Sorry, these are a bit late. If you care about starting on time and/or getting official credit for participating then you will want to check out Storystorm ASAP.
Daily Art Journal Challenge
The goal here is to create a journal page illustrating your day throughout January. Mix and match the amount of text and drawings you do every day. Fine art is neither a requirement nor a goal here, just documenting your day. You could always make it part of a relaxing end of day routine and add in your favorite beverage. Given the weather forecast, I recommend hot drinks like chai nog or apple cider. Find out more about this challenge here: If you would like to find out more about how to keep a sketch journal, examples, etc., then please visit here:
(Easy chai nog recipe: Make a stronger chai tea with 2-3 teabags instead of one then add in as much eggnog as you please. More elaborate versions can be found by performing a Google search.)
No drawing required for this one. All you have to do is have a collection of at least 30 story ideas, any genre or age group, by the end of January. If you are curious about this challenge, then you can start here: Please note that registration closes on January 7
th if you want to be official. You can actually get prizes for participating in this one.
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