Ellis Library ILL Receives Two Stars for Best Practices in Resource Sharing
















The Ellis Interlibrary Borrowing and Lending Units participated in a survey over the summer and received our certificate last week.  “The Rethinking Resource Sharing STAR Checklist provides library staff an opportunity to review and reflect on the policies and processes that comprise the resource sharing service they provide. The STAR Checklist is designed to be aggressive, challenging library decision-makers to live on the front lines of rethinking resource sharing. There is no expectation that a single library will meet every item on the list. While aggressive, the Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative also recognizes that achieving STAR status should be attainable.” (From the document accompanying the survey). Several SEC libraries have completed the survey. We have been grouped with Southeastern Libraries and are the 17th library in that grouping to have completed the assessment.

We scored 98 out of 128 points and received Two STAR status.


June DeWeese, Head of Access Services

Holiday Food Drive

MULSA will be sponsoring a food drive and contest to benefit the Columbia Area Food Bank, as well, as Second Chance (for animals), beginning Friday November 16th and culminating on Thursday, December 13th, just before the Winter Holiday Party.  A raffle will be conducted this year.  One ticket given for each non-perishable food item (3-5 tickets for large bags of dog food or kitty litter); $1.00 = 2 tickets (example: $10 = 20 raffle tickets).  Over the next four weeks we encourage library staff to bring in and donate non-perishable food items, or, if you prefer, cash. A drop off area will be in the Acq. Dept. by Sue Barnes’ desk area.  Branches, if you are unable to deliver your items, Sue will make arrangements to have them picked up.  The raffle winner will be announced at the Winter Holiday Party, the prize being a University Book Store gift card.

If you have any questions please contact Sue Barnes (Acq. Dept., Ellis Library), 884-2368 or barness@missouri.edu.

Nov. and Dec. Webinars on Digitization and Text Mining

Role of Long-Term Storage in Digital Curation
Sponsor: ALA Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
November 14. 1:00-2:00 pm
Ellis 4F51A

Introduces considerations for the long-term storage of digital content selected for preservation. This content must be stored in ways that align with good practice. The session addresses issues related to the development of storage management policies, including file formats for deposit and preservation, the preservation of multiple copies, the locations of those copies, the characteristics of those locations, and the means for meeting long‐term storage requirements.  (Description from website)

More information:  http://www.ala.org/alcts/confevents/upcoming/webinar/pres/111412

Text Mining Opportunities and Challenges

Sponsor:  Center for Research Libraries
Wednesday, December 5, 10:00-11:00 am
Ellis 4F51A

Text mining enables researchers to extract valuable information and data from large bodies of text, but also presents formidable technical and intellectual property challenges for libraries. This CRL webinar explores recent trends in text mining, and how publishers and libraries are responding to those challenges. Presenters from Elsevier and Gale Cengage, as well as collection development experts, will discuss:

  • * the types of resources being “mined”, including e-journal databases and digitized newspapers and archives
  • * recent text-mining projects
  • * the challenges and issues these present for database publishers
  • * what role, if any, libraries can play to support these activities
  • * what new services are envisioned and what is in the pipeline.
  • (Description from website)

More information:  http://www.crl.edu/events/8391


News Posts, Oct. 22-26

  1. United Way: Aaaand the Winner Is. . . .
  2. Open Access Week at MU Libraries is Oct. 29-Nov. 2
  3. Flu Shot Clinic in Ellis Library on Nov. 1
  4. DAC Presents Dr. Dennis Kelley on Storytelling and Mythmaking of Native Americans
  5. Vote on November 6
  6. Healthy for Life Update
  7. Director’s Calendar: October 29-November 2
  8. MU MERLIN Advisory Committee Meeting
  9. Digitization Interest Group Meeting
  10. Position Opening: Library Information Assistant
  11. Homecoming Open House, Oct. 27

United Way: Aaaaaand the Winner is…..






The winners of the fourth MU Libraries United Way participation drawing are Amy Lana and Karen Eubanks.


  • Amy just won a pair of tickets to see the Missoula Children’s Theatre performance of Hansel and Gretel.  They will be performing at Jesse Auditorium on May 11th.
  • Karen won four tickets to see the Chancellor’s Concert at the Missouri Theatre on March 11th.

We will be drawing more names for concert series tickets at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, November 1st.

All Library participants will also be eligible for the following prizes which will be drawn at the end of the MU Libraries United Way campaign.

  • $25 Bookmark Café gift Card
  • $25 University Bookstore Gift Card
  • $30 Target Gift Card
  • $100 cash (cash equivalent) to be used anywhere

If you haven’t pledged yet, please go to www.unitedway.missouri.edu

Participants will also be eligible for the campus-wide “30 for 30” prize drawings.


If you would like to pledge by using a paper United Way form, you may print one from the United Way website and send it to Mark Ellis, 104 Ellis Library.

~  MU Libraries United Way Tri-Chairs Paula Roper, Mary Hainen and Ann Riley.