Trenton Boyd Wins Medical Library Association’s Murray Gottlieb Prize

Congratulations to Trenton Boyd on being selected as the winner of the 2009 Murray Gottlieb Prize from the Medical Library Association. The paper will be published in the Journal of the Medical Library Association, and his registration to the 2009 MLA Annual Meeting will be paid as part of the prize.

The Murray Gottlieb Prize is awarded annually for the best unpublished essay on the history of medicine and allied sciences written by a health sciences librarian. The Gottlieb Prize was established in 1956 by Ralph and Jo Grimes of the Old Hickory Bookshop, Brinklow, MD, in order to recognize and stimulate the health sciences librarians’ interest in the history of medicine.

The title of the essay is “The Lost History of American Veterinary Medicine: the Need for Preservation.” It is an honor for one of MU’s librarians to be chosen for this national recognition. The hard work that went into researching and writing the essay will benefit not only medical librarians, but also will add to the archive of veterinary medicine. A version of the paper has already been accepted for presentation at the 2009 ICML/ICAHIS Conference in Brisbane Australia in September of this year.

Heartiest congratulations, Trenton! We are proud of you and the professionalism that you bring to the University of Missouri Libraries!


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