"MU Libraries brace for 17 percent reduction in collection expenditures"
MUTV, August 14, 2016
"MU Libraries brace for 17 percent reduction in collection expenditures"
MUTV, August 14, 2016
Present: Shannon Cary, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Announcements about Building and Security
INFORMATION: Pat made several announcement regarding facilities.
ACTION: Pat will request information about the painting from the museum, and Shannon will distribute the information to staff.
Fall Hours Talking Points
INFORMATION: LMT discussed the fall hours talking points document that Shannon had distributed earlier via email.
ACTION: Shannon will share with staff and post as gateway announcement.
Student Worker Budget
INFORMATION: Kathy presented LMT with the proposed student worker budget for this year. LMT members said that overall the budget looked ready for distribution to departments. There was discussion about the numbers for a few departments, but it was agreed that minor adjustments could be made where needed.
ACTION: Kathy will follow up with the appropriate LMT members to figure out adjustments in their areas.
Travel Budget
INFORMATION: Kathy presented LMT with the proposed travel budget for this year. The allocation for each department is based on the number of librarians.
ACTION: Travel policy will be announced at MULAC meeting on Aug. 17 and at All-Staff Meeting on Aug. 18.
All-Staff Meeting
INFORMATION: Ann reminded LMT of the agenda for the All-Staff Meeting next week. There will be guest speakers from Human Resources and Campus Facilities. Ann will discuss the budget and travel policy. Grace and Kelli will present on the Cycle of Success campaign.
Goals and Objectives
INFORMATION: Ann thanked the LMT members who sent in objectives for each of the Libraries goals. Whitney Seva, in the Admin office, will compile all of these into one document.
ACTION: Departments who have not yet completed their objectives need to do so and send them to Ann.
ACTION: The phrase “and professional practice” will be added to Goal 3: To position the University Libraries as active partners in support of research.
Article Reach
INFORMATION: There is a proposal from MOBIUS regarding Article Reach, which allows patrons to self-initiate article lending. Some members of LMT thought we had already decided not to participate in Article Reach due to several concerns, including use of print collection, copyright issues, work for staff, proxy access and licensing.
ACTION: A group will be formed to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of providing the Article Reach service to our users. Members will include Ann, Corrie, Jeannette, Ernest and Deb.
Kickoff Event Highlight
INFORMATION: The Chancellor’s office asked schools/colleges and other units to provide one highlight that could be shared at a kickoff event and possibly for a Chamber of Commerce slide show. LMT discussed possible Libraries activities that could be highlighted.
ACTION: The Marketing Team will work with appropriate staff to send information and graphics about the Hathi Trust project, highlighting the digitization of the Vetusta Monumenta.
UPDATE: Felicity Dykas worked with the Marketing Team and submitted this article http://library.missouri.edu/news/special-collections/creating-the-library-of-the-future. The Chancellors’ office provided positive feedback, so we expect to see this featured in the slide show at the kickoff event.
Sierra Web
INFORMATION: Ernest gave LMT a brief update on Sierra Web. He stated that Sierra Web is live, but is limited to five seats for the MERLIN cluster. He said that it works well, but his only concern is that it is not very secure. Anyone with Sierra credentials can access the site from anywhere. Coordinators will be doing some testing, and he will keep everyone up-to-date
All Staff:
The Annual Department Surplus/Swap Meet will be Wednesday, August 17th 2016. If your department has any donations, please contact security to schedule a time for them to be picked up.
Thank you,
"Missouri Historical Society to Build Research Center, Museum"
kbia.org, Aug. 8, 2016
The Libraries have immediate openings for part time Library Information Assistants at the Libraries Depository (UMLD).
For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.
The Gathering seeks to/is for:
A new painting from the MU Museum of Art and Archaeology was installed in the Grand Reading Room on August 11. Information about the painting is below.
David Ligare (American, b. 1945)
Dido in Resolve, 1989
Oil on canvas (89.6)
MU Museum of Art and Archaeology
Gift of the MU Student Fee Capital Improvements Committee
David Ligare is a California based artist who was commissioned to create a contemporary classical painting for the Museum of Art and Archaeology to serve as a link between the ancient and modern objects in the Museum’s collection. Ligare’s painting represents an episode from the Aeneid by the Roman author Vergil.
According to the story, Dido, Queen of the North African coastal city of Carthage, met the Trojan prince Aeneas when he stopped in Carthage after the end of the Trojan War. Aeneas fell in love with the queen, and the two spent the following winter together. Later, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, visited Aeneas and urged him to travel to Italy to found a new Troy (which later became the Roman Empire). Choosing not to disobey the gods, Aeneas departed and abandoned Dido. Distraught over her lost love, the queen built an enormous pyre to burn all of Aeneas’ leftover possessions.
Ligare pictures Dido in her palace as Aeneas’ ships depart Carthage. As smoke from the pyre rises in the background, the queen resolves to end her life. Dido eventually threw her own body onto the pyre, cursing Aeneas as she committed suicide.
Ligare makes visual references to archaeological objects in the painting, representing, for example, a classical lamp similar to those found in the Museum’s collection. The artist also shows Dido seated in profile, a position that recalls the traditional poses of deceased figures in ancient Greek funerary monuments. Ligare’s frame, moreover, resembles the structures that surround these ancient monuments. These funerary references allow the artist to foreshadow Dido’s death with the formal elements of the painting.
ALL STAFF: Please use the following information to answer any questions you may receive from our users about the reduction in hours. Please share this information with your student workers as well. We will also place an announcement with similar wording on the gateway. Send all media inquiries to Shannon Cary. Thanks.
Ellis Library Fall Hours 2016
Mon-Thu 7:30am-Midnight
Fri 7:30am-7pm
Sat 9am-7pm
Sun Noon- Midnight
The University Libraries will reduce hours for Ellis Library (and some of the specialized libraries) at the beginning of the fall semester. Ellis Library will no longer be open 24 hours, but will close most days at midnight.
In order to maintain the highest service level possible, the Libraries have increased the hours for online chat access to librarians. Students and researchers may ask questions online almost any time of day or night.
In addition, Ellis Library will be open 24 hours the week before and the week of Finals.
In addition to reducing hours, the Libraries have eliminated eight positions and will be cutting approximately $1.2 million in collections. These measures result from a lack of student fee revenue as well as the 5% cut to MU general operating funds. The Libraries administration continues to seek funds through a variety of sources.
All hours for Ellis Library and the specialized libraries can be found at library.missouri.edu/hours.
Send additional questions to Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or 573-882-4703.