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home Cycle of Success, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Congratulations to Taira Meadowcroft for earning her stripes!

Congratulations to Taira Meadowcroft for earning her stripes!

Part of the MU Health Care “Culture of Yes” initiative is a recognition program called Earning Your Stripes, where employees receive a coupon for embodying The Culture of Yes.

‘Care’ is about the heart, ‘deliver’ is about getting results, ‘innovate’ is about creatively overcoming obstacles and ‘serve’ is about working together for a common goal.

Taira received a “Serve” stripe in recognition of her ability to deliver timely and targeted information in support of hospital quality improvement projects. 

Comments about Taira's work:
“Taira Meadowcroft is a relatively new librarian for us…. She is amazing!…thank you for your thorough and crisp summary as well as selecting best references for better understanding [the topic]. I am sending a “SERVE” Tiger Stripe your way!”

Congratulations, Taira!