National Library Week Follow-Up











At the National Library Week Celebration on April 10, we asked our patrons to “Tell us why you love MU libraries.”

Here are some of their responses:

  • Yay 4 reading
  • I<3 reading
  • Lots of computers
  • Huge collection of journal to access
  • The Library is awesome
  • The quiet floor!
  • I love the library because it has lots of resources
  • Full of great useful resources
  • What’s not to love? Lots of books, nice people, comfy chairs, gainful employment.
  • Wide range of books
  • Wonderful support staff! I love getting lost in so many wonderful stacks of books.
  • Wide range of books
  • Without the library, I wouldn’t have a quiet place to get things done.
  • I love the fact we have over 300 database. There is one for almost every subject area. Don’t default to summons
  • You make my academic career possible. Thanks!
  • # club Ellis for life
  • Very nice library!  I am proud of it.
  • Quiet place to study! It’s awesome!
  • Thanks for providing such a great facility to study and research!
  • The library is the best! # clubellis <3
  • I love it here! You guys are the greatest! Thanks!
  • Environment
  • Libraries offer information & information is power!
  • Motivates me to study!!
  • They have awesome books!!
  • Print anywhere! And a quiet place to study!
  • It’s quietish
  • The computers, printers are friends. As are the books.
  • Great book selection.
  • Quiet and Easy access!
  • Great study rooms!
  • Thanks for doing what you do!

Director’s Calendar: April 23-27th, 2012

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, April 24th
10:30-11:30 a.m. – Toi Derricotte Event, Ellis Library colonnade.

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. – Library Assembly, 159 Ellis Library

3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Strategic Planning and Resource Advisory Council (SPRAC), Reynolds Alumni Center

5:30 p.m. – Toi Derricotte Event at Berlin Theatre, Columbia, MO

List of Employees Being Recognized at May 21 Celebration of Service

2012 employees Benefit-eligible date Number of Years
Ruth Feldkamp 5/7/07 5
Dorothy Carner 6/1/07 5
Shannon Cary 11/10/07 5
Ann Riley 6/11/07 5
Joni Blake*
(GWLA position)
7/1/07 5
Jim Cogswell 4/15/02 10
Dan Akins 8/19/02 10
Anselm Huelsbergen 9/9/02 10
Mat Miller 11/4/02 10
Michael Holland 1/21/97 15
Deb Ward 7/1/97 15
Michael Spears 08/18/97 15
(Ivy)   Oi-chi Hui 02/15/97 15
Nina Johnson 8/1/97 15
Tony Schwartz 1/5/87 25
Felicity Dykas 05/18/87 25
Mary Hainen 8/17/87 25
Shelley Worden 9/13/82 30
Mary Ryan 2/1/1972 40
Total years of service 285

2012 Staff Appreciation Week – Human Resouce Services Training Sessions

Human Resource Services is sponsoring series of training sessions during Staff Appreciation Week, May 14-18, 2012. Overall, there will be 15 sessions covering diverse topics for managers, supervisors, professionals, office, technical and service/maintenance staff. All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for development for you and/or your staff. The speakers are primarily MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields.

Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and attend as many sessions as you can during this two day training. Most sessions are intended for Columbia Campus, UM System and UOEXT staff employees, however, academic employees can register and attend on a space-available basis.

The follow link goes to a HR website where you can find a complete course description and a link to register on-line. Supervisor approval is required to attend. If granted, attendance is considered release time.

Of note: Bob Almony returns to campus to conduct two financial planning courses as part of the conference:

Take Charge of Your Finances, May 15

1:00-4:30 p.m.
Location: N201/202, Mark Twain Ballroom
Presenter: Bob Almony w/Beth Steele (a teacher of
Real Estate at MU’s College of Business as well as at Columbia College)

This course deals with misconceptions about money management, your net worth, and tracking your cash flow each month. Learn to set up a real budget, handle debt, and discuss the 10 leading causes of overspending. We will review the overall personal budget process

Invest Now on a Small Budget for Better Retirement, May 17

1:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: S203 Aarvah Strickland Room
Presenter: Bob Almony

Learn the principles of investing for the long-term accumulation of wealth, especially for a comfortable retirement. We will discuss the issues of 403(b), IRA, Roth IRA, 401(1), 456, etc., and which one you should use in your retirement planning and why.
In addition, Leo and his colleagues with the MU Trainers’ Network will present the teambuilding/leadership skit based on the book by Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
May 18

1:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: S203 Aarvah Strickland Room
Presenter: Members of the MU Trainers’ Network

The skit portrays a new Executive Director of a fictitional software company. The Executive Director inherits a dysfunctional team and engages them in an effort to increase their capacity to function as a team.  This is a dynamic training program in which audience members will be able to interact with each other and with skit characters. By observing skits on group dysfunction, and by assessing and comparing their recommendations for improving the skit team, participants will develop skills to tackle tough team-based issues.

MULSA Election Notice

Election for MULSA’s Executive Board officers is coming up in May.  If anyone is interested, below is a list of positions and their descriptions. For more complete descriptions, please go to  Currently, we are in need of anyone interested in being a Book Sale Co-Chair or MUSE Co-Chair. However, you are welcome to nominate yourself for any position, except the Presidency. You must have your supervisors’ approval before you do so. Elected officers assume their duties on June 1st.  Members of the Executive Board meet once a month.

President – The president is actually elected as vice president in order to become president.  Responsibilities are relatively steady over the year.

  • Prepares meeting agendas, reserving time and space for meetings
  • Assists with parties and other activities
  • Maintains communication with the board, membership and administration

Vice President/President Elect – This is a two-year commitment, with the second year service as MULSA President.

  • Assists other board members in all their projects
  • Assists the President
  • Acts in the President’s place if that person is unable to perform their duties
  • Administers the Spotlight Award

Secretary –

  • Records the minutes of MULSA Board meetings
  • Distributes copies to Board members either in print form or by e-mail
  • Obtains approval of minutes and prepares them for posting to the MULSA web site
  • Acts as historian for MULSA

Treasurer –

  • Handles banking transactions and expenditures related to MULSA
  • Balances account books and ledger each month
  • Prepare/submit a monthly report to the Board, including end of the fiscal year report

Staff Lounge Chair –

  • Supervises a team of volunteers to up keep the lounge clean and operational
  • Purchases the supplies
  • Monitors the vending machines and notifies respective vendors of any issues and provides refunds to staff when needed
  • Conducts periodic refrigerator cleaning

Book Sale Co-Chairs (2 positions) – This is a two-person chair with one person elected each year to provide for continuity in service.

  • Operate the book sale located in the Copy Center on the first floor of Ellis Library
  • Make use of other available sources to sell books donated to the book sale

Social Co-Chairs (2 positions) – This is another two-person chair because it is probably the most time consuming of positions, but it is the ideal office to have for those who have the ability to plan and be creative.

  • Organize and delegate many details well ahead of the main social events (summer picnic Halloween party, Thanksgiving Feast, winter holiday party, annual Celebration of Service, and the annual MULSA meeting)
  • Require the ability to work well with others and a desire to interact socially

Courtesy Chair –

  • Sends cards, flowers or gifts to library employees who experience significant life events (birth of baby, marriage, death in family, retirement, hospitalization, etc.)

Community Service Chair –

  • Coordinates efforts to provide volunteer assistance and donations for needful projects within the Columbia community, such as Columbia Second Chance, Columbia Food Pantry and Rainbow house.

MUSE Co-Chair  (2 positions) – This chair is also for a two-person team.

  • Responsible for editing and compiling the MUSE magazine
  • Solicit poetry, prose, artwork, photography, and other creative material from library staff for publication
  • Post photos of library staff events
  • Provide access to The MUSE via the web or in print