Centennial Planning Committee Meeting Minutes, July 14

Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, Marie Concannon, John Budd, Gary Cox, Matt Gaunt, Jim Cogswell

Rededication Celebration – Marie Concannon and Gary Cox on the subcommittee

  • Marie noted that there was previous discussion about changing the date of the rededication ceremony from January 28, 2016 to January 14, 2016 (the Thursday before the beginning of the winter semester). The committee discussed the different dates and decided that Friday, January 15, 2016, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. will be the official date and time for the Rededication Celebration.
  • Sheila will amend her request for Chancellor Loftin’s attendance to the new date for the rededication.  
  • Marie has talked to Ellen Blair about the contract for hiring a Victrola player to provide music at the rededication. She will contact the Victrola player to work out the details.  

Kickoff Celebration – Matt Gaunt, Rebecca Graves and Sheila Voss on the subcommittee

  • Sheila distributed a sheet with the estimated expenses for the Centennial Kickoff on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. The committee decided on serving Shakespeare’s pizza, popcorn, tiger stripe ice cream, and bottled water.
  • The committee decided that the giveaways for the kickoff will consist of 16 oz. plastic cups (with a possible sponsorship from Shakespeare’s Pizza), frisbees that will second as plates, t-shirts (with a tie-in to the student library fee campaign) and possibly stickers reminding students to vote in November for the student library fee. The student fee working group will be working with students on the t-shirts and student fee handouts, such as stickers.
  • Sheila will contact Dr. Brad Snow about reserving Marching Mizzou for the kickoff celebration. Unfortunately, Truman the Tiger was not available to attend the event.
  • Matt has arranged for Howard Richards to serve as Master of Ceremonies of the event. Matt is also in contact with the Athletics department to try and arrange for some athletes or coaches to speak at the event.
  • Sheila will recruit people for a sub-committee to organize games at the kickoff.
  • The committee changed the time for the kickoff from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. with the program beginning at 12:00 noon.

Library Assembly Meeting, June 23

June 23, 2015
Ellis Library Room 159
1:00 – 2:00 PM

Present:  Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Rebecca Graves, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Steven Hammer, Dustin Hoffmann, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward

  1. Discussion:
  • Electing New Officers  


    • Still asking for people to volunteer to run for vice-chair and recorder
    • Have one person interested in running for vice-chair
    • Even though it is not stated in the guidelines for this committee, it would be more logical to wait until July to hold a vote on nominees for the open positions.  This would allow incoming representatives an opportunity to volunteer for either position.
  • Approval of Appendix A: Representation


    • The UM Library Depositories were left off the list
    • Question arose about whether the temporary shift of departments reporting due to Jim Cogswell’s retiring should be in the appendix
    • Will hold off approval for next month
  1. Director Announcements (Ann Riley, Acting Director):
  • Jim Cogswell’s retirement announced


    • He will officially retire in 2016
    • For the next year, he will continue to oversee development issues, the student fee quest & centennial celebration
    • Meanwhile, the day-to-day operations are under the aegis of Ann Riley for the next year
    • Search for new director may begin in late September or October 2015
    • Possibility of a title change to  “Dean of Libraries” or something similar to match current trends among libraries
  • Shifting of departments


    • There will be a temporary shifting of to whom departments report during the next year


      • Reporting directly to Ann Riley – Administration (except Matt Gaunt to continue reporting to Jim), Security, Library Systems & UM Library Depositories
      • Technical Services to report to Corrie Hutchinson
      • Access Services to report to Jeannette Pierce
      • Digital Services to Mike Holland
      • Consortial Services to Abbie Brown
  • Library Management Team Retreat


    • Met to discuss the possibilities if the student fee passes or if it does not
    • Reported that the goals & priorities are the same regardless
    • The decision on the fee will only affect the speed at which they will be accomplished
  • Student Library Fee


    • There is $10,000 donated toward the promotion of the fee referendum
    • Best to use a peer-to-peer promotional group.  Three students have been hired for this purpose.
  1. Departmental Reports:

Digital Services Report presented by Adrienne Arden

As part of the restructuring due to Ann Riley’s move to Acting Director of Libraries, as of July 1, Digital Services will become part of SCARaB.  We look forward to whatever adventures await in our new reporting line.

HathiTrust has added our second batch of items to the HathiTrust Digital Library.  The content of this batch was nine reports issued by the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress.  We have about 700 left to scan, process, and submit.  This second batch serves as the end of our testing for the processing and uploading of text-based materials, and we will begin uploading text-based materials as part of our regular work.  Next we will test uploading books with images, which requires a different set of specifications.  Thanks to LTS for providing programming support to develop scripts that have automated some of the processing.

We have a new student assistant for the summer whose main focus is digitizing issues of the Columbia Missourian.

Felicity Dykas will be attending ALA in San Francisco from June 25 to June 30.


Health Sciences Report presented by Deb Ward

Things are beginning to take shape outside of the Health Sciences Library as the long-planned School of Medicine's Patient Centered Care Learning Center construction gets ready to launch. This new six-story building will be constructed adjacent to the west wall of the HSL. It is wonderful to see the school finally begin construction on the badly-needed facility, so we are joyous in spite of the short-term noise and re-routing required. Here are a few key facts for you to keep in mind in case you're coming over our way for the next two years.

Immediate Dates:

June 22 – Work on the parking lot and current fencing started yesterday and finished today. Old fencing was taken down, and newly configured fencing is to be installed. Once completed, the gates and the west entrance to the building will remain open through the end of July, 2015.

July 8 – set up tent for the Groundbreaking Ceremony, which will be held on July 9 at 10:30.

August 1 – Construction fence gates will be closed to all traffic, closing off the current delivery point on Kentucky Drive. The west entrance will be locked. Entry to the building will be through the west School of Medicine entrance to the south of HSL. North pedestrian entry to School of Medicine will not be affected. Library delivery van drivers will be given a tour of the new delivery route, parking, and directions to the HSL through the corridors.

What to Expect:

The worst of the noise, such as jackhammering on old foundation footers that need to be removed, will be scheduled for evenings and weekends. 

Library staff should experience no dust from the construction, so long as the west windows remain closed.

Library staff will feel vibrations and some noise from the construction. 

Work on utilities, such as electrical, sewer lines, and steam pipes will be done first. A construction fence is being erected along the north side of the HSL, closing off the sidewalk that runs between HSL and Stankowski Field. We expect to have a power outage over a weekend in the fall that could require HSL to close for that time period. We will have two weeks' notice, which will give us time to decide what to do, and to communicate this to everyone in advance.

According to the timeline, all of the utility work will be completed by the end of December, 2015. After the utilities work is completed, they will begin pouring the concrete for the new building. The concrete work should be completed by next summer.

Adjustments have been made to the earlier construction schedule, so that the building can open on schedule, and be operational by August 1, 2017.


Best News:

The HSL renovation can proceed at any time we have funding. This construction project is not viewed as preventing HSL from any renovation for which we may secure funding during the two-year period. The construction company is aware of our desire for a renovation whenever it can begin, and will work with us as needed.

More news from HSL & VML from Terri Hall

A new Information Services Librarian has been hired.

We are still assisting faculty with their promotion and tenure dossiers.

We are welcoming out new batch of medical residents, who have started arriving and begin work July 1.


Administration Report presented by Steven Hammer

MU Libraries Human Resources has hired a new employee to fill the vacant Human Resources Assistant position—Noah Hartsfield.  He will begin employment on Monday, July 6, 2015.


RAIS Report presented by Wendy Batson

Library training (week of boot camp) for graduate students and staff interested in working at the Ellis Reference Desk will be the week of August 10-14.  This year we have the largest number ever of non-reference staff participating.

The User Engagement Library position has been filled by Grace Atkins who will start Monday, August 10.

Access Services is joining the RAIS Division for the coming year while Ann Riley is Acting Director.  


MULAC Report presented by Jeannette Pierce

Starting July 1st, Sandy Schiefer will be the chair, Abby Brown will be vice-chair/chair-elect, and Rebecca Graves will be the MULAC representative for Faculty Council.

Working to post agendas and meeting minutes more quickly.

Upcoming Webinar: Understanding the Role of the Library in the Student Journey

A free, one-hour webinar sponsored by ACRL/Choice has been scheduled for the following:

Understanding the Role of the Library in the Student Journey: Insights from Field Research and Practice
Tuesday, 21 July, 1-2pm, CST
4F51A Ellis Library

Webinar description: How do college students feel about libraries and librarians?  What habits and behaviors factor into their use of library resources?  What are the largest pain points experienced by today’s academic library users?  How are libraries responding?  Join us for a webinar in partnership with ProQuest to hear Serena Rosenhan, Director of User Experience Design at ProQuest answer these questions with insights gathered during contextual studies of student and faculty researchers conducted at 6 college campuses.  Then, Brian Gray, Team Leader, Research Services at Case Western Reserve University’s Kelvin Smith Library will describe how his library created a strategic plan that focuses on serving the end user and reinventing the role of the library in student learning. 


Serena Rosenhan – Director, User Experience Design, ProQuest
Serena loves the challenge of making complex things easier to use and is happiest when she is observing or interviewing users. She brings over 15 years of experience in information architecture and interaction design, as well as 9 years of experience studying users of library resources, to her current work directing the activities of a growing User Experience Design Team at ProQuest.

Michelle D’Couto – Lead Product Manager, ProQuest
Michelle has a passion for building products that delight customers. After years in the semiconductor industry building enterprise systems and developing intellectual property, she is now with the Discovery Team at ProQuest, developing search and content solutions for library customers and student end users. She serves as Lead Product Manager for the Content in ProQuest’s Workflow Solutions Division.

Brian C. Gray – Team Leader, Research Services at Case Western Reserve University’s Kelvin Smith Library
Innovation, learning, and partnership are the hallmarks of Brian's work as the Team Lead for Research Services at the Kelvin Smith Library at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. One of 50 staff members in the main campus library, Brian draws on a variety of skills from teaching to technology to serve-and keep ahead of-the library's users, which include almost 10,000 students in over 60 degree programs, faculty and staff, and the university's community.

Please contact Cindy Cotner if you have questions.

Dykas and Kopriva Receive Funding to Digitize 4-H Materials

Felicity Dykas and Noel Kopriva recently received notification that their Project Ceres proposal for a digitization project of twentieth-century 4-H circulars from Missouri has been approved and will be funded in the amount of $1,500. Project Ceres is a collaboration between the United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN), the Agriculture Network Information Collaborative (AgNIC), and the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). The project sponsors award funding for small projects that preserve print materials essential to the study of the history and economics of agriculture and make those materials accessible through digitization. More information about Project Ceres can be found at http://www.crl.edu/news/project-ceres-funds-seven-new-projects.http://www.crl.edu/news/project-ceres-funds-seven-new-projects.

An Afternoon of Fiction Set in the Missouri Ozarks

July 18, 2015
2:00 p.m.
Research Center–Columbia

Join two authors with Missouri roots for readings from their latest projects, followed by a discussion on writing with topics ranging from choosing historical fiction to literary license and historical accuracy. Steve Wiegenstein will read highlights from This Old World, which was recently announced as a finalist for the M. M. Bennetts Award for Historical Fiction. Set in the utopian town of Daybreak, the novel depicts a troubled community deeply changed by the American Civil War. As the characters write the next chapter of their story, the men and women struggle with leadership, lust, and their own flawed humanity. Steve Yates also explores the aftermath of the Civil War in The Teeth of the Souls, which tells the double life and love story of Leighton Shea Morkan. Leighton's affection for his childhood confidante and former slave, Judith, endures despite his marriage to another woman. A sequel to Morkan's Quarry, the novel follows Springfield through a triple lynching on Easter 1906.

Notes from the Director, July 7, 2015

Hello everyone,

This week I’d like to share some information on the renovation of the Telepresence Room.  All four campuses are getting these rooms updated for improved technology, and work on ours will start July 17, when contractors will start tearing out the current room and replacing the technology.  Their plan is to have it all done by July 24.  Work will also start soon to repair an old steam pipe that stretches through rooms 202 and 114, down into the auditorium.

Also starting is the construction on the U.S. Census Research Data Center to be housed in Room 205.  It will have its own federal staff person, and we will need to reach out to him or her to make that person welcome in Ellis. That is also supposed to be complete by July 30.

Special Collections Librarian candidates are coming July 13 and 27, and I know many of you will try to make their open forums those mornings at 11 am in 4F51A.

Sheena’s replacement Noah Hartsfield started this week, and he has a service dog named Tara. They’re a happy addition to room 104.

HSL’s newest librarian, Taira Sullivan, starts Monday, so we have another new person to welcome!

The Student Fee Working Group is still meeting most Tuesday afternoons, and Matt will give us all a full report at the All Staff meeting on August 13. 

If you have ideas about what you’d like to have beyond a budget report, division reports and student fee report, followed by general Q and A, at the All Staff meeting, please send them to me soon.
