Library Assembly Minutes – May 27, 2014

In attendance: Tammy Green, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Adrienne  Arden ,PT Martin, Libby Myre, Karen Witt, Jim Cogswell, Jeannette Pierce, Deb Ward,  Sheena Waggoner, Marcia Strong, Ruth Feldkamp, Wendy Batson, Sheryl Cullina

*Both Jim and Sheena gave Kudos to those who read at the Celebration of Service last week.


Guest-Sheryl Cullina-Discuss Global Grading System

Campus had 1400 staff titles in the compensation system which had not been evaluated/updated since the 1970’s.  New titles were being developed on a case by case basis.  Titles were not uniform and it was difficult to tell what levels the position should be classified.

MU Human Resources contracted Towers Watson consulting firm to evaluate the system and suggest updates.  Using a short questionnaire software program, titles were able to be rated.

As a result of the process, MU was able to minimize the number of staff titles to 700.  Employees who held positions that were out of date and not in the appropriate level, were adjusted to new titles.  Employees whose salaries were not in the appropriate range were bumped up to the appropriate levels, sometimes a few extra cents, some a few dollars and hour.  No employees saw a reduction in pay, only pay increases.

Concern was expressed that employees that had been in a title for many years, were now being paid the same, or nearly the same, as employees who were new to the system.  It was noted that the salary compression did not reward employee’s time in dedication and service to the University.

Jim and Sheryl are discussing options to account for time in service.

The University put up the money to bump up salaries by title changes.  However, pay increases to reflect service time would have to come from Library funds.

It was acknowledged that MU Libraries staff compensation is “poor” in comparison to other ARL institutions.

47 staff members (1/3 of staff) from the Libraries were moved up.

Sheryl provided the following link for much more detail on the Global Grading System.

A video explaining the GGS can be found here:


Director Announcements

President Wolfe announced that 2% take back of Library funding would include the Collection Development budget which had not been done in the past. This 2% take back will result in a loss of $350,000 for the MU Libraries.

The 2% take back will take place each year for the next 4 years.

Endowments: Large monetary gift from a donor which is invested and earns money over time.  The principal is never spent, only a percentage of the earnings.  Usually only removing 5% so the account can continue to grow.  1% goes to the Development office and 4% goes to the Libraries.

Often endowments have restrictions, but unrestricted gifts can be spent in any way.  The library has been using these funds to stay in budget.

Ten years ago, the Library had 3 million in endowment funds; now there are 10 million in endowment funds.  There were 17 book endowments a decade ago, now there are 60.


Renew Mizzou continues.  Doors on room 114 are being installed.  Kudos to Security for working hard to orient staff from Jesse Hall.


Top Ten Accomplishment  list will be online soon.

Department Announcements


Ellis Library Reference

-Preparing to downsize print collections covered online (JStor titles in stacks-older issues)

-Lots of summer classes lined up for instruction


Ellis Library Collection  Services

-Working hard to fix book labels in room 201.

-Work has begun on the Lang Lit phase boxes



Engineering Library looking at purchasing a few small 3D printers.


Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical Libraries

-Chris Nathan started work at the Health Sciences Library.  Chris replaced Shelly McDavid.

-School of Medicine has installed a sound masking system in the first floor conference room and small study rooms

-The new Supervisors round table group will start next week.


Serials Acquisitions and Collection Development

-The Serials Unit is fully staffed for the first time in over a year.

-Our new Library Specialist is Erin Blower.

-Work will begin on the 2015 renewal lists, due by September 1st, in June.

-2015 subscription cancellation requests are due by July 15th.


Ellis Library Digital Services

– Adding Fall 2013 theses and dissertations to the institutional repository.  Digitizing projects include hymnals, pre-1920 theses and dissertations, and UM Press books.

-Summer projects include loading the Mutation and Savitar yearbooks into the new Digital Library.  They are in the legacy digital library now.  Our new digital library has improved viewing options and their addition to the new digital library will make it easier for users to view them.



Nothing to report


Administration Department

Nothing to report


Ellis Library Cataloging and Metadata

Nothing to report


Library Technology Services

Nothing to report



Nothing to report



Nothing to report


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