Healthy for Life Update

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program-Register NOW for Fall Class
Healthy for Life–the T. E. Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program–is offering an intensive class in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction to University of Missouri faculty and staff (and their partners, spouses, and adult family members).

Enroll now for this 8-week program to learn skills for responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity.  Classes include instruction in formal mindfulness practices (sitting meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, and walking meditation) and information about stress, communication, and wellness.  Participants will be asked to engage in group discussions in class and daily practice exercises outside of class that support applying awareness, skill, and compassion to all aspects of work and personal life.  Regular class attendance and a commitment of approximately 30 minutes of practice per day for the duration of the course are recommended.

Orientation session: Tuesday, September 20 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.  (in the Memorial Union)

8-week class: Tuesdays (September 27  – November 15) 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Full-day retreat: Saturday, November 5 (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Cost of $40 includes a CD, DVD, and a training manual ($20 to be refunded if you attend 7 of the 8 classes).   Partners, spouses and adult family members can attend free of charge if they use the same materials.

For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Lynn Rossy at

Eat for Life Program-Register NOW for Fall Online or In Person Class

Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management and re-discovering the joy of eating.  This ten week program uses mind-body practices (meditation and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.  This non-judgmental, non-diet approach helps you use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat.

In Person Class:

Orientation Session: Tuesday, September 20 (12-1).

Classes: Tuesdays, September 27 – December 6 (12 – 1 pm)–except Nov. 22

Cost: $50 fee, $25 to be refunded if you attend 9 of 10 classes.  Payment can be made at the orientation session.

To enroll: Contact Rachel Ploskonka at

Online Course:

Orientation: Week of September 19

Classes: Week of September 26  through week of December 5

Cost: $50, $25 to be refunded with full participation in discussion board

There are three ways to enroll:

  1. Send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life to Lynn Rossy, 205 Heinkel Building by September 13 so we have time to send you your books. Please send the registration form at the end of this email with your payment.
  2. Pay by credit card by calling the Healthy for Life office (884-1312) by September 13 so we have time to send you your books.
  3. Drop by the Healthy for Life Offices (8am-5pm, excluding noontime) anytime before September 16 to get your books and make your payment.

For more information: Contact Rachel Ploskonka at

Healthy for Life’s regular 10 week program on creating a healthy relationship with your food, body, and mind is now a course you can take online in your own home on your own time.  Video and audio components teach you the foundational mindfulness practices (meditation and yoga) and the BASICS of Mindful Eating.

This is an exciting opportunity to take a class in the comfort of your own home.  All you need is a computer and, of course, the time to commit to taking the class.  Everyone that signs up will be going through the class at the same time.  You will have a week to complete each section.  There are practice exercises to complete each day.  All is completely explained on Blackboard once you get signed in.

Read what participants have to say about the class:

“EFL has been a transformational experience…my relationship to food has changed dramatically.  I actually think about food much less than before — now it’s rarely on my mind until I begin to experience hunger.  And I am savoring my food infinitely more…EFL embodies an intuitive, gracious approach to living, and I am captivated by the gentleness and kindness inherent in the process.”

–Linda Dyer

“It is amazing that 10 weeks have gone past…I will use the “make peace with food” for a long time to come, that has been the most successful tip. I don’t have forbidden food, or food that is “bad”. I can have it just in the quantity that will satisfy…I thank you for the insight and the motivation.  You have made this a successful experience that has changed my life.”

–Amy Hampton

Eat for Life Registration Questionnaire for Online Course


Name: ________________________________________

Pawprint/USER ID: ________________________________________

Campus (Please check you campus location):

______ Columbia

______ UMKC

______ Rolla

______ UMSL



Mail my books to the following campus mailing address:





For community members only, my home mailing address is:






Participation ( CHECK ONE)


______ I am new to the Eat for Life course.


______ I have previously completed the Eat for Life course and am retaking it.


______ I have previously taken a portion of the Eat for Life course but dropped out and am now retaking it.




University of Missouri – Columbia

Healthy for Life

Attn:  Lynn Rossy

205 Heinkel Building

Columbia, MO  65211
MU Farmers Market
Delicious prepared foods and produce await you at the MU Farmers Market Thursday Sept. 22nd on Lowry Mall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will be from the Columbia Farmers Market and Boone County Farmers Market. Bring cash or check (no student charge accepted) for mouth-watering and locally grown produce, baked goods, hamburgers and more to sample and purchase. For more information and dates through the MU Farmers Market season go to The MU Farmers Market is brought to you by the Wellness Resource Center, Department of Student Life. Healthy for Life will also have a table with pedometers and odometers for sale and the opportunity to enroll in our programs.

Cooking Demo at General Services Building

Chef Trevor from HyVee will be providing a cooking demonstration on Cooking Once, and Eating Twice.  Taste samples of his herb roasted chicken with butternut squash and chicken fajitas with sautéed peppers and tomatoes.  In addition to tasting, he will teach you how to prepare these healthy dishes. RSVP Kate Walker by emailing her at by Sept. 12th. If you need to cancel, let Kate know by Sept. 15th. You can also pay at the door.

Date: Monday, Sept. 19

Time: Noon

Place: General Services Building, Employee Break Room

Cost: $5, includes samples, recipes and coupons

Maximum attendees: 20

Library Assembly Minutes, 8/23/11

Library Assembly
8/23/11, 2-3 pm
4F51A Ellis Library

Attending: Members: Laura Buck, PT Martin, Matt Stottle, , Ann Barker, Jack Batterson, Steven Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Mark Ellis, Libby Myers, June DeWeese, Karen Witt, Gary Cox.  Ex-officio: Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Deb Ward.  Guests: Karla Geerlings.

  • Announcements :
    • Director’s Announcements – Jim Cogswell : Jim will be up for 360 review in Sept 2011. (All direct reports of Provost Foster are subject to periodic evaluations.) The evaluation will include performance input from peers and those who work in the Dean/Director’s division/college.
    • Access Services – June DeWeese: The recent Shibboleth upgrade created complications with University contract appointment.  Ernest and June have to enter each individual as an exception. Access Services is surviving with the loss of staff (recent retirees were in possession of vast amounts of institutional knowledge).
    • Special Collections – Karen Witt:  Kelli Hansen has put together a presentation (video) on Special Collections web site. She is currently assembling an “in-person” presentation to take on the road when asked.
    • LTS – PT Martin: Mizzou wireless had been spotty the few days prior to the meeting. Thin clients (virtual terminals) located in Ellis were also having some trouble.  DoIT is investigating.  The Student who primarily helped with the web programming moved out of town. Mathew is the only individual currently doing web programming.
    • Deb Ward – E learning Task Force: Deb has been invited to participate in a new task force formed to improve communication about E-learning initiatives on campus. First meeting will be September 15.
  • Karla Geerlings, MULSA President gave a report of Ellis Library Staff Lounge renovation plans.     (See Full Report that will be posted on the Library Assembly page: )
    • Summary:
      • Subcommittee assembled a report of Ellis Library Staff lounge status/issues.
        • Actions included: removing a soda machine, moving machines, cleaning upholstery, replacing sofa, adding artwork, adding coffee table.
        • Further recommendations: remodeling with new cabinets, deep sink, water softener, hot water. Complete rewiring that would allow rearranging room for better use.
        • Proposal went to Campus Facilities.   Cost estimates were quite a bit over expectations and resources.  (Cost of working in old building and the current location, which in hindsight, was poorly chosen.)
        • MULSA is considering resubmitting a lesser plan.  Priority: Hot Water.
          • Web Page:
            • It has been suggested that the Departments (or other constituents) of each member be listed by their name.
              • Ann Riley so motioned.
              • PT Martin seconded.
              • Unanimous Agreement.
              • Gary Cox suggests that the Staff Web Sub-group start/continue work on staff web page upkeep and recommendations without the third member.
  • Library Assembly Questionnaire results.
    • Ann compiled results and sent a report.
      • 47 participants.
      • Gary highlighted results.
      • Discussion regarding Distribution/Dissemination of Library Assembly information/Minutes.
        • Several suggestions about alternate ways beyond News Notes to distribute information: (8 suggestions for distributing by all staff email.)
        • Discussion included recommendation to send out either shorter minutes or a short teaser that directed readers to the Library Assembly Web page for full minutes.
        • Discussion ensued about the Director sharing more information about his calendar and travel (so that interested parties could follow up with him about meetings, events, etc).
          • It was resolved that Jim Cogswell will share “large” calendar items (such as Library related travel that takes him off campus – such as UM Library Directors meetings, GWLA, ARL, etc.).
            • Jim and staff assistant Mark Ellis will work to find a process.
  • Next Meeting:  Jim Cogswell is not available to meet Sept 27th (date of next LA meeting.)
    • Gary asked if the Assembly would like to meet September 20th instead, or meet without Jim.
    • After discussion, it was resolved that the Recorder, Mark Ellis, will try to reschedule to the 20th and report back to Gary Cox if a lot of members could not make it that day.

Meeting Adjourned.


2011 MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off



Come Pizza, Party and Pledge!

Please join us for the 2011 MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off Luncheon!

  • Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 11:30 – 1:00 (The program will run from approximately noon to 12:30.)
  • Stop in anytime for pizza and to hear about how to pledge

Location:  Ellis Library Staff Lounge.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how YOU make it possible for the United Way to help thousands of people throughout our community.  An official of the Heart of Missouri United Way and a representative of a charity that benefits from United Way funding will be on the scene to meet you and to explain more about how the United Way works and to share stories about people who have received help from United Way funded programs.

Prizes:  When you pick up and return your pledge card during this event, you will be eligible to win gift cards to Bookmark Café and to Target. Small door prizes will also be awarded while you enjoy the pizza and the party.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this event. (

Thank you,

Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, and Paula Roper  – MU Libraries United Way Campaign Committee

MU Libraries in the News

“Ellis Library closes after fire”
KOMU, Sept. 10

“Fire clean-up begins at Ellis Library”
The Missourian, Sept. 10

“Police make arrest in Ellis Library fire”
Columbia Daily Tribune, Sept. 11

“Arrest made in Ellis Library fire”
KOMU, Sept. 11

“Ellis Library arson suspect turns himself in”
The Maneater, Sept. 11

“Ellis Library to reopen Tuesday after Saturday morning fire
The Missourian, Sept. 11

“Columbia man charged with arson in connection with library fire
The Missourian, Sept. 11

“Police arrest Columbia, Mo., man in Mizzou library fire, Sept. 11

“Man under arrest for MU fire
ABC 17 News, Sept. 12

“Fire cleanup continues at Ellis Library”
Columbia Daily Tribune, Sept. 12

“MU’s Ellis Library staff still cleaning after Saturday morning fire”
The Missourian, Sept. 12, 2011

“Law and order”, Sept. 12

“Fire in Ellis leaves damage, shuts down building
The Maneater, Sept. 13, 2011