Library Maintenance and Service Requests

Please welcome, Pete Melvin, our new Maintenance Services Attendant to the University Libraries. Pete will be working part-time performing services that complement the services provided by Campus Facilities. Pete reports directly to me, but is working closely with Security and the Receiving Room staff.

To simplify maintenance/service requests, a new distribution list called MU LIBRARY ADMIN ( has been created to help route requests quickly to the appropriate office.

Please send the following requests to: MU LIBRARY ADMIN.
Building maintenance in Ellis Library  (Branches, please continue to contact your building coordinator.)
Handyman projects
Delivery/pickup requests
Requests for moving items around the building
Copier (and other machine) maintenance requests
Work order requests

The list will be monitored by:

Kathy Peters
Pat Jones
Dana Houston
Duane Bittle
Pete Melvin

Requests will be handled by the appropriate office as quickly as possible. **Please continue to call Security for emergency situations.**

Staff Advisory Group Meeting 10/13/2016

  1. Welcome – Ann Riley

    • Reminder that this is an open meeting and all library staff are welcome to attend.This is a communication group, and intended to advisory to the director.
  2. Libraries Update – Ann Riley

    • Journal cuts are underway.Some things won’t be missed until the spring or summer 2017.
    • Campus Library Committee has held its first meeting.This committee is advisory to the Provost and the Library Director.
    • ULSAC (university library student advisory committee) is working with Grace Atkins.This committee has met a few times.They, along with MSA, are interested in restoring 24-5 library hours.
    • Medical Insurance Benefits – Annual Enrollment is coming up.The system will be open for annual enrollment October 17-28.Please make sure you make an election in the system during this time.
    • Dean’s Council

      • Faculty workload
      • Enrollment forecast
      • Budget assumptions for FY18: Assumptions have been distributed.The Libraries has their campus budget meeting on December 1.
      • Credit hour transfers between colleges:There is a new requirement in Missouri to establish core classes that guarantee that credit for these classes transfers between institutions.This includes an information literacy requirement, so the Libraries are involved in these discussions.
    • Events team:Sheila Voss will be heading up an events team comprised of student employees who will set up and take down events.
    • Space planning:There have been a lot of conversations about the State Historical Society Space, and several units on campus have expressed interest in the space.Ann has also been engaged in conversations about renovating/expanding Ellis Library.
    • Policies:LMT continues to work on revising Library Policies.The most recent policies to be reviewed were Workplace Violence and Loitering.
    • Mike Holland will be retiring in November.Staffing decisions around this have not been finalized, so there is no information to share.
    • Submitted Questions

      • Email passwords:questions should be addressed to Ernest Shaw.
      • Rumor of a leak in 202:Ann confirmed that there was no leak.
      • Phone in the Bookmark café:removed due to lack of use.
      • Job openings:

        1. Sr. Business Support Specialist (admin)– open through October 24.Replaces Steve Hammer and Mark Ellis.Currently filled by a temp.
        2. LIA (ILL Borrowing) – open through November 1.Part time, 20 hours/week.
  3. Staff Advisory Group Organization – Sheryl Cullina

    • Elections:We need to elect a chair, vice-chair, and recorder.The elections will be held for all-staff, not just those who were able to attend today’s meeting.

      • ACTION ITEM:Sheryl Cullina will write up short job descriptions for each position.These will be distributed when a call is put out for nominations (all-staff email).Voting will be held through qualtrics.
    • Terms:The decision was made to style terms after MULAC.Each term is 1-year.The vice chair is expected to promote to chair after their term as vice-chair is over.Elections will be held each year for a new vice chair and recorder.
    • Meeting Frequency:The decision was made that this group will meet monthly.The executive committee will also meet with the Director on a similar schedule.
    • Should LMT come to the meetings?

      • Suggestions were made that:

        1. LMT should report on their divisions at each meeting.
        2. LMT should attend and contribute to the conversation/communication
        3. Short consolidated report from 1 LMT member at each meeting
        4. LMT should be present to hear from everyone, not just their direct reports.
      • Decision:LMT is welcome to attend meetings/this is an open meeting for all staff. The decision may be made at some point to exclude LMT members for a meeting or part of a meeting due to the discussion, but they are still staff members and may attend in that capacity.

Office of Research and Grad Studies Looking for Oral Language Assessment Evaluators

The International Teaching Assistant Program in the Office of Research and Graduate Studies is looking for oral language assessment evaluators. The training and evaluation processes are both done online. Assessment training can be accessed through Blackboard. It must be completed and the exit exam passed before beginning work for pay. Assessments take 20-30 minutes to grade and evaluators are paid $15/test. Although we are continually looking for good evaluators, we need additional support for end-of-semester evaluations between December 6th and December 13th. Please contact Liz Tummons ( if you have any questions or if you are interested in taking part.

This activity is external to library duties and should not take place during an employee's regular working hours.



As we head into the last month of this election cycle, many of our Library staff are engaged and passionate about the political candidates and issues. Please be aware that many of our workspaces are public, and conversations about politics or religion may be overheard by your coworkers or by patrons, and may make others feel uncomfortable. Remember to be respectful of political and religious viewpoints that may differ from yours, and considerate of all of our staff and patrons.