Message From LTS About Computer Updates

Restart Computer

LTS would like to ask you to restart your computers when you are prompted to do so.

Updates for your computer are delivered remotely, but the computer needs to be restarted in order to install them. If the updates don’t happen, you may see degraded performance. You certainly put your computer at risk for possible malfeasance as it won’t have the latest security patches.

The prompt screen will show up in the bottom right corner of your computer when it’s time to restart. You have the option to postpone the updates for up to 4 hours. If it’s more convenient for you to restart at the end of the day, please wait to do so. However, we really want you to reboot on the day you receive the prompt. Many of the trouble reports we receive in LTS are easily solved after a restart.

Ideally, you would restart your computer every night before you leave, but please, restart at least once a week on Wednesday. The updates are pushed on early Wednesday morning. This will insure that you are staying secure and keeping your computer healthy.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact LTS at 884-6404 or