2011 MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off





Come Pizza, Party and Pledge!

Please join us for the 2011 MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off Luncheon!

  • Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 11:30 – 1:00 (The program will run from approximately noon to 12:30.)
  • Stop in anytime for pizza and to pick up your pledge card

Location:  Ellis Library Staff Lounge.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how YOU make it possible for the United Way to help thousands of people throughout our community.  An official of the Heart of Missouri United Way and a representative of a charity that benefits from United Way funding will be on the scene to meet you and to explain more about how the United Way works and to share stories about people who have received help from United Way funded programs.

Prizes:  When you pick up and return your pledge card during this event, you will be eligible to win a book store gift card. Small door prizes will also be awarded while you enjoy the pizza and the party.

RSVP (to help determine how much pizza to order):  To Mark Ellis (EllisMW@missouri.edu) by Thursday, September 15th.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this event.

Thank you,

Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, and Paula Roper  – MU Libraries United Way Campaign Committee

Lecture Presentation: Violence Against Women

Lecture presentation: “Violence Against Women:
By Walter Astrada — photojournalist for Getty Images
Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m.
The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute in the Fred W. Smith Forum

Acclaimed photojournalist Walter Astrada will be visiting the J-School on Wednesday, Sept. 14 to present his images of global conflict and his documentary project on gender-related violence.

Astrada’s five-year project, “Violence Against Women,” documents sexual torture, murder and female infanticide in Guatemala, the Congo and India.  The New York Times writes: “This powerful view of the global effects of violence on women is a result of Mr. Astrada’s strong personal conviction and stubborn perseverance.”
http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/03/violence-against-women-walter-astradas-global-view-of-a-global-problem/ <http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/03/violence-against-women-walter-astradas-global-view-of-a-global-problem/>

In 2010, Astrada collaborated with MediaStorm on “Undesired,” a multimedia project that examines social injustice and violence facing women in India.  The story won first place for Multimedia Issue Reporting in Pictures of the Year International.

The lecture is free and everyone is welcome.
Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m.
Fred W. Smith Forum at the Reynolds Journalism Institute

Update on Open Positions

Librarian I – ACTS: A short list of candidates has been identified and interviews are scheduled. As this is an abridged search for a one-year appointment, the search process will be modified as well, meaning the ACTS will execute the search internally. The regular search format will be conducted when the national search takes place.

Director of Development – Admin: Ron Kelley, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Development, is in charge of the search. His office has reviewed the applications received thus far but wants to continue to keep the position open and to broaden the search to attract a richer pool of applicants.

The MU Staff Advisory Council Needs You

The MU Staff Advisory Council (http://staffcouncil.missouri.edu) is in need of a new member in the Technical/Paraprofessional category after losing one of its current members due to unforeseen circumstances.  We would like to ask and highly encourage anyone interested in being a voice for fellow Campus Staff members to consider this valuable and indispensible service to the Chancellor.  Further information can be found at http://staffcouncil.missouri.edu/about/elections.html.  Self-nominations are welcome.

New Posts, Aug. 29-Sept. 2

  1. Pottinger Appointed to DSpace Committers Team
  2. Meet Lt. General Russel Honoré, Commander of Joint Task Force Katrina, at Ellis Library
  3. Holland Receives Academy of Certified Archivists Distinguished Service Award
  4. Current MUSE Posts, Web Tips
  5. Free Anti-Theft Registration
  6. Rescheduled: Interactive Skit on Teambuilding and Leadership Development
  7. September Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk
  8. Healthy for Life Update

    Pottinger Appointed to DSpace Committers Team


    Ithaca, NY The DSpace committers team are delighted to announce a new member to the group: Hardy Pottinger from University of Missouri Library Systems. Please join us in welcoming him!

    Hardy has been an active member of the DSpace Community for some time, contributing patches, helping to fix bugs (or test fixes), and providing general help and advice on mailing lists and IRC.

    Hardy works for the University of Missouri Library Systems, on the University of Missouri, Columbia (AKA Mizzou) campus. He is the Tech Lead for MOspace (https://mospace.umsystem.edu/), the institutional repository for the University of Missouri.

    Hardy holds a BA in English, from Fontbonne in Saint Louis (formerly a College, now a University). He worked on the school paper, and leveraged that experience into a few jobs at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in Chicago. During that period, he ended up doing quite a bit of developing/publishing work, mainly on web sites (using the venerable Cold Fusion), and narrowly missed the tail end of the dot-com bubble (phew). He then moved back to Missouri (where he and his wife grew up) to be closer to family. He’s been working in the Library space ever since, formerly on digital library kinds of things (using Michigan’s very cool DLXS software), but lately on University of Missouri’s institutional repository, MOspace.

    We are always on the lookout for new developers, contributors, and committers within the DSpace community. Anyone who would like to get more involved is encouraged to do so. You are also welcome to contact us at any time if you’d like some ideas of how to start contributing:


    Contributions can take many forms, from writing code to editing documentation, or testing new releases to designing new themes for our user interfaces.

    If you or someone you know has been an active DSpace contributor for some time, you can also nominate that person to become our next committer! Nomination details are available at:


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    Meet Lt. General Russel Honoré, Commander of Joint Task Force Katrina, at Ellis Library

    The MU Libraries will host a reception for Lt. General Russel Honoré at Ellis Library in the First Floor Colonnade on Wednesday, September 14 from 4-5 p.m. Please join us for refreshments and an opportunity to meet Lt. General Honore.

    Lt. General Russel Honoré
    Leadership and Preparedness in the 21st Century

    September 14, 2011
    7:30 pm
    Jesse Auditorium, Jesse Hall

    When it seemed that desperation and chaos were taking over the ciy of New Orleans, one man took charge.  Don’t miss this opportunity to see Lt. General Russel Honoré, commander of Joint Task force Katrina, speak about his experience restoring hope and order to a community left in shambles.

    Tickets available after August 17th at the MSA/GPC Box Office in the MU Student Center.
    Tickets are free for MU students and the general public. Everyone must have a ticket.

    Sponsored by New Student Programs, Department of Student Life and MSA/GPC.