Notes From All Staff Meeting on Student Enhancement Fee, 3/10/17

MSA Student Enhancement Fee
This was the largest student body participation in voting in the history of MSA with 9,420 votes.  We won the vote with a large majority, 79%, of the vote.

Ann accredited this to library staff creating a service focused, caring and user-first environment with our students.  She commended us for maintaining this positive relationship with our students.

One attribute for the large voter turnout is that MSA changed from holding their elections in the fall to the spring.

This ballot item came about due to initiating a student survey to see what students would pay and what services/improvements they would like to see.

Grace Atkins: User Engagement Librarian and ULSAC Coordinator & Shane Stinson: Guest Relations Coordinator in Student Auxiliary Services
Shane served as the supervisor for the Student Communications Coordinators who worked on the Student Services Enhancement Fee campaign.  Grace worked with Shane to train the students and provide them with up-to-date information about the University Libraries

University Libraries Student Advisory Council: ULSAC, was created after the failed campaign to acquire library funds in the form of student fees in 2015.  ULSAC advises the University Libraries on important matters of concern to the students of the University of Missouri.

The big focus was to be transparent and honest.  Fourteen students shaped the social media campaign to communicate what was at stake with this vote.  These students contacted other student organization leaders to communicate about the vote to their members.  

Grace met with LMT, ULSAC, student affairs and student leaders to flush out what our needs are and what amount the libraries should get from the fee.  Missouri Students Association: MSA, Graduate Professional Council: GPC and ULSAC were all at the discussion table together.

Thank you to Matt Gaunt for his support and input for this ballot item.

The fee will still need to go to the Student Fee Review Committee.  This is student money and will have to go to student needs.  

Proposed Use of Student Services Enhancement Fees – March 2017
This handout shows the student’s desires as to how we use this money and how we have broken it down to address their specific needs. 

The big desire for students is to gain 24 hour access to the libraries.  ULSAC has received positive feedback when we are open 24 hours and negative feedback when we return to more standard hours of operation. 


Q: Will these expected funds be spent this year and then next year would we get another large amount for the same resource?

A: The $660,000.00 that we will get from this fee will be divided and dispersed in two chunks for the fall and spring semester.  We think we can start to use half of the funds in August 2017.  Yes, we will probably spend a lot of money at the beginning on facilities and then once we have a higher standard for facilities overall, we may re-work that money into another project for a year. We hope to work up a three year plan in the near future.  Students will continue to give input on their needs and we will continue to adjust the spending accordingly. 

Q: Do we think monies from other sources may decrease if they know we have money from this student fee?

A:  No, Grace said the students would be really mad if this happened.  She is confident we can keep student engagement and awareness of how deep our general library needs are so that we can maintain funding for the needs students have in spaces like the libraries. 

The Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee has been successful resource for us in the past because we have been able to have active librarians and intellectual proposals for funds the libraries received.  We don’t expect this to change now that we have the Student Services Enhancement Fee.

We do want to make sure we don’t have competing proposals or that the proposals start going through the wrong channels an bypass, say CSC etc.

Q:  Will we be able to offer increased staff for services that we have not been able to in the past? 

A:  We want to be careful that we don’t have a great amount of salaries on this soft money.  However, FY 18 there are some staffing ideas on the table.

We will reserve the General Revenue funds for things that need to be funded permanently like salaries etc.

Q:  Can you explain the Student Fee Review Committee: SFRC in more depth?

A:  The Student Fee Review Committee is an accountability measure. When money comes into cashier’s office, this committee will check in with departments receiving money to make sure it went to the initiatives for which students have voted.

Q:  Can we use this money to upgrade old furniture in our offices? 

A:  This money will probably not be able to be used for staff furniture.  However, funding new furniture for students could have a cascade affect that would be indirectly beneficial for staff.  We usually squeak a little money out of our General Revenue Fund when, for example, a facility need for students arises.  Now that there is a specific amount of money for these student facility needs, we can see the General Revenue Fund being able to be used to its full potential for other library and staff needs.

Q:  Can we use this as leverage for more money from donors or the University? 

A:  Yes, donors are more willing to give when they know they are giving to something that students are also supporting financially and taking such a strong stance toward preserving. 

Q:  Do students support the depository?

A:  Yes, students acknowledge need for the depository as a way to enhance their space in the campus libraries.

Q:  How do the specialty libraries benefit? 

A:  We have representatives for the specialty libraries.  Specifically, we have international student representation from the Engineering department with interest in maintaining benefits for the Engineering library.  Also, all ULSAC meetings are open meetings and we want them to be representative of interested student body members. 

Q: How does this affect other long term planning for the libraries?

A:  We are still working on other projects for the libraries.  We are working to get an expansion of Ellis with Gary Ward and the campus facilities plans.

We will continue to pursue plans and funding for the Digital Media Commons.

We also have the State Historical Society space that can be folded into a longer plan, which will expand to the South and up two floors.  Want to keep a long-range mentality so that anything we do in the short term won’t interfere with our long range plans. 

Q:  If we have a large project do we need to spend it all in one year or can we carry it over?

A:  Campus usually lets us carry money over.

Q:  Is it subject to campus “give-back”?

A:  No, it is designated for specific purposes; it is student money.

Q: If we get the funds in the fall will we start 24-5 hours in the fall?

A:  Yes, we plan to start 24-5 hours in the fall.

Q:  Will bookmark extend hours as well?

A:  Typically they extend when we extend, but we will need to have that conversation in the future. They need to make sure they make a profit with whatever hours they are open. 

Proposed use of Student Services Enhancement Fees

Student Services Enhancement Fee on March Ballot

Good news! MSA has confirmed that the Student Services Enhancement Fee referendum will be put on the ballot for the spring elections. Voting will take place March 6-8.

While this is great news for us, I want to remind everyone that it is not the University Libraries’ job to market this fee. This is an initiative that came out of the office of Student Affairs and the marketing campaign is being carried out by a team of Student Communication Coordinators.  I have been working closely with these groups as they’ve developed their communication strategy, and I am confident that they are representing the Libraries well and will continue to do so. If anyone from the media reaches out to you with questions about this fee, please direct them to me or Shannon Cary, our Communications Officer.

If the student body votes for this fee, MU Libraries will receive $12 per student which comes out to approximately $660,000 annually. This amount has been designated for the student priorities listed on the information website:

  • Keep Ellis Library open 24 hours a day, five days a week (all levels)
  • Extend specialized library hours to meet student demand
  • Fund collections/resources
  • Improve student learning spaces

For more information about what the Student Services Enhancement Fee will provide, please see the SSEF information page, which will be updated soon now that the “proposed” referendum is official:

If any library staff (committees/groups or individuals) would like more information about this fee, I am happy to meet to answer any questions. I will keep you all updated as this campaign moves forward.

–Grace Atkins

Student Fee Working Group, 9/15/15

Attending: Jeannette Pierce, Brian Cain, Freddy Martinez-Garcia, Kat Stone, Bryce McDonald, Kimberly Moeller, Nav Khanal, Deb Ward, Cindy Cotner, Judy Maseles, Mark Ellis, Sheryl Cullina, Ann Campion Riley

  • Ann Riley convened the meeting and gave an update from Matt Gaunt:

    • Matt has met with multiple student groups to promote the student fee.
    • The flyer is complete:

      • One thousand were ordered. 

        • Matt plans to order a total of 5,000.
        • He was waiting to see if the design might change a little with feedback

          • He has already received some.
  • Ellis Library Room 114 discussion.

    • The room was currently being prepared for student use again.

      • Carpet has been replaced.
      • Previously used tables and chairs are being returned.
    • Revisiting where the Student Fee Working Group was on a subcommittee related to this space:

      • There was previous discussion about using part of this room to showcase (have visual displays) of furniture and workstations possible if the fee passed.
      • Was going to seek feedback from students about specific topics.  
    • After discussion it was established that a subcommittee from this team was called together to think about 114 and how part of it might work with the fee promotion.

      • Members:

        • Nav Khanal
        • Kimberly Moeller
        • Mike Muchow
        • Grace Adkins
        • Bryce McDonald (was added at this current meeting)
      • The subcommittee will meet soon to work out how room 114 could be used to share visions of the room/space.

        • Posters.
        • Furniture samples.
        • Some sort of digital representations.
  • The subcommittee is hoping to interface soon with Cyndi Curnutte from Campus Facilities.

    • To talk to vendors for sample products.
    • To possibly gain access to any design images or programs that Campus Facilities has on file that the Libraries could use to create visual products.
  • Actions:

    • Ann Riley said that she would email Cyndi to see if this group can work with her or someone from her department in the very near future.
    • She also said she would copy Dr. Bimal Balakrishnan, of MU Architectural studies, with whom the Libraries had also discussed space.
  • “I’m In” website:

    • The Working Group discussed making the web page for the Library Fee consistent or at least aligned with the very new flyer design.
  •  The Student Fee Working Group went down to inspect the progress in Room 114.

    • The old periodical reading room shelves were removed.
    • The old chairs and table were replaced.
    • The presentation room will be an attractive programing/meeting space when finished.

      • Possible table/chair configurations were discussed.

Student Fee Meeting, 8/18/15

  • The Student Fee Working Group looked at several draft design elements provided by the student designers. One design element with some suggested tweaks was preferred. Matt Gaunt will take the suggestions back to the designers.
  • Students are also working on Student Fee website. They suggested making FAQs more positive. Will have a complete redesign of by mid-September.
  • Students are working on a handout that will include an infographic and the URL.
  • Matt is meeting with student security staff on Sunday morning to talk about the fee. He also continuing to meet with student organizations.
  • Staff forums have been scheduled. Still working on scheduling other open forums.
  • We are still waiting on final subcommittee assignments from LMT.
  • Matt will have Sheila Voss schedule a meeting between the Student Fee Survey Subcommittee and the Space Planning Committee, so they can discuss the possibility of using 114 as a room to showcase ideas for renovation of the library and a place for students to give input.
  • The group discussed several options for how students could give input on how the money is spent if the student fee is passed.
  • Matt will have Sheila Voss to schedule a meeting between the Pride and the Social Media Team to discuss the best ways to use social media to promote the student fee.

Student Fee Working Group, 7/28/15

Attending: Matt Gaunt, Dorothy Carner, Edward McCain, Ann Riley, Cindy Cotner, Jeannette Pierce, Freddy Martinez-Garcia, Kimberly Moeller, Bryce McDonald, Nav Khanal, Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis.

  • Marketing Material – Matt Gaunt:

    • The Library hired two students to serve as Copy Editor and Art Director from the MU School of Journalism:

      • It will likely take until the last week in August for them to provide a slogan and a tagline.
    • After discussion, the Working Group strongly suggested that the Library should go with whatever end-result the students feel will make a connection with fellow-students.
  • Student led promotion – Matt Gaunt:

    • Chancellor’s office will be crafting Dr. Loftin’s message about the student fee into a more general statement that speaks about the importance of Libraries:  

      • It will not specifically promote the fee.
      • He will be present for large Open Forum.
    • The campaign is entering a phase where the message about the fee must come from students.

      • Matt foresees the students who will be recruited to help with the student fee campaign to be assembled into two groups.  For now, he is referring to them as: 

        • The Street Team – students recruited to help at events and coordinate.
        • Speakers – students chosen and trained to deliver the talking points of the campaign to other students.

          • These will be champions within various student organizations.
          • They will be trained to talk about the specifics of the proposal.
    • All the members of the Street Team and the Speakers will be Library Ambassadors or members of the MSA Pride.
  • Various updates – Matt Gaunt:

    • Videos will play an important part of the campaign:

      • A team within the Pride is already working on several different ideas:

        • Some humorous.
        • Others will likely use graphics-heavy imaging.
        • Still others may have student celebrity cameos.
      • The videos will be produced by Castle of Dreams – a student run video production agency.
      • The MSA Pride will spend some time focusing on “Experiential” marketing:

        • There may be some midnight pizzas sponsored by the promoters to catch students while they are downtown on Thursday nights.
        • There will be several highly visible events on campus (speaker circle or Lowry Mall).

          • Potentially with games and other activities designed to strike a chord with students who may not be very tuned in to the Library.
  • Subcommittees – Matt Gaunt:

    • It was resolved previously that the Student Fee Working Group will use the existing committees finalized and assigned by LMT whenever possible. 

      • Committees such as those focusing on space and social media.
    • LMT will be announcing final committee structure and membership soon.
  • Budget – Matt Gaunt:

    • The current Student Fee Campaign budget is $14,000 – it has hall been given by Library Donors.

      • The last time we met it was $10,000. 
      • The overall goal is $25,000.
      • Matt hopes to have more contributed soon.
  • Calendar – Matt Gaunt:

    • Still planning to have staff forums:

      • Either the week of Aug 10-14 or 17- 21.  

        • Cindy Cotner suggests August 17-21 to avoid RAIS training.
    • Library ambassadors training will be moved back to Last week in August or first week in September to allow more time for promotion material to be developed.
    • Promotion Tables down at Missouri Student Center:

      • Matt suggests move back for promotion material.
      • Jeannette and Shannon suggest we keep the tables and promote other library services, events, such as the Centennial.

        • Cindy will look to still reserve tables.
  • The Impact of the Library going to 24/5 this Fall even though it was included as a benefit of the Library Fee – Ann Riley

    • Ann Riley thinks of it as a trial.

      • Something that could go away if costs become a concern.
      • It shows the students that we were listening to what they wanted.
    • Discussion ensued – most agreed it was a good thing to do and that it will show that the Library is trying to meet the student’s needs. 

      • May open some opportunities for outreach to untapped student populations.
  • Survey committee – Bryce McDonald and Edward McCain

    • The survey committee needs to meet with the other subcommittees to find out what should be on the one or few survey opportunities that will be utilized.
    • Discussion ensued about ways to survey students for input on space issues.

      • Suggestions about having a “sand box” area.

        • Where vendors can leave samples for a time. 


Student Fee Meeting 6/23/15

  1. Discussion about students who are working on design and messaging for student fee campaign.

    • Due to the time commitments involved with their internships, they are not able to deliver the materials we were requesting by the end of July as originally planned.
    • The group agreed to see if they are still willing to work on the campaign materials, but deliver the work by the middle of August.
  2. Discussion about space planning.

    • Cyndi Curnutte, the interior designer, and Bimal Balakrishnan, associate professor of architectural studies, were not able to meet yet. They will meet with student fee working group when we can get it scheduled.
    • We will work with Dr. Balakrishnan and his students on a visioning process for the space. This will give us some ideas we can put in front of students. Let students know they have a say in how the space is renovated.
  3. Discussion about logistics of Student Fee Working Group (SFWG)

    • Ann Riley and Shannon Cary will work on communication to staff about the work of the group
    • Cindy Cotner will work on scheduling staff training on the student fee
    • Agreed that subcommittees need to be created that will report back to the group

      • Subcommittees are Collections, Proposal Document, Services, Social Media, Space Planning, Survey, Technology
      • LMT will work on committee composition and charges
      • Subcommittees need to meet by end of July
    • ​SFWG will create a timeline of the activities of the group for the fall
    • SFWG will work on talking points for various audiences

Student Fee Working Group 6/9/15

  1. Discussion of student fee activities for the fall

    1. Will include staff training, student ambassador training, open forums and more
    2. Once dates are finalized for these events, they will be shared with the library staff
  2. Discussion of campaign budget and fundraising update

    • Hopefully all of student fee campaign will be paid for by donor funds
    • $10,000 has already been raised, plan on raising $15,000 more
    • This money will pay for promotional materials, t-shirts, food, and videos
    • It was suggested that we make sure our student workers get t-shirts
  3. Discussion of student videos

    • Working with MSA Senate speaker, who is a member of campus improv troupe, and other members of improv troupe to create humorous videos to promote student fee
  4. Discussion of chancellor video

    • Chancellor Loftin has agreed to create video to promote the Libraries
    • We will work with Academic Support to create short video of the Chancellor speaking about the importance of adequate funding for the Libraries
  5. Cindy Cotner has agreed to serve as a student speaker coordinator. Library ambassadors and other students well speak in classrooms, clubs and Greek chapters. Cindy will track what is covered and what still needs to be covered.
  6. Bimal Balakrishnan, associate professor of architectural studies, spoke with the group about what he and his students can do to support the student fee. They can create architectural renderings to help show different options for what the space in Ellis Library could like if the fee is approved. He will meet with the group again next week to discuss this in more detail.
  7. Discussion of surveys/polling

    • Survey subgroup will look into timing of possible survey or poll in the fall


Student Fee Working Group 4/29/15

Attending: Shannon Cary, Deb Ward, Nancy Messina, Cindy Cotner, Edward McCain, Nav Khanal, Bryce McDonald, Brian Cain, Isa Dasho, Kat Stone, Matt Gaunt, Mark Ellis, Ann Riley, Freddy Martinez-Garcia, Judy Maseles, Jeannette Pierce.

  • MSA Forum Promotion – Tables were set up in Speaker Circle to promote MSA Forum and get likes on Facebook/Tweets (Dates were 4/22,4/23)

    • Positives:

      • The events were fun and Library participants were impressed with how many students knew about the fee and were generally positive about it.
      • Food was perfect in amounts and timing (ran out of food just as time was up).
      • The event was a definite success in growing our social media contacts/likes/followers.

        • A significant increase in social media activity related to our pages happened those days.
    • Unknowns:

      • It is not certain what impact the events had on the attendance of the forum.
    • Negatives:

      • A few awkward moments from students who wanted the food but did not to like the Library on Facebook or tweet about the library.
      • A few isolated comments/concerned expressions when first hearing about a potential fee.
  • MSA Forum- – Thursday, April 23rd, 7-8:30 p.m.

    • Seventy-one attendees by the Pride’s count

      • Which included members of the Pride.
    • Positives:

      • Matt felt there was a higher level of commitment on the part of the MSA because of the event.
      • Maneater article about forum was positive.
    • Negative:

      • Kevin from Security overheard (as leaving) students upset about why the improvements to the Library have to come from a student fee.

        • Which Matt thinks is a legitimate  questions that we will hear often going forward and is technically for the chancellor to answer.
  • The referendum language was approved.
  • Survey update – Nav Khanal.

    • Nav put the results up on the overhead to review some highlights.
    • After discussion Matt G asked the survey subcommittee to continue to meet and possibly pull together a survey to administer in the fall. 
  • GPC forum- update:

    • Monday May 4th, 6 p.m.
    • At Leadership Auditorium.
  • Two students from the creative portfolio class to whom Matt presented the student fee idea as a class assignment were hired by MU Libraries to help with the campaign.

    • Priorities will be:

      • Identify brand identity.
      • Create a Summer Welcome magazine ad.
      • Create general circulation flyers.
      • Help with website presence.
  • Library Ambassadors update:

    • Last meeting today (4/29/15) at 5 p.m.
    • 5th or 6th meeting this semester
    • There was some real progress made this year in growth and development.

Student Fee Working Group 4/21/15

Attending, Nancy M., Freddy, Mark, Deb W., Matt G., Cindy C., Bryce M. Jim C. Cyndi C., Judy M. Nav K, Kimberly M, Ann R. Jeannette P., Brian C., Isa Dasho, Kat, Sheryl C., Shannon Cary, Dorothy Carner.

  • Potential Space renovation plan should the student fee pass.

    •  Cyndi Curnutte, from University Space Planning and Design Services, attended the first part of the meeting to review recent developments of Ellis Library Renovation plans.
    • Some effort had been made to improve sightlines and create a more open feel to the most recent design of the first floor.
  • Matt G. – General updates.

    • The Creative Portfolios class that used the Student Library Fee as a class assignment has completed their presentations. 

      • One team’s fee promotion concept was considered the best.  
      •  Jim and Matt will be seeing if they can hire those two team members to help with the actual student fee promotion.  
  • Social Media Committee – update.

    • We have an events page for the student forum this week.
    • Truman’s visit on April 15th  was a huge success.
  • Funding – the Library has received $6,000 so far in gifts to help promote the Library Fee.
  • Library ambassadors

    • Last meeting for semester will be 4/29/15  
    • Cindy Cotner to take over coordination of ambassadors in the Fall Semester.
  • Forum update – MSA

    • Monday, the Pride hosted a pop-up event in speaker circle.  

      • 200 hot box cookies distributed.  
    • Wed and Thur – MU Libraries will host the same at speaker circle.

      • Harold’s donuts 10 – 12 noon (200 donuts).
      • Bucks ice-cream 100 6 oz bucks ice-cream.
    • The event on Thursday will focus on a “Save Club Ellis” theme and will have a “club” atmosphere

      • Red carpet, dj, lights, free food.
    • Students will be given survey on the way in.
  • GPC – forum Monday May 4th in Leadership auditorium at 6 p.m.

Student Fee Working Group Update

  • MSA will hold an open forum about the student fee at Ellis Auditorium on April 23 at 7pm. This forum will be for undergraduate students. Matt Gaunt will present. The Libraries will distribute a short survey about the fee. 
  • The Libraries will pass out food and fliers to promote the forum next Wednesday and Thursday in Speaker's Circle.
  • The Social Media Group took pictures of Truman the Tiger on April 15 in various locations throughout Ellis Library. These photos are already being used on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Student fee information can be found at This website will be redesigned once the campaign strategy has been finalized.