Information Update From Campus Facilities

The carpet for DigiPrint/Copy Service and Circulation/Access Services/ILL has shipped and we are currently waiting for it to arrive at the installer’s warehouse. Allen Floors is scheduled to start Copy Service on Monday, 10/24. There may be some parallel installation work going on in 101/102/103 while Copy Service moves things around for their installation. We anticipate that the flooring installation will be complete in these two areas by Friday, Nov 4th. At that time, we would like to schedule for Circulation/Access Services/ILL to move back into their space, with their temporary furniture, if possible. There are still many things that have not been decided regarding the condition/refurbish/replacement of the systems furniture for this space and therefore, we will not be reinstalling that yet. Actual moving dates will need to be verified and confirmed with Moving Services/MR Installation, but the soonest that moving would start would be Monday, Nov 7th.

The carpet for Admin/Gov Docs is currently with Allen Floors for estimating and we anticipate those orders will be placed early next week. We anticipate that once Circulation/Access Services/ILL is back to their space with temporary furniture, by Friday, 11/11 at the latest, that Admin will be moved to CPRR with some of their furniture, if possible, or that there might be additional temp furniture for those that we can’t easily move and set up for use. I anticipate moving to start around the end of the week, 11/11 or even Monday, 11/14. Construction Work will be done to the Admin area and at this time, we don’t know that timeline, but I would at least estimate a minimum of two weeks and up to a month to be vacated from that space. We will schedule carpet installation following that work.

For Government Doc Stacks/OaSys, we are looking into the electrical that was there, what needs to be replaced, etc. and the round brass outlets that were uncovered when the flooring was removed. I don’t know the extent of that electrical work, yet. Once we have confirmation of a ship date on Gov Docs carpet, we can then narrow in on our approach to that space.

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