Annual Enrollment

Open Enrollment for faculty and staff begins on October 20, 2014.  All benefit-eligible employees must select and submit a medical plan choice or waive coverage in myHR.  If you take no action by October 31, you and your currently enrolled family members will be defaulted to the Healthy Savings Plan on an after-tax basis effective January 1, 2015.  Please visit for information on the available benefit plans and the Annual Enrollment Decision Guide.

HRS Training Conference

Human Resource Services will be hosting their annual training conference on November 5 and 6 at Memorial Union.  Chancellor Loftin will kick off the conference with a welcome to all attendees at 8:30am on November 5 in Stotler Lounge.  There will be over 40 sessions to choose from, with subjects ranging from benefits and wellness to IT skills and personal finance.  For more information, and to sign up for sessions, please visit  

Volunteers Needed for Homecoming Open House

If you are interested in helping out with this year’s MU Libraries Homecoming Open House at Ellis Library, please contact Sheila Voss at Volunteers will receive a pair of Concert Series tickets. The open house will be held from 10 am-noon (time to be confirmed closer to the event) on Saturday, Oct. 25.