"MSA considers new library fee to address reduced hours"
The Maneater, Oct. 4, 2016
The Student Voice – The Libraries
The Maneater, Oct. 6, 2016
"MSA considers new library fee to address reduced hours"
The Maneater, Oct. 4, 2016
The Student Voice – The Libraries
The Maneater, Oct. 6, 2016
Present: Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Guest: Grace Atkins
Student Activity Fee Group Discussion
Grace Atkins updated the LMT members about her meeting with the group working on a strategy for the Student Activity Fee that is being promoted by Student Affairs in cooperation with the Division of IT and the MU Libraries. The draft proposal is for $45 per semester to improve student access to mental health services, extend library hours, expand wireless in the student unions and some classrooms and increase opportunities for student involvement in clubs, organizations and recreational programs.
ACTION: The Libraries will support any student-led efforts for library fees, but will make it clear that these efforts were not initiated by the Libraries.
ACTION: Grace will share ideas from LMT about marketing strategy for library portion of Student Activity Fee proposal.
ACTION: Grace will meet with the University Libraries Student Advisory Groups to discuss the student petition and MSA fee proposal.
Tech Services Position
There was a brief review of the position description for a new Technical Services Librarian position.
ACTION: Ann, Kathy and Sheryl will meet to finalize some of the details of the position before sending it to campus HR for approval.
Testing Center Proposal
LMT discussed the new proposal put forward by Disability Services that requests part of the space that will be vacated by the State Historical Society be allocated for a testing center. They would be willing to give room 4G41 back to the Libraries as part of this proposal. The State Historical Society is currently slated to move out in 2019.
ACTION: Jeannette Pierce and Mike Holland will meet with the Campus Space Utilization Committee and let them know the Libraries would like to take the lead in working with other groups to create a comprehensive plan for the space.
Dual Factor Authentication
There was a brief discussion of the new dual factor authentication for email passwords that is starting to roll out. Some members of the Libraries had received emails about setting up their new passwords. There are several new steps to take this year when staff members set new passwords. This is for better security.
ACTION: Staff members will be informed to contact Sheryl if they have concerns about the new email registration system.
UPDATE: There has been a delay with this process due to some technical problems, so most Libraries staff will not have received the email to reset their passwords yet.
Comments on Policies
LMT received comments on the Faculty Research Offices policy (#17) and the Ellis Library Graduate Study Carrels policy (#61).
ACTION: LMT agreed to table policies #17 and #61 until the spring semester in order to further investigate the fee structure.
ACTION: Policy #62: Ellis Library Rental Lockers received no comments so will now be implemented as official library policy.
The Mizzou View (Week 6 Fall 2016)
KCOU 88.1 FM
"Official university fundraising campaigns initiatied to extend library hours"
The Maneater, Sept. 29, 1996
"MSA hopes to encourage use of open educational resources on campus"
The Maneater, Sept. 27, 2016
"Recent budget cuts to MU Libraries decrease staff, materials"
The Maneaeter, Sept.27, 2016
"Quoted and Noted"
The Maneater, Sept. 28, 2016
"The University of Missouri is an ACADEMIC institution and the library, of all places, should be one of hte main amenities the university should be fundind. This is a great school with multiple amenities, so the university shouldn't be have to raise tuition rates to keep the school library open." –Gabriiella Martinez, a senior at MU who started the petition to keep Ellis Library open 24 hours a day
Thanks to everyone who attended the 3rd Annual Libraries’ United Way Chili Cook-off. We had a total of 35 attendees and $80 was raised for the United Way. Our chili chef winners were as follows:
The other chefs who contributed to the cause were (in alphabetical order): Shannon Cary, Cindy Cotner, Sheryl Cullina, Karen Eubanks, PT Martin, Alice Ward, and Deb Ward. Thank you to all of our chefs who filled our stomachs and raised our spirits!
Our anonymous door prizes went to:
Our special branch library/other units door prize went to:
We also appreciate the care taken by our judges, Tim Perry, Jeannette Pierce and Mike Spears, for their trustworthy counting of the votes and their good judgement in breaking any ties. Thanks to PT Martin, Dustin Hoffmann, and Gayle Mooney for their excellent technical support, and to guest Alice Ward who taught us the chili song. A special thanks goes out to the Libraries’ United Way Campaign Committee composed of Deb Ward, Cindy Cotner and Karen Eubanks. This cook-off could never have happened without their hard work, dedication, and commitment to the Libraries and the United Way!
Beginning next week, we will be having a weekly drawing (for the next 5 weeks) of $10 gift cards to all those who participate in the United Way campaign by logging on to their website at unitedway.missouri.edu and completing the pledge process. A great big thanks to MULSA who generously donated the money to purchase these gift cards.
If you have any questions about the United Way or the donation process, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Every gift makes a difference to someone in our community.
Thanks for all you do and have a great day,
The complete press release can be found here.
University Libraries – FY17 Collections Budget update. The update now includes an initial list of titles recommended for cancellation.
Our collection of digitized speeches by and about Daniel Webster is now available in HathiTrust. Of note, 45 of the 98 items contributed are new to HathiTrust. MERLIN catalog records have been updated and items can be found with an author search for “Daniel Webster Speeches.”
In this collection, you can find out what Daniel Webster said at the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill monument in 1825, to the United States Senate in 1837 about a new plan to collect and keep public moneys, to the New York Historical Society in 1852, and much more. In the collection you’ll also find eulogies written about Daniel Webster and correspondence between Daniel Webster and others.
The Daniel Webster speeches are still available in the legacy University of Missouri Digital Library, but not for long. The sunset date for the legacy digital library will be in late 2016, and the migration of its collections is nearing completion. Most of the non-UM collections and some of the UM collections are in the Missouri Digital Heritage. More information about new and alternative collection locations will be available soon.
The Hospital runs a reverse trick or treat at 1pm on Halloween, where volunteers go from room to room with candies and goodies for the patients. If you would like to participate, please contact Taira Meadowcroft by October 15th.
Participation requires supervisor approval, and participants will need to work with their supervisors to either adjust their schedules or use their paid time off (vacation or personal) to cover the time out of the office.