Healthy for Life Update

Registration delayed for step challenge
Because of an upgrade to the website, registration for Step Up with MU Health Care has been delayed. The upgraded website will have a different look and feel than earlier competitions and will allow for better integration for community participants.

Participants should be able to register on the website beginning Friday, Aug. 21, and registration will remain open until 11:59 p.m. Monday, Sept. 14. The start of the contest has not been delayed, so steppers should start recording their steps on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Questions? Email 

Register now for the Eat for Life online program
Have a history of chronic dieting, or eating when stressed, bored, unhappy? Enroll in Eat for Life now. Create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body.

Eligible first-time participants: Earn 100 pts. toward the 2016 Wellness Incentive—paying up to $450 ( )

Program taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy, health psychologist. For more information: watch informational videos or find more details online. Or, direct questions to Dr. Rossy at

Register now for stress reduction classes!
Three decades of research show the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program is effective in helping people cope with medical problems, job or family-related stress, anxiety, and depression. Join this 8-week program to get tools for using formal mindfulness techniques (meditation, yoga, body scan) to response to stress.

Orientation: 9/23 | Classes: 9/30 – 11/18 | Retreat: 11/14

Cost: $40 for faculty/staff/retirees, which can cover you and your spouse/partner ($20 rebate if you attend 7 of 8 classes)


More info:

Earn 100 points toward the 2016 Wellness Incentive—which will pay you up to $450 for taking steps to live a healthier life.

Program taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy, health psychologist. For more information: watch informational videos or find more details online. Or, direct questions to Dr. Rossy at

New Boot Camp session announced!
Open to all University of Missouri employees or community members, COMO Crossfit SWEAT Boot Camp will be held on campus in MUPC gym.

Sweat Workshop

For more information visit

Be active with a little help from the Wellness website!
The Be active section of the Wellness website features information to encourage physical activity and movement throughout the workday. Find information in this section about the Million Step Pedometer Program, Ride to Wellness Odometer Program, discounts and resources and physical Activity classes held on-campus. To locate Columbia area fitness center discounts and on-campus walking trails visit Discounts and resources: Columbia.

Questions? Contact us at or 573-884-1312.

FMLA Training for Supervisors

Has it been a while since you have learned about the FMLA?  Are you a new supervisor who is unfamiliar with the FMLA process?  This session is for you!

The Libraries will hold FMLA training for supervisors on September 15, 9:30-11am and September 16, 2-3:30.  The sessions are both the same, so you only need to attend one to brush up on your FMLA knowledge.  Meeting invitations will be sent to all-staff so that you can easily add a session to your calendar.  As always, if several people in your area are planning to attend, please be sure to check with your supervisor to make sure that there will be coverage.

Centennial Committee Meeting, 8/10/15

Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, John Budd, Marie Concannon, Rebecca Graves, Jim Cogswell

Centennial Kickoff on September 23, 2015

  • Jim offered to make an announcement at the All Staff Meeting on Thursday, August 13, regarding the status of the centennial celebrations. He will ask for volunteers to help with the Kickoff celebration at that time.
  • Sheila has contacted the School of Music about hiring a band to play at the Kickoff. The centennial committee agreed that a jazz band with brass instruments will work for the event.
  • The centennial committee finalized the wording for MU Announcements regarding the Centennial Kickoff. There will also be a description of the centennial events on the MU Libraries Gateway page.
  • Jim and Matt Gaunt will be in touch with Payton Head and Howard Richards about speaking at the Kickoff event.
  • The committee agreed that the Kickoff volunteers should wear some clothing such as a t-shirt or hat that will identify them as working the event. Shannon will work on clothing designs for volunteers. 

Centennial Gifts for Staff

  • The committee discussed possible gifts for library employees as souvenirs for the Libraries’ 100th anniversary. The committee decided on purchasing t-shirts with the centennial logo on them. 

Library Society Dinner on April 15, 2016

  • The centennial committee originally proposed to have Alberto Manguel as the keynote speaker for the 2016 Library Society Dinner. Marie contacted him a year ago to see if he was interested. Manguel originally responded but then Marie heard nothing from him for months. The centennial committee then asked Robert Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, to be the keynote speaker instead. Manguel recently contacted Marie and asked her if we are still interested in having him as the speaker. The committee agreed that we would ask Manguel to be the speaker for the 2017 Library Society Dinner instead. 
  • Jim told the committee that David Ferriero agreed to be the 2016 Library Society Dinner speaker in March. Jim emailed him last week to discuss the details of the dinner but has not received a response from Ferriero yet.

Centennial Art Contest

  • Jim agreed to manage the centennial art contest. The committee discussed sponsoring visual art, literary, music and theatrical art contests to celebrate the Libraries’ 100th anniversary. Jim will contact the appropriate departments in the School of Fine Arts to involve them in the participation and judging of the contest.

Health Sciences Library Centennial Event on October 15, 2015

  • The centennial committee agreed to share any centennial souvenirs and displays with HSL for their event in October.  
  • All branch libraries are encouraged to participate in the centennial art contest this fall.  

Rededication Celebration on January 15, 2016

  • Marie Concannon has confirmed that Steve Gallagher will play historical records for the rededication celebration in January. Sheila will help Marie with the performance contract for Steve.

New Posts, August 3-7

  1. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 7/30/15
  2. Boyd Receives Veterinary Librarian Award
  3. Thank You from Interim Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
  4. Social Media Team Meeting, 8/16/15
  5. Student Fee Working Group, 7/28/15
  6. Amigos Update
  7. Mizzou Colors on the Quad, Sept. 4
  8. Volunteer Opportunity for True North
  9. New MUSE Posts
  10. MU Libraries in the News
  11. Public Relations & Marketing Committee Meeting, 8/3/15