Web tip of the week, Sept. 19, 2011 – Slips and Falls


Slips and falls are a leading cause of injury deaths. Missouri’s death rate by falling is 31% higher than the national average. Of special interest is the
“Best Practices” section where there is the Beers list of drugs that make the elderly more likely to fall.

submitted by Jack Batterson

September 2011 Spotlight Award Winner – Rebecca Schedler

Our September 2011 Spotlight award goes to Rebecca Schedler! Rebecca, Library Information Specialist, works in MU Libraries Cataloging, and has been with the organization for 27 years. Though now a loud proud Tiger, Rebecca originally hails from Deadwood, South Dakota.

Rebecca graduated with a BS degree in Elementary Education.

Our award winner’s favorite snack consists of smoked almonds or cashews.

Rebecca keeps busy during her spare time. She enjoys gardening, growing tasty edibles and flowers as well. In addition, she enjoys reading and sewing.

Isle Royale ranks as the coolest place she’s ever been to. A 40 mile island in Lake Superior near Thunder Bay, “this pristine place you must backpack and leave nothing behind you as you go.  Only a very small part of this island is developed so you must carry water with you.”  One night the group got to hear the wolves howling though they weren’t seen. Rebecca was looking the other way when the group spotted a moose. She’ll be back someday soon to capture more pictures.

Rebecca has four kitties: Julie, Ellie, Polly and Stephanie.

In closing, Rebecca also wanted to share the following: I would like more than anything to help people in developing countries be able to help themselves to a better life by buying stuff they made: clothing, jewelry, accessories.  I order lots of things from Greater Good which includes the Hunger Site,  Animal Rescue, Rain Forest, Autism, Veterans,  Literacy, Breast Cancer, and Child Health.  Go every day and click the buttons.  http://www.thehungersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=1You can order thousands of things made by people all over the world, and every time you buy something it makes a donation, how great is that!  There is a creation from Haiti hanging by my desk.

Besides that, I have been sponsoring families in Guatemala for many years.  I’m on my third family, the family of Dayrin Marizabel Montenegro Roldan.  I just got a letter from her last week.  She is an adorable little girl of 10 and she is very good in school.  I help her family when I can to get things they need for their dwelling.


August 2011 Spotlight Award Winner – Matt Stottle

Stop, don’t steal that book! This month’s Spotlight award goes to Matthew Garrett Stottle, security officer at Ellis Library.

Hailing from Carmichael, California, Matt obtained his bachelors degree in Classical Studies from Mizzou. He’s been working for the University since 2006, and with Ellis Library Security since 2010.

Matt’s destination of choice is Chicago, IL. Speaking on Chicago, he says “I love the diversity and accessibility of the city.  No matter what time of year, there is always something to do, and an easy and safe way to get there.” Matt even lived in Chicago for a summer, falling short of trying and experiencing everything the town had to offer. A round of applause for trying!

In his spare time, Matt enjoys playing around with gadgets, studying for his next IT certification, or building computers. He has a penchant for a currently suspended British magazine named “PC Extreme” which showcased  unconventional computer cases. Since Matt enjoys designing computer cases it would hardly be a surprise to see him featured in an issue, should the magazine be around today.

One additional bit of news he is happy to share: “I am getting married on June 2, 2012 with a very loving a supportive woman I met while working at the old Campus McDonald’s.”

Congratulations, Matt!