeting, June 24, 2014

Present:  Adrienne Arden, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Jim Cogswell, Ruth Feldkamp, Rebecca Graves, Tammy Green, Dustin Hoffman, Shelly McDavid, Libby Myre, Jeannette Pierce, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Karen Witt


  • Presenter (Ann Korschgen)

    • Ann Korschgen is Head of Enrollment Management

      • Thought it would be nice for her to discuss how Renew Mizzou folks are doing with the move over to Ellis Library

        • Unable to make it to today’s Library Assembly meeting, going to try to get her for next month

          • Sheena Waggoner is passing her name on to the new chair 
  • Meet and Greet with Jesse Employees

    • Renew Mizzou folks now here in Ellis Library

      • If you see them introduce yourself and welcome them
      • If you see them in the staff lounge, welcome them and ask if they need anything
    • Previous idea to combine the MU Libraries Annual picnic with the Meet and Greet with Jesse Employees

      • The shelter for the picnic was limited by the number of people it could hold, therefore these events were not combined
      • Now scheduling a separate event for July 17th in conjunction with the Diversity Committee

        • Instead of a luncheon like the Diversity committee usually does

          • Event taking place on the second floor of Ellis Library
          • MULSA will  provide the drinks and invite everyone to share by creating a finger food type of dish
          • Renew Mizzou folks are encouraged to bring some goodies to share also
          • Currently working on a flier for this event

            • If you have ideas, contact Sheryl Cullina, Sheena Waggoner or Tammy Green 
  • Election and Welcome New Chair

    • Elections went out, departments needing to elect a new representative are currently working on this

      • Sheryl Cullina volunteered that there are 7 members coming off, the new representatives term will end in 2017
      • Sheena Waggoner asked if anyone wanted to stay on an extra year to serve a one year term till 2015, since only one representative coming off in 2015 

        • Rachel Brekhus stated that her term does not end until 2015 and her department was informed that they needed to elect a new member this year                                            
  • Mold Questions

    • MOBIUS Session given by Ann Riley and Jeannette Pierce over the mold at MU

      • Brian Cain from the depository, sent some wonderful photos to Jeannette Pierce and Ann Riley to use in their MOBIUS presentation
      • Jack Batterson feels there should be an all-staff open library meeting for a Q and A on the mold

        • A one-time open meeting, means that some library staff might not be able to make it, therefore a more progressive website FAQ could serve in place of an open meeting

          • A FAQ already exists on the MU Libraries website

  • Jim Cogswell adds, there have been lots of questions from faculty, alumni and other interested parties
  • FAQ site has not been updated in a month

    • Jim Cogswell would like the webpage to be an online forum, for asking questions and getting factual answers
    • Reframing the website like this would also serve as an online public relations document
    • Jim Cogswell and Shannon Cary are figuring out how to get questions about mold implemented on the webpage for anonymous questions
  • Rebecca Graves and Rachel Brekhus point out that some staff may feel they need a face to face meeting to be informed and to ask questions

    • Sheena Waggoner points out that we are the representatives for our departments and we can always be utilized as an outlet and information source for our departments

Director Announcements 

  • LMT Retreat

    • Mission, Vision and Values documents

      • Reviewing and revising these documents

        • Previously revised in October 2010
      • Included strategic goals in this discussion

        • A survey coming out for library staff to select their priorities among the goals that we currently have
    • Assessment of our collections and services

      • Discussed reconstituting an Assessment Committee of library staff

        • The statistical report is coming out this week
    • Spent time reviewing the library committee structures and charges
    • Preliminary discussion about organizational issues
    • Lengthy discussion about salary strategies, plans for when money might be available (new money from central administration)

      • The only way to generate any funds right now, is to utilize any vacant salary lines in the budget

        • Trade off: an increase in salary for fewer colleagues
        • Dean’s on campus suggested, reallocate funds internally

          • This would mean taking money away from salaries or collections

            • Discussed these trade-offs at the LMT retreat, no decisions have been made
        • Last week, the governor announced, no funds available, they have been vetoed or restricted by him
        • Determined a need to conduct a communications audit

          • Looking to use an external facilitator
          • Using university resources, not library resources (library staff)
  • Mellon Grant

    • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

    • Grant money

      • MU Libraries has been given a $400,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation specifically to deal with the mold issue

        • This grant combined with the self-insurance fund will enable us to remediate well over 400,000 items
        • Funds for the grant are available July 1st, 2014
        • The grant will pay to remediate around 200,000 books, plus pay our partners Washington University and Missouri State University

          • These partners are helping us to maintain access to materials and to replace government documents that must be destroyed

            • We were not the only holder of these documents

              • We are the regional repository for these documents, they are being replaced by our partners with clean copies.
      • Most of the non-government documents being pulped/destroyed are in the duplicate category
    • Belfor Property Restoration is our contractor for the remediation
    • Currently all books have been moved out of the caverns

      • The books are either on their way to Texas to be remediated or there now or in storage awaiting remediation
      • The new local storage facility for the books is the former Rust and Martin Warehouse at the Midway exit
      • Rental agreement up on June 30th, 2014, currently working quickly to get all steel stacks cleaned and out of the caverns to be used again

        • Do not want to go over this date and have to pay more rent at this facility 
  • Renew Mizzou

    • All offices moved out of Jesse Hall and into Ellis Library

      • Once students return in the August, it will be very busy upstairs
      • Room 202 now houses: University Registrar, Student Financial Aid and the Cashiers Office

        • These departments are happily ensconced since they are usually in the basement of Jesse Hall
      • Room 114 now houses: Admissions

        • They are already doing lots of business, welcoming students and parents
        • Their high traffic time is September and October 
  • AAU Status

    • American Association of Universities, founded in 1900. Members of this group are invited based upon their academic distinction. MU joined in 1908 and KU joined in 1909.  They started out with private institutions like, Yale and Harvard. They now have 62 total members, the majority are private institutions, and the rest are land grant universities.
    • Will we continue to be members of this organization?

      • This is what predicated the 2% give back, to provide incentives to hire and maintain faculty members
      • 20 new hires supposed to be made in areas of distinction on-campus, the university is hoping to bolster our status in the AAU
      • The University of Nebraska was invited to leave the AAU in May of 2011, this proved to be a wake-up call for MU, KU and U of Iowa

        • Currently MU, KU and the U of Iowa are rated just above the lower tier of the AAU
      • There are a number of criteria that rate status with the AAU

        • Competitively funded federal research support
        • Membership in the National Academies (NAS, NAE, IOM)
        • Faculty awards, fellowships, and memberships
        • Citations, Thomson Reuters InCitesTM

  • Jim Cogswell states, you can’t have an AAU caliber institution without an AAU caliber library

    • Need to add to our scholarly collections to support our research on campus
    • Add more subject specialists     
  • Department Announcements

    • Jack Batterson, Cataloging & Metadata

      • Nothing to report at this time
  • Karen Witt, Special Collections

    • Special Collections exhibit “Books with Personality” will go up in the Ellis Library Colonnade August 2014.  We are posting sneak peeks on social media leading up to the mounting of the display.
    • A new wheelchair/book truck lift will be installed on the 3rd floor to replace the old one that is 3-plus decades old.  Details are forthcoming, no exact date set yet.
  • Ruth Feldkamp, Collection Services

    • Michaelle Dorsey is gone until the middle of next month, trucking along without her
  • Adrienne Arden, Digital Services

    • Felicity Dykas has been on vacation since June 11 and upon her return will travel to ALA.  She will return on July 2nd
    • Digital Services will welcome the newest member of our team, Tammie Busch, on July 7.  Tammie will serve as Senior Library Specialist reporting directly to Felicity Dykas. She will mainly be in charge of MOSpace
    • Digital Services is losing our Graphics Technician, Elaine Nelson.  Her last day is July 18 2014.  Elaine is returning to school in the fall.

The following information regarding our digital library is provided by Mat Miller:

  • We have begun migrating items from the University of Missouri Digital Library (which is the old platform that was under curation of the Library Systems Office) to Islandora. The first major project is 100 volumes of the Savitar yearbooks. The entire migration project is a daunting task and we are starting with one of the largest and most popular collections.        
  • Rachel Brekhus, Ellis Reference

    • Wayne Barnes retires the second half of October 2014, he has moved out of his corner office and is occupying an open desk in Ellis Reference

      • Paula Roper moved into his corner office and Rachel Brekhus moved into Paula’s office, it has a window.
    • Now at the point where recommendations have been made for hiring the Science Librarian and the Social Science Librarian positions
    • Room 156 Ellis will be repurposed as a classroom/meeting space with modular furniture for easy rearranging

      • Renew Mizzou needed more meeting space
      • Moved lots of materials out of that room into East Reference Area
    • Mizzou Fair is under way with Ellis Librarians and other librarians on campus

      • Answering parent questions and providing information about the libraries
    • Reference had a mini retreat where they discussed ideas about reorganizing the reference department
    • Librarians have been getting training on the new libguides
  • Jeannette Pierce, RAIS Division

    • Annual statistical report took longer than anticipated to get out, but should be out this week

      • AAU, Land grant, and libguide stats are included in this report
    • Making a hiring announcement for the Science and Social Science Librarian position soon
  • Deb Ward, Health Sciences Library

    • A date has been set for the new School of Medicine building construction to begin. (NOTE: Due to the actions of the Missouri Governor on this day, putting many projects on hold, this action will be delayed until we have further information. The west entrance will not be closed until further notice.)
    • Fencing is going up the last week of July 2014, by July 25, 2014 the fence will be up and the entrance will be closed (NOTE: This announcement was negated the following day by Campus Facilities, since the Governor's actions froze funds for this project.)

      • The west entrance used for library deliveries will now be closed

        • Don Gerlach will give a tour of the hospital corridors to the libraries delivery drivers for them to navigate deliveries to and from the HSL
    • The HSL Space Planning Committee is meeting with Cyndi Curnutte, a designer for MU Campus Facilities, on Friday, June 27, 2014.  Cyndi has worked on a number of prior projects for the MU Libraries, and she was called in to assist with the design elements of the first floor renovation by the School of Medicine.

      • They are putting together a plan for revitalizing the HSL. Elements include both staffing and facility. The physical facility needs to be updated and aligned with the mission.

        • Friday’s meeting will focus on how we can achieve these goals by updating the facility.
    • Supervisors Roundtable met last week and we came up with a good list of “Attributes of a good supervisor”
  • Rebecca Graves, MULAC

    • Incoming officers:

      • Chair: Rebecca Graves
      • Vice-Chair/Chair Elect: Sandy Schiefer
      • Recorder: Ed McCain
    • The librarians and archivists revised their Annual Performance Review form
  • Shelly McDavid, Vet Med Library

    • Shelly McDavid is now back from maternity leave 
  • Dustin Hoffman, LTS

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Libby Myre, Acquisitions and Collection Development

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Tammy Green, Access Services

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Sheena Waggoner, Administration

Meeting adjourned at 2:05pm

Library Assembly Minutes – May 27, 2014

In attendance: Tammy Green, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Adrienne  Arden ,PT Martin, Libby Myre, Karen Witt, Jim Cogswell, Jeannette Pierce, Deb Ward,  Sheena Waggoner, Marcia Strong, Ruth Feldkamp, Wendy Batson, Sheryl Cullina

*Both Jim and Sheena gave Kudos to those who read at the Celebration of Service last week.


Guest-Sheryl Cullina-Discuss Global Grading System

Campus had 1400 staff titles in the compensation system which had not been evaluated/updated since the 1970’s.  New titles were being developed on a case by case basis.  Titles were not uniform and it was difficult to tell what levels the position should be classified.

MU Human Resources contracted Towers Watson consulting firm to evaluate the system and suggest updates.  Using a short questionnaire software program, titles were able to be rated.

As a result of the process, MU was able to minimize the number of staff titles to 700.  Employees who held positions that were out of date and not in the appropriate level, were adjusted to new titles.  Employees whose salaries were not in the appropriate range were bumped up to the appropriate levels, sometimes a few extra cents, some a few dollars and hour.  No employees saw a reduction in pay, only pay increases.

Concern was expressed that employees that had been in a title for many years, were now being paid the same, or nearly the same, as employees who were new to the system.  It was noted that the salary compression did not reward employee’s time in dedication and service to the University.

Jim and Sheryl are discussing options to account for time in service.

The University put up the money to bump up salaries by title changes.  However, pay increases to reflect service time would have to come from Library funds.

It was acknowledged that MU Libraries staff compensation is “poor” in comparison to other ARL institutions.

47 staff members (1/3 of staff) from the Libraries were moved up.

Sheryl provided the following link for much more detail on the Global Grading System.

A video explaining the GGS can be found here:


Director Announcements

President Wolfe announced that 2% take back of Library funding would include the Collection Development budget which had not been done in the past. This 2% take back will result in a loss of $350,000 for the MU Libraries.

The 2% take back will take place each year for the next 4 years.

Endowments: Large monetary gift from a donor which is invested and earns money over time.  The principal is never spent, only a percentage of the earnings.  Usually only removing 5% so the account can continue to grow.  1% goes to the Development office and 4% goes to the Libraries.

Often endowments have restrictions, but unrestricted gifts can be spent in any way.  The library has been using these funds to stay in budget.

Ten years ago, the Library had 3 million in endowment funds; now there are 10 million in endowment funds.  There were 17 book endowments a decade ago, now there are 60.


Renew Mizzou continues.  Doors on room 114 are being installed.  Kudos to Security for working hard to orient staff from Jesse Hall.


Top Ten Accomplishment  list will be online soon.

Department Announcements


Ellis Library Reference

-Preparing to downsize print collections covered online (JStor titles in stacks-older issues)

-Lots of summer classes lined up for instruction


Ellis Library Collection  Services

-Working hard to fix book labels in room 201.

-Work has begun on the Lang Lit phase boxes



Engineering Library looking at purchasing a few small 3D printers.


Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical Libraries

-Chris Nathan started work at the Health Sciences Library.  Chris replaced Shelly McDavid.

-School of Medicine has installed a sound masking system in the first floor conference room and small study rooms

-The new Supervisors round table group will start next week.


Serials Acquisitions and Collection Development

-The Serials Unit is fully staffed for the first time in over a year.

-Our new Library Specialist is Erin Blower.

-Work will begin on the 2015 renewal lists, due by September 1st, in June.

-2015 subscription cancellation requests are due by July 15th.


Ellis Library Digital Services

– Adding Fall 2013 theses and dissertations to the institutional repository.  Digitizing projects include hymnals, pre-1920 theses and dissertations, and UM Press books.

-Summer projects include loading the Mutation and Savitar yearbooks into the new Digital Library.  They are in the legacy digital library now.  Our new digital library has improved viewing options and their addition to the new digital library will make it easier for users to view them.



Nothing to report


Administration Department

Nothing to report


Ellis Library Cataloging and Metadata

Nothing to report


Library Technology Services

Nothing to report



Nothing to report



Nothing to report


Library Assembly Minutes- April 29, 2014

In attendance: Tammy Green, Karen Marshall, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Adrienne Arden, Dustin Hoffman, Libby Myre, Karen Witt, Kate Anderson, Jim Cogswell, Anne Riley, Deb Ward, and guest Heiddi Davis from Campus Space Planning.

Guest Heiddi Davis- Campus Space Planning

-Jesse Hall Reno Schedule-desire to get Jesse Auditorium back up as soon as possible and could happen in as little as 9 months.  Swallow Hall shares a loading dock with Jesse auditorium so they will take advantage of everyone being gone from Jesse and work on Swallow Hall.  There is no definite schedule, but believe all of Jesse staff will be out of Ellis Library by Summer 2015.

-600 people need to be relocated across campus due to Jesse closure.

-Rooms 114 and 202 Ellis Library will be open for student study from May 5-May 16 but will be closed afterwards for moving.

-Room 202 will house the Financial Aid department , Cashiers,  and the section of Registrars that deals directly with students.

-Room 114 will house all of Admissions.  A presentation room has been added to 114 which will stay in Ellis Library when Jesse staff has moved.  The room will accommodate 80 people and include an overhead projector and windows that look out to the rest of room 114.

-Data ports and added power have been installed in rooms 114 and 202.  Both rooms will close at the end of the work day and not be available for study space.

-Concerns over staff lounge- how will this impact Ellis Employees with the added use of materials (napkins, silverware, etc.)?  Heiddi Davis says there are small areas on both the 1st and 2nd floors that include microwaves and full size refrigerators.  There will also be a break room on the 2nd floor (room 205) for Jesse employees.   Some concern remained citing, “This will alleviate some but not all of the stress on the ground floor staff room, which will be the only space with vending and ice machines.”

-Jim will meet soon with Jesse staff and discuss operational details–how to share and utilize space.

-Over the summer, Space Planning will be looking into alternative study spaces across campus.  The MSA senate stated that seating was there #1 concern regarding the loss of space in Ellis library. Security was also a concern.

-Space Planning currently working on signage to direct students/parents to the Library for Jesse services.  LA members noted the importance of signage at both the North and West doors.

-Our IT group will not work on Jesse staff, they have their own IT support.

-Mizzou Weekly will publish an updated map regarding dept. moves in the May 9th issue.

-Turner Avenue garage will be getting a new elevator.  There will be an occasional closing of some stairwells.  Details to come.

-Mizzou North Cast Gallery is up and looks great.  Busses are coming through with students already.

Review of Guidelines

Currently posted on the web page-will discuss next week when more time allows.

Director Announcements

MOLD update

-Belfor  Property Restoration company is beginning work on the moldy books.  The company is sending trucks to take books for treatment to their facility in Texas. By the end of this week 75,000 books will have arrived in Texas.  Library staff will begin to pull more books after the current books have been transported.

-New Clean/Dirty space has been rented.  The library will lease the old Rust and Martin furniture store building located at the I-70 Midway Exit.  The company leasing the warehouse (D and D Leasing) are preparing the warehouse for the book arrivals.  The warehouse has excellent HVAC and humidity control and there will be a wall constructed to separate clean/dirty books to ensure no cross contamination.

-LMT retreat will be June 19 and 20th.  LMT will meet with the MULAC executive Committee prior to the event.

Department Announcements


Librarian Search Progress:

In the midst of phone interviews, on-campus interviews for May, strong pools for social science and science librarians.


-Marie Concannon received the 2014 Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award from the ALA Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT). This award recognizes documents librarians who may not be known at the national level but who have made significant contributions to the field of state, international, local or federal documents

-Goodie Bhullar was the first librarian ever to win the Writing Intensive Teaching Excellence Award from MU's Campus Writing Program

Conferences attended:

-Marie Concannon and Rachel Brekhus attended the 2-day Center for Research Libraries conference on government information in Chicago last week. Marie was able to make connections there, and Rachel took good notes on the talks and panel discussions and attended a tour of the Center for Research Libraries, a very important interlibrary loan provider for the MU Libraries.


-“Ignite Your Teaching with MU Libraries’ Resources” will be presented by Rebecca Graves, Judy Maseles, Nancy Messina, and Navadeep Khanal at the Celebration of Teaching conference.  The session will be held from 11:00-11:50 in 211 Cornell Hall.

-Nursing student orientation – Goodie Bhullar, Rachel Brekhus, Rhonda Whithaus, Angie Sample, Ashley Nelson, Janice Dysart, Rebecca Graves, Kate Anderson, Julie Arndt, and Christina Virden -mid-April

Teaching and Consultations:

-Teaching winding down except Endnote/Zotero; consultations and reference desk a little heavier

-New version of Instruction website nearly ready for rollout

Digital Services Department

-Records for 1,184 electronic theses and dissertations from 2010-2013 were harvested from MOspace and added to WorldCat and MERLIN, so that they can now be found in the Libraries catalog. The ETDs for fall 2013 have been received, and will be added to MOspace when we get paperwork from the Grad School. 

-Mat Miller is out on paternity leave until mid-May, He has a new daughter names Vivian Frances, born April 16.

-The majority of our department attended the retirement party for June DeWeese and a great time was had by all.

-Digital Services will begin interviewing for our new SLS this week and next.

-We continue to digitize materials for Special Collections, UMPress, and the Clark gift hymnals.

-Felicity attended a webinar series on institutional repository-related research data.

-Felicity also spoke to Dr. Moulaison’s metadata class on PREMIS (preservation metadata).

Special Collections Department

-Alla Barabtarlo, Kelli Hansen, and Karen Witt will co-present a session titled “Get Real! Teaching with Library and Museum Collections on Campus” at the Celebration of Teaching Conference on May 21st.  The presentation will include representatives from the MU Museums and the State Historical Society. The session will be in held in 219 Cornell Hall from 2:00-2:50.

-Special Collections has made an effort to increase its visibility via social media.  Special Collections can now be found on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.  The Tumblr account has reached nearly 4,500 followers and Facebook and Twitter each have around 500 followers.


Twitter: @MuSpecColl


Administration Department

Questions are being asked about the changes in job titles.  For the time being, it is best to see Cheryl Cullina about it.  Further information may also be found at the UM Human Resource Services website:

Library Branches

-HSL: We are reviewing applications for the open position in the HSL Circulation Department, vacated by Shelly McDavid. Shelly has moved to the Veterinary Medical Library, and is currently on maternity leave.

Just this week we put three rolling white boards into service on the first floor of HSL. One more is on back-order. These were purchased from HSL and MUL gift funds.

Ellis Library Cataloging and Metadata

Nothing to report

Library Technology Services

Nothing to report

Ellis Library Acquisitions and Collection Development

Nothing to report


Nothing to report


Nothing to report

Library Assembly Committee Meeting, March 25, 2014

Present: Adrienne Arden, Anne Barker, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Jim Cogswell, Rebecca Graves, Tammy Green, Dustin Hoffman, Shelly McDavid, Libby Myre, Ann Riley, Marcia Strong, Sheena Waggoner, Karen Witt

1.Welcome Tammy Green:

·         Vice-Chair of Library Assembly

o   Due to Sara Bryant resigning from MU Libraries, effective March 12, 2014; Tammy Green is taking her place as Vice-Chair for the Library Assembly committee

·         Anniversary Dates to be printed in News Notes

o   MU Libraries employees can opt out of having their anniversary date published in News Notes

§  To opt out email Sheryl Cullina

2.Review correction to Guidelines:

·         Guidelines Revised January 28, 2014 at the Library Assembly meeting

o   Guidelines now show the breakdown of the current MU Libraries Organizational Chart

§  Implemented additional changes as of March 25, 2014

·         Section 2, number 5 – changing wording from “department” to representative

·         Appendix A: Cut the language of the document up to “Representation”, the document now starts with “Representation”

·         Clarification:

o   E-Learning Department, office housed in Ellis Reference, however this department reports to the RAIS Head and falls under this group.

3.Discuss Staff Webpage Subcommittee:

·         Rachel Brekhus is the current representative for the Webpage Committee for the Staff Webpage

·         Webpage correction(s): Who is responsible to make changes?

o   How will it flow? i.e., does the Chair make changes, or does the Recorder, or does the Webpage Subcommittee person make the changes? Then post to LA webpage.

§  Changes made to any of the documents on the LA committee webpage are to be made by the Recorder of Library Assembly

·         Representative to volunteer along with Rachel:

o   Does volunteer have to be from LA or can any staff member volunteer?

§  Jack Batterson volunteered to be the representative

·         He stated he would be able to verify links are functioning properly, then report any that are broken

§  Library Assembly determined that the volunteer should be from the Library Assembly Committee

4.Need Volunteer for Recorder in Shelly’s absence:

·         Karen Witt volunteered to be acting Recorder during Shelly McDavid’s maternity leave

o   Shelly McDavid volunteered to upload the minutes to the Library Assembly webpage, if the document could be emailed to her upon edits and verification by the committee.

5.Director Announcements:

·         Mold Update

o   Grant proposal submitted to a major grant foundation a little over a week ago

§  The grant foundation acknowledged receipt of the proposal and is recommending that it be accepted by the board

·         They stated it is a strong proposal

·         The grant request was made for $395,000

o   No guarantee we will get this in entirety or in partial or at all

o   Storage Space

§  Lease in the Subtera Caverns runs out the end of June 2014

§  Hope to be signing a new lease at a new location early next week or the following week

·         The location will be disclosed once the lease has been signed

o   Contractor Bids Submitted for Mold Remediation

§  8 total bids from contractors all over, not just here in Missouri

§  Procurement Services helping with the bidding process

§  Hopeful to sign a bid within a matter of days, not weeks

o   Faculty Council

§  Created an ad hoc committee to begin exploring issues around the mold remediation

·         Wanting a calendar year list of major events surrounding the mold remediation

·         Asked for a list of items in mold remediation to supply to the faculty

·         Faculty Council is committed to communicating, however we do not know their Chain of Command for communicating to the faculty

o   Collection Enhancement Fund

§  Roughly $3000 has currently been donated to the fund

·         A challenge donor has stated they will match $5000, if we reach this amount

o   Our goal for this fund is $50,000

§  To donate go to:

o   Mold Remediation

§  Still planning to remediate more than half of the affected materials, over 300,000 volumes

·         Need money to:

o   Remediate moldy materials

o   Move materials

o   Sign New Lease for Storage of Materials now housed in Subtera

o   Pay personnel to create lists of materials

o   Approaching Additional Funding Sources

§  Faculty are going to be approached about making a pledge to the mold remediation fund

·         It is not their charge to pledge, but we are still going to ask

·         Renew Mizzou

o   Ellis Library Room 202

§  Plan for starting modifications to this room was previously set for March 20th – 21st, 2014

·         Currently no moving or construction noises thus far

o   Asked why we closed the place off a few days early?

§  Informed waiting on diagrams/floor plans

·         Previously informed they were going to use x-rays for modifications

§  Open question for when they are going to get started

o   Where to find information on Renew Mizzou

§  Posted on the Calendar of Events, the Website and in News Notes

·         Celebration of Service

o   In need of nominations for the “Top 10 List”

§  Staff Members with notable achievements, strange and wonderful endeavors

·         Top 10 list unveiled at Celebration of Service

·         Send your nominations to Jim Cogswell today

6.Department announcements:

·         Libby Myre: Serials Acquisitions and Collection Development

o   The Serials Unit, last week completed three interviews for the LIS I position in Serials Acquisitions

o   Electronic Resources Unit

§  Entering data for a statistics analysis tool for the libraries, 360 Counter, that reports title usage and cost data for collection development analysis.

·         Coordinating the effort are Dave Walsh and Stara Herron, comprising the Electronic Resources Unit, and Rhonda Whithaus and Angela Sample, Rhonda’s assistant.

·         Tammy Green: ILL Lending

o   June DeWeese retiring, been an educational experience learning what she does

§  June’s Job Duties are an extensive list

·         Several people will be sharing supervisor duties in Access Services

o   Many of them are out of the building this week for Spring Break

·         Adrienne Arden: Digital Services

o   There will be an Islandora training retreat April 7, 2014 that will be held on the MU campus.

§  Mat Miller is coordinating this for MU so contact him if you want to attend. 

o   Our two new student assistants are doing a great job digitizing UM Press books and the Clark gift hymnals.

o   Our Institutional Repository, MOspace, recently received three submissions that supplement faculty publications. 

§  Two were from the Division of Biological Sciences and one was from Agriculture Biochemistry. 

§  We recently received a request from an author to make his theses open access.  After receiving the license form we made that change in MOspace. 

o   On March 6, most members of Digital Services attended Felicity Dykas’ hour-long presentation on the functions of the Digital Services Department to graduate student assistants who work in our library. 

§  By the students’ reactions, they were quite impressed by not only the quantity of work performed, but also by the technological level.

·         This engaged group asked many questions, which Felicity nimbly fielded with her in-depth knowledge and quick wit.

o   Following up on last month’s report regarding MUtation yearbooks.

§  Diane Johnson has been instrumental in our obtaining past yearbooks.  There are no gaps remaining in our digitized holdings. 

·         Marcia Strong: Security

o   Recycling problem

§  People have been throwing whole boxes, not broken down in the dumpsters for boxes and newspapers

·         One dumpster marked “Fiber Dumpster” is for newspapers and cardboard

o   People are placing boxes with plastic in and on them in this dumpster

§  Plastic should be placed in the trash dumpster

§  Please bring this dilemma to the attention of your department members and ask them to pay better attention, adhering to throwing the proper material in the proper dumpster

·         There are 3 trash dumpsters

·         1 dumpster just for boxes

·         1 dumpster specifically for newspapers and cardboard (Fiber Dumpster)

§  All other recycling is going well: plastic bottles and aluminum

o   Shelly McDavid: Health Sciences Library

§  Accepted a new position at the Veterinary Medical Library

·         No more late nights till 1:00am

·         Weekends off with family

·         Rebecca Graves: MULAC

o   The School of Medicine is going to be expanding, looking to put the expansion on the west side of the Health Sciences Library. There is a parking lot currently where the new building is slotted to be built; it has always been marked as a potential building space.  The parking lot has been used the past few years as a construction staging area.

§  Expected to build a 5-6 story building that will house lab space, office space and lounge space for medical students to utilize in-between classes.

§  West entrance of the School of Medicine is expected to be effected by changing this to a 2nd Floor entrance. Campus side will remain unaffected.

§  Expected completion of the building is approximately 2 years.

·         Needed expansion due to the Springfield expansion that is increasing medical student class size this coming fall semester.

·         For more information visit:

·         Jack Batterson: Cataloging and Metadata

o   Nothing to report

·         Wendy Batson: Engineering Library

o   Nothing to report

·         Anne Barker: Ellis Reference

o   Getting over the hump of instruction

·         Dustin Hoffman: LTS

o   Announces the retirement of Windows XP

§  Microsoft is pulling all technical support and so is the MU DoIT on April 8th, 2014

·         For more information go to:

·         XP is being replaced with Windows 7

o   Not replacing with Windows 8

§  Windows 8 does not save files to your hardrive, they get saved to your Skydrive account

·         This is not a safe repository for confidential files

·         Karen Witt: Special Collections

o   Nothing to report

·         Ann Riley: Access, Collections and Technical Services

o   Nothing to report

·         Sheena Waggoner: Administration

o   Students on Spring Break and it is very quiet

·         Jim Cogswell: Director of MU Libraries

o   Needs nominations for the “Top 10 List”

§  Notable achievements, strange and wonderful things

·         Top 10 list unveiled at Celebration of Service

·         Send your nominations to Jim Cogswell today



·         Library Society Dinner

o   Held April 11th, 2014 in the Ellis Library Grand Reading Room, 201 Ellis Library

o   Chancellor Loftin and Mrs. Loftin are guests

o   Featured Speaker Marilynne Robinson, novelist, essayist and Pulitzer Prize winner

·         Friends of the MU Libraries Annual Luncheon Meeting

o   Speaker Father Eric Hollas, talking about the St. John’s Bible

§  April 12th, 2014 at 12pm in Stotler Lounge

·         June DeWeese’s Retirement Party

o   April 22nd, 2014 from 2:00-5:00pm in Stotler Lounge

Meeting adjourned 1:57pm

Library Assembly Committee Meeting Minutes, February 25

Library Assembly Committee Meeting February 25, 2014 Ellis Library 159 1pm – 2pm

Present: Adrienne Arden, Jack Batterson, Sara Bryant, Jim Cogswell, Dustin Hoffman, Corrie Hutchinson, Karen Marshall, Shelly McDavid, Libby Myre, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Marcia Strong, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Karen Witt

1.      Discuss changed Guidelines

·         Guidelines changes to implement:

o   Grammatical changes

o   Spacing

o   Departmental name changes

o   Replacing division heads names with their titles

§  All recorded for updating

·         Noted that the link to the organizational chart on the Guidelines document does not have a file path to the website

2.      Discuss Subcommittee in Guidelines

·         Call for volunteers to work on the Staff Webpage Subcommittee

o   Adrienne Arden and Deb Ward volunteered (Adrienne Arden has subsequently withdrawn.)


3.      Director Announcements:

·         The Assembly members welcomed Jim Cogswell back from his trip to India.


·         Subtera Mold Problem Updates

o   Jim is meeting with the Campus Library Committee ( and Faculty Council ( to discuss the mold problem this week

o   FAQ now available on the library’s website

§  Jim suggests reading it, to be informed about the mold problem

§  Link:

o   Seeking bids on the remediation of the moldy books

§  Bids are due back on March 7th, 2014 to the Procurement Office

·         There is a process for bidding university jobs

·         David Silvey is our contact in the Procurement Office, please refer questions about bidding to him

§  Remediation is expected to begin March 15th, 2014

o   Still working to identify materials that need to be treated

§  Priority of treatment: rare and special materials, Missouri documents, Pre-1870 imprints, journals

§  Approximately 120,000 items have now been identified out of the 600,000 housed in Subtera

§  Originally our goal was to treat and return approximately 300,000 items, currently our goal is approximately 400,000

o   Currently creating a list of affected materials to send to the faculty

§  Seeking their rationale for why to treat specific items

o   MU Campus Facilities is assisting in finding a new storage space

§  3 current options available, weighing the merits of each one

·         Hoping to start moving some of the treated items by early April 2014

o   The lease at Subtera is out June 30th, 2014

§  Most likely will not have all items remediated by this date

§  In need of a separate holding area outside of Subtera

·         Submitting a grant application to cover some of the cost

o   University Risk Management and Insurance Management Office

§  Possibility of reimbursement that could help cover some of the costs of remediation

o   Fundraising Effort Underway

§  Collection Enhancement Fund

·         Main goal to rebuild collections and replace lost materials

·         Visit the website to learn more and pledge to the cause


o   Still a critical need for long term environmentally controlled storage space for remediated items

§  Lemone Boulevard UMLD1 built in 1997

·         Never encountered any book loss or any spikes in humidity or temperature

Ø  A tornado did hit UMLD1 on November 10th, 1998, no books were damaged


·         It has been requested that the UM System move forward in building the 2nd addition of that facility

o   Our goal: No student or faculty member will be impacted by the loss of materials.

§  MU Libraries invested heavily in MOBIUS, Center for Research Libraries and Western Storage Trust

·         These will serve and have already served in ensuring that we keep access for students and faculty top priority

o   What does it mean to be treating these affected materials?

§  Even with gamma radiation, mold is everywhere, as soon as they are put back into the atmosphere, it will come in contact with mold

·         The only way to eradicate mold completely is to treat materials then place them in a clean room indefinitely

Ø  Prime temperature 60-68 degrees, prime humidity ~50%  to inhibit mold growth

§  If Subtera could have maintained these temperatures and humidity levels, then this problem may have been prevented.

Ø  A controlled environment is imperative for preventing mold growth, if not maintained, it will grow.

o   Library Staff members receiving inquiries about the mold, that they can’t answer, should refer the patron to Shannon Cary


4.      Department announcements:

·         Sara Bryant: Access Services

§  Sara Bryant is leaving MU Libraries, her last day will be March 12th, 2014

§  Direct questions to June Deweese

o   Mike Knoll started in Circulation Reserves last week


·         Dustin Hoffman: LTS

o   Nothing to report at this time


·         Ann Riley: Access, Collections, and Technical Services

o   Welcome to Corrie Hutchinson, the new Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development

§  Corrie was the Director of the Stephens College Library for 7 years and served on the MOBIUS Board as Treasurer


o   Renew Mizzou Project

§  Meetings: Every other Monday a “Renew Mizzou” meeting is held to coordinate moving materials out of Ellis Library rooms 114 and 202

§  Room 114:

·         All material has been moved out of Room 114 (journals, newspapers, DVD’s cabinets)

o   Newspapers and oversize journals to North Colonnade (out of CPRR)

o   DVD’s to MU Ellis DVD Collection (out of CPRR)

o   Journals to MU Ellis Current Periodicals (out of CPRR) 

§  Room 202:

·         Some items in 202 will be weeded (discarded if duplicated elsewhere, have been superseded by online resources, and/or are little used), and other items will go to UMLD

·         Material to be moved out of 202 over Spring Break

·         Material will be moved to Room 201, Reference, the stacks, or other areas

·         Office materials for 202 will be housed in 201

§  Room 201:

·         From now till Spring Break materials will be moved out of 201:

o   Items will be moved in the early morning (5am–9am) to minimize inconvenience to students

o   Items in 201 (Readex microprint) are moving to a section of the Law Library

§  Coming to Rooms 114 and 202: Offices will be moving into Ellis Library the 1st of June 2014

·         Room 114 will house Admissions (normally housed in Jesse Hall)

·         Room 202 will house Financial Aid and Student Enrollment Offices (also normally housed in Jesse Hall)


·         Karen Witt: Special Collections

o   New exhibit coming in March 2014: Super Hero Science

§  Dr. Tim Evans will be coming as a super hero “The Antidote”

§  Designing your own super hero contest

·         Open to all Students and Mizzou Staff


·         Jeannette Pierce: RAIS

o   The positions of Science Librarian and Social Sciences Librarian position have been posted to the myHR website


·         Deb Ward: Health Sciences Library

o   Ed Parker’s last day at the Veterinary Medicine Library is Friday February 28th, 2014; he will be retired after this date.

§  Sheryl Cullina has received notice of approval to fill the position and we are advertising.

§  MU Library employees are welcome to apply for this Library Information Assistant position.


o   School of Medicine announced last week that the location for their expansion will be changed to the west side of the existing structure, with modified entrance at the second floor level.

§  We're all looking forward to seeing drawings, expected sometime in late March 2014.

§  At this time, it is expected that this will be advantageous to HSL, and will not require us to relocate the Health Sciences Library entrance.


o   Health Sciences Library Facility Planning continuing

§  We are releasing a survey this week and next to various student groups to obtain their feedback and ideas on what they would like to see in an improved Health Sciences Library facility.


o   Health Sciences Library first floor furnishings

§  School of Medicine funding fell short; therefore, soft seating furnishings were never purchased after the remodel.

§  We have some ideas for how we might move some things around to accomplish this, and Pat Jones and Cyndi Curnutte are helping us.


o   Refining the Role of the Health Sciences Library in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum and Enhancing Residency Training

§  Deb Ward is working with the Information Services Librarians on this project

§  Deb Ward presented to the School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education Council

·         They proposed some ways for us to work together that involve communication with the residents through the residency program directors

o   Health Sciences Library Planning Committee

§  Continuing to work on ideas for a Health Sciences Library centennial event.

§  Best idea, so far, is a birthday party for Dr. Lottes on October 15th, 2015

·         His date of birth is October 15th, 1906

§  We would highlight the changes in health information access and delivery  and promote those as a birthday present to him


o   Health Sciences Library Staff

§  Working to support the work of Trenton Boyd as he puts together an annotated bibliography of the Veterinary Medical Historical Collection.

·         Rich Rexroat and Kate Anderson have worked together to dump the bibliographic records from MERLIN into Endnote, therefore Trenton will only have to be concerned with the annotation itself.

·         Rich Rexroat and Amanda Sprochi believe that the annotation could be moved into a field in MERLIN so that it could be part of the MERLIN record.

·         The bibliography itself could be put into MOSpace

·         The teamwork is paying off for us to create a very nice set of products related to these historical books


·         Adrienne Arden: Digital Services

o   Digital Services is in the process of digitizing 30 additional UM Press books which will be uploaded into our institutional repository “MOspace”.

o   Islandora software is being analyzed and work is continuing on the Digital Library.

§  An example of a collection you will find there is the Phoenix: an Irish-American newspaper published in New York, NY. We have years 1859-1861.

o   One of our recent faculty collaborations is to digitize the Vetusta Monumenta in cooperation with Dr. Noah Herringman.

o   We have now digitized and uploaded into MOspace the medical school yearbook, “MUtation”, from 1992-2011 with the exception of yearbooks for 1996, 1998 and 2004; these volumes have proven elusive.

§  Anyone that currently owns these elusive volumes, 1996, 1998 and 2004 is encouraged to lend them to us for digitization.

§  The 2012 yearbook is currently being scanned.

o   Our department has hired two student assistants from the Journalism school to aid in the digitization process.

o   Link to the digital projects mentioned above:


·         Libby Myre: Acquisitions and Collection Development

o   Nothing to report at this time


·         Jack Batterson: Cataloging and Metadata

o   Renew Mizzou

§  Moving materials from 114, 201 and 202

o   Mold Issue

§  Running Merlin lists and putting notes in item records

o   Test Preparation Materials

§  Working with Janice Dysart on a new test preparation collection (such as GRE) – these will be circulating test prep books


·         Marcia Strong: Security

o   Everything is going good and as planned


·         Shelly McDavid: Health Sciences Library

o   Nothing new to report at this time


·         Rebecca Graves: MULAC

o   Nothing new to report


·         Sheena Waggoner: Administration Office

o   Shannon has hired a new graphic design student

o   All Students are back into the administration office, helping out

o   Chancellor Deaton has now moved furniture into his office

§  He is in and out on a regular basis

o   Jim Cogswell is back from his trip

§  Happy he has returned


·         Karen Marshall: Branches

o   Nothing new to report

Meeting adjourned at 1:58pm

Library Assembly Minutes, Jan. 28, 2014

Present: Kate Anderson, Deb Ward, Ruth Feldkamp, Adrienne Arden, Libby Myre, Karen Witt, Wendy Batson, P.T. Martin, Jim Cogswell, Sarah Bryant, Rachel Brekhus, Sheena Waggoner, Jack Batterson, Jeanette Pierce, Marcia Strong, Shelly McDavid

1.Discuss changed Guidelines to reflect new structure of Access, Collections & Technical Services:

·        Add to “Members” guidelines & add #5

“In the event a department restructure, or a representative need replacing the department can appoint a representative, and in the latter case the department has the option to appoint the alternate from the previous election, which can be retrieved from the Human Resources Manager. The representatives may serve until the end of the term year in June. In June new representatives for departments can be added to the Human Resources Manager nominations for committees.”


“If a department needs to replace a representative before that representative’s term has been served, then the department may appoint a representative to serve until the end of the term year in June. In the event a new department is created, then that  department must elect a new representative from among its ranks to serve until the next election in June.”

·        Appendix A

o   Jack Batterson suggested that the committee look at this section to review it for other possible changes that need made also.

o   Add departments to the list:

§  Cataloging and Metadata

§  Digital Services

§  Collection Services

·        Membership Section of Guidelines

o   Amended changes to the membership were decided and will be reflected accordingly. Sheena will bring the new changes to share at the next meeting.

·        Departments and how they are represented

o   Jim asked, “Is a department a division that is represented by a division head?”

§  Yes, as defined in Appendix A.

·        Library Assembly information disseminated to departments: Communication

o   Is HSL Adequately represented?

§  Deb Ward is checking to verify that everyone in HSL is pleased with the information dissemination of their representative. 

o   Discussed other smaller departments and how their chain of command for Library Assembly information dissemination is handled. 

1.Future meetings for Library Assembly:

·        Ideas and Suggestions

o   Judy Maseles – have her come talk about the website

o   Pat Jones from the Space Committee – have her come talk with the group

o   Renew Mizzou – have some specific people come talk and answer questions; maybe at the April 2014 meeting

o   Centennial planning: May 2014 topic


2.Posting open positions

·        There will be an all-staff email notification for open positions and those positions will be posted for the prescribed open time in the News Notes. We want the most coverage when a vacancy comes open. (Sept. 8, 2010)

·        News Notes do not line up with posting period.

o   News Notes is the archival record for these postings

§  Determined need to continue posting to this repository

o   Library Assembly feels even with redundancy in News Notes, it is important to send a quick email to all library staff too.

o   Replacing the wording in the September 28, 2010 minutes by adding “beginning” after prescribed.

§  They will read: “Will be posted at the prescribed beginning of the open time…”

o   News Notes job links go to the myHR job site and do not take you to a full description of the job

§  Sheena states, “This was done on purpose, since this is the place where employees would be able to apply for these open positions.”

§  The job number of the position is usually referenced in News Notes for ease of finding the posting in myHR where the job description can be found.       

3.Director Announcements:

·        Sentencing hearing for arsonist

o   Thursday, January 23, 2014 in Jefferson City, Jim traveled to take part in the sentencing of the arsonist, Christopher Kelley

§  Sentenced to 6 ½ years in prison

§  Also liable for over $500,000 restitution

·        After he has served his 6 ½ years, it is up to the judge to determine how the restitution will be paid

·        Renovation of 2nd floor

o   Ellis 2nd Floor, proceeding, painting the west staircase is largely completed and open again

o   Corridor to the west reading room is open, but there is a barrier on the south side to complete work on the restrooms

·        Mold

o   Three major questions being asked

§  Need to place a FAQ on the website outlining the answers to these questions:

·        1) Why was there was no insurance other than our special insurance fund? Our property insurance company does not cover this kind of loss?

o   Supplemental insurance fund was our insurance

o   Determined need for a facility that we have climate control over

·        2) Can we have people take books from out of there, so they do not have to be destroyed?

o   No, this could lead to recontamination

§  Do not want recontamination of our own collections or other libraries collections, in case they were ever donated back to our library or any other library

§  We have been advised by the Preservation Staff at the Library of Congress to destroy what we are not remediating

·        3) What can we do to help out?

o   Matt Gaunt and Jim Cogswell are working to set up a fund for people to donate money for this cause, both now and in the future

o   The funds collected will go into a fund to be used for this specific purpose

§  People inquiring about the mold problem

·        Refer them to Shannon Cary who will field their questions

§  Preservation of items at UMLD2

·        Most likely saving less than half of those adversely affected

·        Items in UMLD1 and UMLD2 are owned by the Curators of the University

o   Other university campuses do not want to save duplicate titles, this is a decision for the Curators

·        UMLD1 currently has room for approximately 200,000 titles

·        2% Reallocations of Budgets

o   There will be about $60 million going toward the UMC Strategic Operating Plan

§  $37 million coming from the reallocation process

§  $18 million coming from a combination of new enrollment and new supplemental fees, if the Board of Curators say yes to this proposal; none of these fees are for the library

§  $5 million will come from the state’s budget

·        The Strategic Operating Plan, strategic priorities are:

o   Raises for high ranking faculty

o   New Hires

o   New facilities, such as laboratories

4.Departmental Announcements

·        Reference: Rachel Brekhus

o Instruction ramping up

o Reshuffling of subject responsibilities

o Anne Barker doing lots of work pertaining to the mold

·        Health Sciences Library: Deb Ward

o Ed Parker is retiring at the end of February 2014

§  In the process of posting and rehiring that position

Meeting Adjourned at 2:03pm