Library Management Team Information and Action Items 10/25/16

Library Management Team Meeting
159 Ellis Library
Oct. 25, 2016  2-3:30 p.m.

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Update on Self-Checkout Machine
INFORMATION: Ernest updated LMT on the status of the self-checkout machine. It arrived damaged. We may be able to get replacement parts. If we have to wait for a whole new machine to be customized, it will take another six weeks.

Homecoming Open House Report
INFORMATION: Kathy gave a brief report on last weekend’s Homecoming Open House at Ellis Library. We had a good turnout with about 420 visitors.

Library Society Event Reminder
INFORMATION: Ann reminded LMT members that the Library Society event in the spring will be held on April 28. We still don’t have our first choice for speaker confirmed. If not confirmed by mid-November, will move on to other options.

December 1 Budget Meeting
INFORMATION: LMT members discussed preparation for campus budget meeting on Dec. 1. The budget assumptions for next year are a 5% cut, a 2% cut the following year and a flat budget after that. There will be no restrictions on raises for next year.

Bookmark Café Renovation Update
INFORMATION: Kathy updated LMT on the plans for the Bookmark Café renovation

  • In order to increase the electrical capacity of the Bookmark Café, both the Libraries and Campus Dining Services will spend $4,200 on the project. This is in addition to the money that is being received from SFCIC.
  • The renovations will happen in November, Thanksgiving week, while the Bookmark Café is closed anyway due to renovations to food preparation area in Memorial Union.

Organizational Changes Due to Retirement of Mike Holland
INFORMATION: LMT discussed plans for a temporary reorganization of the library reporting structure due to Mike’s retirement.

ACTION: Ann will share the new reporting structure with Libraries staff. Sheryl will make sure organization charts are updated on staff website.

Student Engagement Handout
INFORMATION: Sheryl presented a new student engagement handout that was created by Noah Hartsfield and a group of student supervisors with help from our student graphic designer. This handout shows how the Libraries’ values align with MU values.

ACTION: Noah will present this handout to student supervisors and encourage them to share this with their student workers.

MOBIUS Membership Meeting
INFORMATION: Ann stated that on Friday there would be a MOBIUS membership meeting, and we will present a letter stating that MERLIN libraries are going to be a standalone cluster of MOBIUS starting next fiscal year.

Transfer Efforts and Information Literacy
INFORMATION: Jeannette explained that Missouri Senate Bill 997 includes a revision of the course transfer policy for the state and enacts a 42-hour block of core competency courses that are transferable among two-year and four-year institutions. There has been some discussion that information literacy may be a part of this core competency.

Policy Review

Policy #14: Workplace Violence
INFORMATION: The Workplace Violence policy was approved and sent to staff for comment. There were no comments from the staff.

ACTION: Policy #14 was approved.

Policy #47: Improper Use of University Library Space and Facilities
INFORMTATION: The Improper Use of University Library Space and Facilities policy was approved and sent to staff for comment. There was one comment received.

ACTION: Policy #47 was approved.

Gift Policy
ACTION: Matt Gaunt is running this policy by staff at Advancement.

Notes from the Director 10/27/16

Hello everyone,

This morning I have lots of changes to announce.  Just as our weather is changing from summer to fall finally, we are having to do some organizational changes– re-assignment of responsibility– as a result of Mike Holland’s retirement.  Mike’s last day is Nov. 23, the day before Thanksgiving.  Starting that day,  Special Collections and Rare Books will report to Jeannette Pierce, as will Digital Services.  Archives will report directly to me, and Anselm Huelsbergen will be the acting University Archivist and supervisor of Archives.  To make responsibilities more equitable across the Library Management Team (LMT) members,  most of the specialized libraries (Geology, Engineering, Journalism, along with Vet Med) will report to Deb Ward. Judy Maseles will also report to Deb for Judy’s web role.  The Missourian will continue to report to Dorothy Carner, and Math will continue to report to Engineering.  Org charts with the new structure will go out soon and updated online after the Thanksgiving break.

These changes will probably be in effect for nine months or so as we hope to search for a new position to replace Mike soon.  LMT continues to discuss the best library structure for the future, as libraries everywhere continue to change, and we at MU face budget challenges that are expected to continue for at least a few more years.  Filling crucial positions and maintaining funding for them must be a priority.  Note that we will soon be advertising for a Technical Services Librarian, to address crucial vacancies in ACTS. ( Also, for everyone, I have no news about the future of my interim role or any title change for the head of libraries but am hopeful those issues will be addressed next semester if not before.)

Another change, that will be invisible to most of you, is that the MERLIN libraries are going to be a standalone cluster of MOBIUS, just as St. Louis U and Washington U. in St. Louis have been.  This has been under discussion for a long time. The new structure of that will start July 1, 2017.  I’ll give more details on that as they occur.  Corrie Hutchinson and Ernest Shaw are on the task force working on transition.

Improved communication inside the libraries and a higher profile for the libraries on campus continue to be my highest priorities.  We must have no communication silos within the libraries; reporting relationships should never impede communication.  Rather, we all have to communicate freely with people for work questions and ideas, being careful to include all those involved. Sometime mistakes occur in communications, and we cannot take them personally.  (Many of you have heard one of my favorite sayings, “Never mistake for malevolence that which can be attributed to incompetence.” In our environment, I’d add “overwork” as we all as have too much to do at times.)  Team work and open communication are essential.  All are encouraged to come to meetings of our new staff council group and ask questions if you have them.  Lots of conversations are ongoing about space and renovations, and I’ll share news as I have it.

As ever,


Healthy for Life Update

I Can FT5K
MizzouThon’s fall “I Can FT5K” 5 mile run or 1 mile fun walk will benefit Women and Children’s Hospital

When: Saturday, November 5, 2016  

Time: Check-in begins at 8:30 am. The 5K and fun run begin at 9:30 am.

Location: Tiger Plaza on MU Campus 

Cost: $15 if registered through October 28, $20 if registered through November 3rd. Children under 13 are free with parent supervision. Strollers are welcome.


Participating in the 5K or fun run is a great way to acquire steps for the Million Step Pedometer Program and earn great prizes, including points toward the 2017 Wellness Incentive. Visit  to learn about the Million Step Pedometer Program.

How to get an “A” in Retirment
8 week on-line course offered through MU Extension

When: November 7, 2016 – December 31, 2016 (additional sessions are offered throughout the year)  

Location: Online

Cost: $50


As a Healthy for Life sponsored program, participants who complete the course are eligible to receive 100 Wellness Incentive points toward the 2017 Wellness Incentive.

Yoga for the Holidays
All levels are welcome. 2 different sessions will be offered.

When: Mondays, November 7, 14, 21, 28 and December 5, 12, 19  

Time: 12:10 pm – 12:50 pm

Location: Missouri Psychiatric Gym on the ground floor of the University of Missouri Hospital 

Cost: $25, Cash preferred but check accepted

Registration: Contact Kate Walker at

When: Fridays, November 4, 11, 18 and December 2, 9, 16  

Time: 12:10 pm – 12:50 pm

Location: Missouri Psychiatric Gym on the ground floor of the University of Missouri Hospital 

Cost: $21, Cash preferred but check accepted

Registration: Contact Kate Walker at

Eligible Faculty and Staff can earn up to 100 points for engaging in physical activity. Participation in this event must be self-reported in the Cerner Wellness Portal to receive incentive points. Visit to discover other activities and resources to help you Be Active.

Flu season is almost here, and with it comes the opportunity to receive your flu vaccination on campus.

Healthy for Life staff will be hosting flu shot clinics on your campus in October. Flu shots are free for faculty, staff, dependents 12+ accompanied by an adult, and retirees who are enrolled in a University of Missouri (UM) medical plan, so don't forget to bring your insurance card to the clinic. If you are not enrolled in a UM medical plan, flu shots are $20 and can be paid for with cash or by checks made out to Healthy for Life. 

Eligible employees can also earn 50 points toward Tier 2 of the 2017 Wellness Incentive by receiving their vaccination. The points will be added in November when the incentive kicks off. The 2017 Wellness Incentive rewards you with up to $450 for taking steps toward a more healthy lifestyle. 





10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

School of Nursing/School of Medicine, Room S265


10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Lewis & Clark Hall, Lobby


10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Ellis Library, Colonnade


10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Reynolds Journalism Institute, Palmer Room


10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Mizzou North, Room 707

Questions? Contact the HR Service Center at (573) 882-2146 or

Financial Wellness Workshops
Confident Investing in Any Market

When: Friday November 11, 2016 

Time: 11:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.             

Location: Ellis Library 106A (Telepresence) 

Registration: Online or call 800-642-7131 

Building a Portfolio for Any Weather

When: Tuesday November 29, 2016 

Time: 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.             

Location: Ellis Library 106A (Telepresence) 

Registration: Online or call 800-642-7131 

Visit for more information. 

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may ear 25 points for participation in the Financial Wellness Workshops. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact for questions. 

2016 HRS Training Conference
45 unique sessions will be offered for your professional development and personal enrichment.

When: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 and Wednesday, November 2, 2016 

Time: Sessions are scheduled throughout the day beginning at 8:30

Location: Memorial Union 


As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may ear 25 points for participation in the Training Conference. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact for questions. 

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 10/11/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Update from Collection Steering Committee on Cancellation Project
Corrie and Jeannette updated LMT on the collection cancellation project.

ACTION: CSC will work to get the most complete version of the cancellation list published and communicated to faculty, including in MU Info.

Report from Library Committee Meeting
Ann gave a brief report on the Library Committee Meeting that was held on Sept. 30.

  • Todd Ruppar from the School of Nursing is the new chair of the committee.
  • They discussed budget problems, 24-hour access to Ellis Library, bed bugs, open access and library development efforts.

Greetings for Events
Ann reminded LMT members that it is proper etiquette for a representative from the library to give a greeting at all events that occur in the libraries. In most cases, Ann will give the greeting, but she will assign the duty to someone else if she is not available.

Report from Deans’ Council
Ann gave a report from the Deans’s Council meeting.

  • Due to legislative pressure, there will be strict limits on teaching waivers given to faculty. All faculty will have a three and three load unless they have a certain level of research or administrative duties. This does not affect librarians.
  • The new vice provost for enrollment management, Pelema Morrice, gave a report to the Deans.Enrollment for next fall is likely to be down again. Main perception is that campus is unsafe despite data that our safety records are in line with peer institutions. Percentage of African-American students is down quite a bit. Missouri State University has become one of our big competitors. Will continue to look at data. Have hired six new recruiters.
  • Despite the possibility of continuing budget struggles, the deans have asked that there be no freeze on salaries next year.

Position Updates
There was an update on the status of current positions that need to be filled.

  • The Technical Services librarian position will be posted soon.
  • The fiscal assistant position has been posted.
  • A temporary archivist position will be posted soon to help cover when Mike Holland retires.
  • There will be a part-time ILL position posted.
  • There will be a full-time Information Specialist position posted in Journalism to replace a full-time Senior Information Specialist position.
  • A part-time maintenance person has just been hired.

Events Team Proposal
Kathy presented a proposal to LMT for how to staff the set-up and take down of events. It was suggested that Sheila Voss be named the Events Team Coordinator, and she would recruit and manage students from various library units to handle the physical aspects of events.

ACTION: The proposal will be implemented. Sheila Voss will be the Events Team Coordinator and Shannon Cary will serve as her backup.

Update from Campus Space Utilization Committee Meeting
Jeannette and Mike were not able to attend the Campus Space Utilization Committee meeting because the meeting date was changed without their knowledge.

Transfer Efforts and Information Literacy
Jeannette explained that Missouri Senate Bill 997 includes a revision of the course transfer policy for the state and enacts a 42-hour block of core competency courses that are transferable among two-year and four-year institutions. There has been some discussion that information literacy may be a part of this core competency.

Ellis Library Sign Task Force Update
The Sign Task Force met with Cyndi Curnutte to discuss the Library’s signage project. She is already working with a vendor on sign projects at several buildings on campus, including the hospital.

ACTION: Cyndi Curnutte will do a survey of Ellis Library and the current signage and will come back to the task force with a proposal based on the budget allotted.


Policy Review

Policy #14: Workplace Violence
Sheryl and Pat contributed to the revision of this policy to make it much less verbose.

ACTION: The Workplace Violence policy was approved and will be sent to staff for comment.

Policy #47: Improper Use of University Library Space and Facilities
This policy used to be the loitering policy. It was edited down quite a bit from the previous version.

ACTION: The Improper Use of University Library Space and Facilities policy was approved and will be sent to staff for comment.



Clarification about Travel Allowances for Meals

When you submit your travel expense form to Admin, please be sure to note any meals that must be excluded from your travel per diem. Any meals that are included in conference registrations or paid by others (such as a continental breakfast provided by your hotel) must be deducted from meal per diem.

The link to meal allowances in-state, domestic outside of Missouri, and foreign trips can be found at:

Excluded Meal Allowances (excerpt from BPM-505 Allowable Expenses)

“If meals are included in conference registrations, covered by other University payments, or paid by others, the traveler is responsible for making appropriate deductions to the per diem amount when submitting their reimbursement request.”

The full text from BPM-505 can be found at:

Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we revise our forms and review University policies and practices. Accounting Services is currently reviewing our forms. We should have new forms available on the library website soon.