New Administration Phone System

The main number for Library Administration, 882-4701, is now an auto attendant line. Administrative staff spent many months collecting statistics and discussing the best script to help callers choose the appropriate service desk within the Libraries.

Thanks to those for reaching out to us in other ways to point out a couple of bugs in the system. We believe all of the issues have been resolved and the auto attendant is officially up and running.

When callers dial 882-4701, they will be routed to the following service desks:

#1  Library Hours – 882-4391

#2  Reference – 882-4581

#3  Circulation –882-3362

#4  Security (aka Lost and Found) – 882-2053

#5  DigiPrint Copy Services – 882-7262

#6  Administration –882-9169

To reach Jacqueline Rash directly, please call 882-9169. If you don’t want to re-program your desk/cell phone, you can call 882-4701 and choose #6 or use the super-secret option that will immediately get you out of auto attendant loop….contact me for details.

If you have listing somewhere for the Library Hours phone line (882-4391), please change it to 882-4701. That line was no longer being listed in the official directories, so we’re simply shutting it down.

Special recognition goes to Whitney Sevy, Noah Hartsfield, Sheila Voss, Jacqueline Rash, and Cindy Cotner for helping with this implementation. Thanks to their hard work, 882-4701 will never physically ring again. It will be maintained remotely by Jacqueline Rash. The new attendant will save almost $300 per year in Telecom charges, along with the countless hours that staff will be able to devote to more productive tasks, and the many happy patrons that will reach the right service desk on the first try during all of the hours that the library is open.