Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 9/12/2016

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Budget Discussion with Regards to FLSA
INFORMATION: Sheryl updated the members of LMT on how the new overtime rule of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) affects the Libraries’ budget. This new rule sets the minimum salary level for exempt employees at $46,476 annually for a full-year worker. The rule will be effective on Dec. 1, 2016.  We have a meeting scheduled with HRS on September 23 to discuss the FLSA changes.

Compression and Filling Some Positions
INFORMATION: FLSA changes will cause additional salary compression issues for the librarians and archivists. Ann has asked Sheryl to gather salary data for LMT to review. LMT will also be reviewing staffing priorities.

MERLIN Change Report
INFORMATION: Ann discussed staffing changes due to our changing relationship with MOBIUS.

Discuss options for SCARaB Next Semester
INFORMATION: The members of LMT congratulated Mike Holland on his upcoming retirement. They discussed various options for re-organizing the department.

ACTION: Ann will be meeting with librarians in SCARaB to gather their opinions and come up with a temporary organizational structure.

Strategic Analysis of the Libraries by Public Affairs Students
INFORMATION: Shannon informed LMT members that a group of graduate students from the Truman School of Public Affairs was interested in doing an in-depth semester-long strategic organizational analysis of the Libraries. The Libraries would agree to provide some internal planning documents and have some of the management team interviewed. At the end of the project, the students will provide a report with their finding to the Libraries.

ACTION: LMT agreed to participate in this project.

Other News
INFORMATION: Jeannette and Grace Atkins will be meeting with the University Libraries Student Advisory Committee (ULSAC) on Tuesday, September 13.

Todd Rupar, from Nursing, will be the new chair of the Library Committee.

Thinking About Chili

Hello All,

Maybe it’s just because it’s lunch time — I’m thinking about chili and about the plans progressing for the Libraries’ Third United Way Chili Cook-Off! We are planning fun, food and prizes! We’re hoping for a competition for great chili that will exceed the great tastes of last year! We’re hoping everyone will come and join in the fun. What better way to relieve some stress of the busy fall season at Mizzou than to join your colleagues and share the joy? 

If you have not already, please mark your calendar for September 28, at 11:30 in 4F51A. And please do think about entering your best chili recipe — the top prize could be yours!

And please remember that the United Way has a web site where you can donate — and there are prizes the Mizzou campaign is offering for those who are in the donor pool — prizes like University Concert Series tickets, and gift cards for places like Chick-Fil-A and Andy’s Frozen Custard. It seems that the earlier you donate, the better your chances to win. So there is yet one more way to win by participating in United Way here at Mizzou. And every dollar makes a difference for folks in need of services here in Boone County.

In the meanwhile, mark your calendar, plan to join the fun, and make plans of your own to cook up a great crock of your best chili. 


Deb, Cindy, and Karen
2016 United Way Unit Ambassadors

Notes from the Director 9/9/2016

Hello everyone,

This week, the week after Labor Day, seems like the time students decide, “OK, now it’s REALLY fall,” and get back to work.  It’s great to see the students fill the libraries all over campus again.  Of course, someone pointed out that we’ve had a lot of rainy weather this week, which makes them come inside, so maybe it’s not just a renewed urge to study.

Thanks to all who participated in interviews for our new fiscal officer.  I’m delighted to announce that Kathy Peters has accepted the position.  Since she is in the acting role already, we hope for a smooth transition.  Kathy’s degree in Business, many years of financial and supervisory experience, and her cheerful personality combined to make her a great choice, and I hope you all will join me in congratulating her on her new role. She’s a positive addition to the Library Management Team.

Work on renovation of Ellis 202 and 114 is almost complete.  I hope you can take a look and see how much those rooms have improved.  Changes continue at the Health Sciences Library also, and they have front row seats for the new construction of the School of Medicine’s new facility.

Sheryl reports that voting closes today on the future of Library Assembly.  If you haven’t voted, please do.  Currently option 2 on the ballot appears to be in the lead.  That’s the one suggesting open staff meetings quarterly or as needed with only a few officers being elected, and all welcome to attend.  Sheryl also has sent out some revised library policies.  Since we don’t have a group to look these over at the moment besides LMT, that seemed like the best way to let you all know about them.

Next week Grace A. will convene the first University Library Student Advisory Council meeting of this year, and I am working with the new chair, Todd Ruppar, a faculty member in Nursing, to set up the first campus Library Committee meeting of the year for that predominantly faculty group.  Work continues on our big journal cut, which I know will interest everyone.  Reaching out to our campus community continues to be a high priority.  Gaining additional funding depends a lot on having more people understand the value of what we do.

Other than that, I think I’ve already mentioned that over Thanksgiving Break the BookMark Café will get a bit of a makeover, funded by Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee funds.

As always, feel free to email me with questions or concerns.

Thanks for all you do to serve our users, and for getting the fall off to a good start.


Library Assembly – Voting Results

Thanks to everyone who voted last week on the future of Library Assembly.  The votes have been totaled, and the results are as follows: 

No Group:  30.95%
Staff Advisory Group: 50%
Revised Library Assembly:  19.05%

I’m working with Ann and Whitney to schedule the first meeting of the new Staff Advisory Group for October 18.  A meeting request will be sent out shortly.

Sheryl Cullina, PHR, SHRM-CP
HR Manager  – MU Libraries



Upcoming Workplace Diversity Series

Just a reminder about next week's Workplace Diversity Series (see below).  There is still some availability, but space is limited.

To register or see the line up for the rest of the fall, please click here
Also, there is still some availability in the October session of Diversity 101, a 4-week online course for faculty and staff. Please click here for more information.

The new Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity is there for YOU!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Noon to 1:30 p.m., N206 Memorial Union

In order for us, as a campus community, to live our values of Respect, Responsibility, Discovery, and Excellence, it is critical that each and everyone one of us feels welcome, included, and safe on campus. The newly formed Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (IDE) was created to harness our existing resources and build new avenues for collaboration across campus to support employees, faculty, and students in these efforts. Whether you need help resolving issues related to discrimination, bias, or harassment or you seek opportunities for professional development in diversity and inclusion, the IDE is there for you! Join us for this informational session about the various educational programs offered by IDE, including the services offered by the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX and the Office of Accessibility and ADA Education. You will also have the opportunity to share updates about what's happening in your area of campus as well as ask questions.

Reminder Regarding Library News Notes Submission

Here are a few policies and procedures regarding News Notes.

1. Items for News Notes should be submitted to me by noon on Thursday. Please let me know if you will have a late submission.

2. Please send completed items as you wish them to be posted in the blog. This saves time and confusion. If you would like help in composing your post or if you want me to edit the post, please let me know in advance of the submission deadline.

3. If you have images for your posts, please send them to me as a .jpg or .pdf file attached (not inserted in) to your e-mail.

4. Items must be work-related. If you have personal items, please submit those to the MUSE blog.

4. If you have corrections to items in News Notes, please send them directly to me.

Thank you for your cooperation. Following these procedures will aid me in making sure that News Notes items are published quickly and accurately. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shannon Cary

Healthy for Life Update

Register now for the upcoming
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program

Healthy for Life invites you to join the eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR). Learn mindfulness meditation, yoga, and body scan as well as important information about stress, communication, and wellness. Engage in group discussions, and execute in-class and at-home practice exercises. You will learn to apply awareness and compassion to all aspects of your work and personal life—learning to be present with thoughts and emotions without allowing them to create imbalance in reaction to stress.

MBSR complements the medical management of a wide variety of mental and physical health challenges. Regular class attendance and approximately 30 minutes of at-home practice per day are recommended.

Orientation: Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016, 5:30 p.m.

Classes: Tuesdays, Sept. 27 – Nov. 15, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Retreat: Saturday, Nov. 5, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Cost: $40 for faculty, staff, and retirees. Includes all classes, a manual, DVD, and CD. $20 rebate if you attend 7 of 8 classes. Spouses or partners can join with you free of charge if they use the same materials.


Contact: David Burks, the instructor for the course, at

MBSR Graduates report lasting benefits:

  • An ability to cope more effectively with both short and long term stressors
  • Improved concentration and creativity
  • Greater energy and enthusiasm for life
  • An increased ability to relax
  • Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms
  • Improved immune system functioning
  • Reductions in pain levels and an enhanced ability to cope with pain that may not go away

This course can earn eligible employees 100 points toward the 2017 Wellness Incentive—which will pay you up to $450 for taking steps to live a healthier life.