Present: Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Food and Drink Policy
INFORMATION: Jeannette Pierce, Pat Jones and Deb Ward worked on a new food and drink policy for Ellis Library. Jeannette stated that a new policy needed to be created because there was currently no policy that was being enforced. She said that the group looked at policies at other academic libraries, and the suggested policy follows general practices at other libraries. She stated that one of the main changes she wanted to point out was that food would not be allowed in the reading rooms due to possible noise disruption from having and eating food.
ACTION: Jeannette will incorporate suggestions that were made by LMT during this discussion and send out a new version for LMT to vote on.
Humidity in 3 Central
INFORMATION: Corrie stated that the Library is getting HOBO reports that show high levels of humidity in 3 Central. She was interested in knowing what was being done and if more should be done to correct this problem.
ACTION: Pat will keep the doors to 3 Central open to allow for more air circulation and see if that affects the humidity levels. She will also see if Energy Management will caulk the windows.
Emergency Operations Task Force
INFORMATION: Edwin Davis from Security presented a proposal to LMT about creating a Library Emergency Operations Task Force so that staff members are thoroughly equipped to act upon an emergency. The Task Force would organize informational emergency seminars for staff, so they can be informed of emergency procedures.
ACTION: LMT members will think about emergency procedures as they relate to their areas and who they might want to appoint to the Task Force. LMT will discuss this again at an upcoming meeting.
Change in Custodial Service
INFORMATION: Pat reminded LMT members that the low waste program was going to be implemented by MU Operations over the next few months. Ellis Library is scheduled to get new recycling and waste bins between Aug. 29 and Sept. 2. She shared a map with LMT of the public areas in Ellis Library that would still be maintained by Operations and the private offices that would not.
ACTION: The Libraries will purchase vacuum cleaners for each floor of Ellis Library that has private offices and for the branch libraries. Cleaning supplies will also be provided and kept in a central location.
ACTION: Shannon and Pat will work on announcement for News Notes and handout for staff. Issue will be discussed at All-Staff meeting, with possible guest speaker from MU Operations.
FLSA Update
INFORMATION: Sheryl stated that she was supposed to attend an HR meeting about FLSA, but it was rescheduled and will be at the beginning of August. The FLSA guidelines will need to be enacted by December 1. Job classifications 10 and above will be exempt. Classifications 9 and below will be non-exempt.
ESFAC Empty Walls Ideas
INFORMATION: Pat said that the Ellis Library Space and Facilities Committee had been discussing what to do with blank walls in the library. Possible ideas included working with student organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, to see if they would be interested in putting up art work or posters to promote their organizations. They also talked to Special Collections about providing some of the posters from their collection. The Libraries could also work with outside groups, such as the Art department.
ACTION: ESFAC will continue to pursue getting art from the following groups: Special Collections, MU Art Department, MU Museums and Columbia Art League.
ACTION: Shannon and Pat will work on plaque for MLK, Jr. replica that will honor Ty Christian and replace current photo.
Fall Hours
INFORMATION: Jeannette stated that she has been talking with Cindy Cotner, Freddy Martinez, and Pat Jones about Fall hours for Ellis Library. She asked LMT if Ellis Library would be open 24 hours during finals and the week before finals. It was agreed that Ellis should remain open during that time if there is a way to find enough staff to work the extra hours.
ACTION: Pat will check with MUPD to see if they have Events Staff who could be hired to cover evening hours during finals and the week before.
Room Reservation System
INFORMATION: Jeannette asked LMT if they wanted to move ahead with implementing the LibCal calendar system for meeting room reservations in Ellis Library. LMT agreed to move forward with this idea. They agreed that if it doesn’t work effectively for staff they can revisit the system and possibly move to an Outlook-based solution.
ACTION: Jeannette and Shannon will work with Judy on creating a training session and handout for the new meeting room reservation system, which will be adopted before the fall semester begins.
Miscellaneous Discussion
It was asked when the student worker budgets would be distributed. Kathy and Ellen said that there would be a 5% reduction to the budget, but they were wondering if there should be some reallocation of the funds by department, since some areas underspent and some overspent last year. LMT asked them to create a re-allocation proposal for the next LMT meeting.
There was a question about when committee assignments would be completed. It was stated that more volunteers are needed. Sheryl and Ann will look at this and possibly invite staff directly to serve on specific committees.
There was a question about the progress of moving shelving to room 202. Pat is meeting with Cyndi Curnutte next week, and she will discuss the project with her and report back to LMT.