Future of Libraries

Libraries have always been a sanctuary for knowledge and ideas, a place where people can go to explore and learn. However, with the advancement of technology, a building full of old dusty tomes isn’t quite the haven for information as it once was. But, as they always have, libraries have started to adapt to this new landscape. Check out how this library has changed the way patrons engage with libraries.




Controversy at the Library of Congress

The Library of Congress has landed in hot water with the D.C. Preservation League with its proposed plan to remove the iconic central librarian’s desk in favor of a window in the floor, which will allow visitors to view the dome from the floor below. Proponents of the change say it will help bring more patrons to the library, while opponents claim it is unnecessary and would defile the Reading Room. Read more about it here. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2022/07/18/library-congress-preservation-league-protest/)