Boyd Receives Veterinary Librarian Award

Boyd Award

Trenton Boyd receives honorary award from Michael Eklund, Veterinary Subject Specialist at Uppsala University, Sweden.

On June 15, Trenton Boyd received an Honorary Award from the European Veterinary Group of which he is a founding member. 

The award reads:

European Veterinary Library Group on this 11th day of June, 2015, EVLG proudly presents an Honorary Award to: Trenton Boyd for outstanding contribution, work and activity for the EVLG and the European community of veterinary librarians.

This is the first award ever given by the EVLG and I was told that henceforth all future awards, when given, will be called the "Trenton Boyd Distinguished Service Award."


Thank You from Interim Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

Dear Jim,

I and my staff would like to express our deep appreciation to you and your entire staff for allowing Admissions, Office of the University Registrar and Student Financial Aid to call Ellis Library home during the Jesse Hall Renew Mizzou renovation.

It was not a simple task for the library to relinquish and reconfigure large portions of your space to make room for us and our many guests. Nor was it easy to accommodate the significant increase to traffic in Ellis created by our staff, tour team and the thousands of students and visitors who utilize our offices. However, the challenging experience was made much better by the kindness and gracious support of you and your staff.

We are all glad to be back home in Jesse Hall. And, no doubt, you all are glad to regain your space and to have reduced numbers and strain on your facilities. Though we’re all glad for the return to normal, being drawn together through the temporary office arrangement was a wonderful opportunity for library staff and Enrollment Management staff to get to know and appreciate each other and we’re grateful for that.

Again, many thanks to you and your staff for welcoming and housing many of our Enrollment Management staff during the past year.

Barbara Rupp
Interim Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

Social Media Team Meeting, 8/6/15

Members:  Kelli Hansen, Kim Moeller, Bryce McDonald, Kate Anderson, Taira Meadowcroft, Eric Cusick, Wendy Batson, Shannon Cary

  • Discussed development of a social media strategy for MU Libraries.
  • Discussed how the Social Media Team can work with Student Fee Group on campaign. Need to get more clarification from Matt since this is primarily going to be a student-run campaign. 
  • Identifed needs: tools, resources, and training

    • Content and schedule creation
    • Money to promote?
    • Involve web communications team for University
    • Instagram for centennial – suggestion of English intern

      • Hashtag for MU Libraries Centennial?
  • Looked at some examples of strategy templates and policy documents.

    • Use of email signatures, receipts, etc for marketing social media pages
    • Box Folder created by Kelli

      • Posting schedule – Special Collections example
      • Various strategy templates

        • Determine which pieces are the most useful
        • Auditing different accounts – Assessment Committee?
        • What goals, how to meet, how to assess
        • Mission statement for different platform
  • Action items and goals for our next meeting.

    • Run social media platforms through followerwonk (Kate + others?)
    • Think about how to include other libraries, or help them manage in collaboration with social media team for uniform social media presence

      • Distribution list with on representative from each library (Bryce)
    • Look through Box templates to start creating our social media strategy

      • Set in place by beginning of the semester

Student Fee Working Group, 7/28/15

Attending: Matt Gaunt, Dorothy Carner, Edward McCain, Ann Riley, Cindy Cotner, Jeannette Pierce, Freddy Martinez-Garcia, Kimberly Moeller, Bryce McDonald, Nav Khanal, Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis.

  • Marketing Material – Matt Gaunt:

    • The Library hired two students to serve as Copy Editor and Art Director from the MU School of Journalism:

      • It will likely take until the last week in August for them to provide a slogan and a tagline.
    • After discussion, the Working Group strongly suggested that the Library should go with whatever end-result the students feel will make a connection with fellow-students.
  • Student led promotion – Matt Gaunt:

    • Chancellor’s office will be crafting Dr. Loftin’s message about the student fee into a more general statement that speaks about the importance of Libraries:  

      • It will not specifically promote the fee.
      • He will be present for large Open Forum.
    • The campaign is entering a phase where the message about the fee must come from students.

      • Matt foresees the students who will be recruited to help with the student fee campaign to be assembled into two groups.  For now, he is referring to them as: 

        • The Street Team – students recruited to help at events and coordinate.
        • Speakers – students chosen and trained to deliver the talking points of the campaign to other students.

          • These will be champions within various student organizations.
          • They will be trained to talk about the specifics of the proposal.
    • All the members of the Street Team and the Speakers will be Library Ambassadors or members of the MSA Pride.
  • Various updates – Matt Gaunt:

    • Videos will play an important part of the campaign:

      • A team within the Pride is already working on several different ideas:

        • Some humorous.
        • Others will likely use graphics-heavy imaging.
        • Still others may have student celebrity cameos.
      • The videos will be produced by Castle of Dreams – a student run video production agency.
      • The MSA Pride will spend some time focusing on “Experiential” marketing:

        • There may be some midnight pizzas sponsored by the promoters to catch students while they are downtown on Thursday nights.
        • There will be several highly visible events on campus (speaker circle or Lowry Mall).

          • Potentially with games and other activities designed to strike a chord with students who may not be very tuned in to the Library.
  • Subcommittees – Matt Gaunt:

    • It was resolved previously that the Student Fee Working Group will use the existing committees finalized and assigned by LMT whenever possible. 

      • Committees such as those focusing on space and social media.
    • LMT will be announcing final committee structure and membership soon.
  • Budget – Matt Gaunt:

    • The current Student Fee Campaign budget is $14,000 – it has hall been given by Library Donors.

      • The last time we met it was $10,000. 
      • The overall goal is $25,000.
      • Matt hopes to have more contributed soon.
  • Calendar – Matt Gaunt:

    • Still planning to have staff forums:

      • Either the week of Aug 10-14 or 17- 21.  

        • Cindy Cotner suggests August 17-21 to avoid RAIS training.
    • Library ambassadors training will be moved back to Last week in August or first week in September to allow more time for promotion material to be developed.
    • Promotion Tables down at Missouri Student Center:

      • Matt suggests move back for promotion material.
      • Jeannette and Shannon suggest we keep the tables and promote other library services, events, such as the Centennial.

        • Cindy will look to still reserve tables.
  • The Impact of the Library going to 24/5 this Fall even though it was included as a benefit of the Library Fee – Ann Riley

    • Ann Riley thinks of it as a trial.

      • Something that could go away if costs become a concern.
      • It shows the students that we were listening to what they wanted.
    • Discussion ensued – most agreed it was a good thing to do and that it will show that the Library is trying to meet the student’s needs. 

      • May open some opportunities for outreach to untapped student populations.
  • Survey committee – Bryce McDonald and Edward McCain

    • The survey committee needs to meet with the other subcommittees to find out what should be on the one or few survey opportunities that will be utilized.
    • Discussion ensued about ways to survey students for input on space issues.

      • Suggestions about having a “sand box” area.

        • Where vendors can leave samples for a time. 


Mizzou Colors on the Quad, Sept. 4

Friday, September 4 at 12:00pm 
Columns on Francis Quadrangle, MU campus

Calling all students, faculty, staff, alumni and Tiger fans. Don black and gold and meet at the Columns for a Mizzou family photo in honor of the 2015 football season and College Colors Day. The first 100 people to arrive will receive a free T-shirt. True sons, true daughters, true colors! Sponsored by MU Licensing and Trademarks

Please contact Sonja at 573-882-7256 if you have any questions.


Public Relations & Marketing Committee Meeting, 8/3/15

Present: Dorothy Carner, Jeannette Pierce, Sandy Schiefer, Terri Hall , Shannon Cary, Goodie Bhullar

AdZou: It is late for fall semester but if we get our project in by September we can qualify for Spring 2016.  For this project, the target audience will be faculty—creating collaborative partnerships and communicating about our resources and services.

Formats and style guide for communication:  Shannon indicated that we use AP style.   Logo has to be compliant with MU guidelines.  More information is available at  It was suggested that we put updated information regarding formats, style guides, logos, etc. on Sharepoint.  Ask Shannon if you have questions.  She has the print guidebook in her office.

Action Items:

Dorothy will fill out AdZou form and send it to committee members for their comments and suggestions.  She will send the final form to John Stemmle.

Dorothy will use Box to set up a SWOT grid that will also include a column for stakeholders.  The committee members will fill out the SWOT information.