Library Management Team Information and Action Items 5/4/2016

Present: Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward 

Guests: Ryan Bish, Mike Muchow

Ellis Library Reading Room 202 Rearrangement Proposal
Mike Muchow and Ryan Bish presented a proposal from the Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee to move counter high shelving from room 201, which holds oversized books, to room 202. The proposal also included the recommendation that the counter high shelving on the 3rd floor, which holds indexes, be moved to room 202. They presented several possible configurations for room 202.

ACTION: LMT agreed that something similar to the Plan B option, which would allow the tables to be spaced out and the shelving to be placed on the south and east sides of the room, would be the best option. It was stated that they would need to make sure the room setup was ADA compliant.

ACTION: It was agreed that this could take place after the spring semester was over, and the rooms could be closed down while work was being done.

Long-Range Planning Committee Report
Mike Muchow presented the Long-Range Planning Committee’s final report.

ACTION: It was agreed that this report and the AdZou documents need to be shared with everyone. Ann stated that she had already sent the Long-Range Planning Committee Report to the Library Committee. Ann asked the LMT members to read these documents before the retreat.

Changes In Administration
Ann updated LMT on changes in the Ellis Library administration office.  Kathy Peters is being trained to take over as interim fiscal officer when Ellen Blair retires.

Message From LTS About Computer Updates

Restart Computer

LTS would like to ask you to restart your computers when you are prompted to do so.

Updates for your computer are delivered remotely, but the computer needs to be restarted in order to install them. If the updates don’t happen, you may see degraded performance. You certainly put your computer at risk for possible malfeasance as it won’t have the latest security patches.

The prompt screen will show up in the bottom right corner of your computer when it’s time to restart. You have the option to postpone the updates for up to 4 hours. If it’s more convenient for you to restart at the end of the day, please wait to do so. However, we really want you to reboot on the day you receive the prompt. Many of the trouble reports we receive in LTS are easily solved after a restart.

Ideally, you would restart your computer every night before you leave, but please, restart at least once a week on Wednesday. The updates are pushed on early Wednesday morning. This will insure that you are staying secure and keeping your computer healthy.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact LTS at 884-6404 or

Healthy for Life Update

New! Financial Wellness Program
Cultivating financial wellness can be as easy as completing a few steps annually. This year, the University of Missouri System has gathered the financial resources available to you in the financial wellness webpage, your one-stop-shop for educational information, tools, and events designed to help you become and stay financially well. Lay the foundation for your financial wellness in 2016; access the resources available to you today! The Financial Wellness program provides resources and classes available to ALL full-time/part-time faculty and staff.

Join the mailing list!

Ready to explore Financial Wellness? Click Here!

Wellness Incentive: Tier 1 ends April 30…only 1 week left!
Tier 1 of the 2016 Wellness Incentive ends April 30. Complete these two simple steps in order to earn $100* in your final May paycheck and help define what wellness means to you:

  1. Sign a wellness pledge, which most eligible employees** signed during Annual Enrollment in October 2015.
  2. Complete a Personal Health Assessment (PHA)—this online questionnaire takes about 15 minutes and is designed to identify any potential health risks. Log in to the Wellness Portal to complete your PHA.

Educate yourself to discover ways you could improve your health. Then, invest in yourself by participating in Tier 2 activities that help you reach your goals. Check out for more information. For questions, please contact the HR Service Center at (573) 882-2146 or

*2016 Wellness Incentive earnings will be taxed and voluntary retirement contributions will be deducted, just like with other earnings.

Want to check your point total? See #12 in the Quick Start Guide to learn how to review your point total and find answers to many frequently asked questions.

Financial Wellness Workshop
Create a Budget, Ditch Your Debt, and Start Building for the Future

When: Friday April 29, 2016

Time: 11:00a.m. -12:00p.m.           

Location: General Services Building, Room 194B

Registration: Online or call 800-642-7131

Visit for more information.

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible participants will receive 25 Wellness Incentive points. Contact for questions.

Healthy for Life Event Calendar
Are you looking for Healthy for Life classes and workshops happening on your campus? The Healthy for Life Event Calendar has what you are looking for. You may access this calendar anytime from the Healthy for Life home page. Use ‘Event Category’ to refine your search by campus, event type or wellness incentive eligible items.

Go to the calendar now!

Check with LTS if you’re using macros

Are you using macros as part of your Microsoft Access, Excel or Word processes? LTS would like to know!

It was recently discovered that Microsoft macros could be exploited; your computer could be taken over for malicious means if you are using macros in Microsoft products. The way to be protected is to either not use macros at all, or to have macros ‘signed’. A signed macro simply means that the macro has been certified to be safe to use. Once the certification process is complete, the macro may be used.

LTS would like to be able to provide signed certificates to all needed macros so that they may be used safely.

Please contact us at or 884-6404 so we may start the process of securing your work.