Library Issues Forum Reminder

The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to attend the next Library Issues Forum, scheduled for Tuesday, August 4 [corrected date], from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m., S304 Memorial Union. The session will be facilitated by Leo Agnew in which he will share the results of the DAC diversity survey, the SDC survey on committee effectiveness, and the post-elephants training survey. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. Judy Maseles and Alice Allen took on the task of organizing this enterprise and deserve to be recognized for developing a very successful program. SDC is now responsible for the forums and would like to replicate the practice established by Judy and Alice of soliciting ideas for future forums. Please send your ideas to Leo Agnew,

There will not be a forum Aug. 25 to avoid competing with activities associated with the first week of school.

SDC and DAC Summer Program Information

The library’s Staff Development Committee and Diversity Action Committee are planning summer program activities. One way to stay current on their programs is to bookmark their websites:



Library Issues Forum – “Google books settlement: The good, the bad, and the unknown.”

The Staff Development Committee invites you to attend a Library Issues Forum on June 30, from 10:00 – 11:30, Jesse Wrench Auditorium. A panel of library affiliated individuals will facilitate a discussion on the topic of the Google books settlement. As the title of the forum indicates, audience members will leave the session with a better understanding of issues surrounding the settlement, including those issues to be clarified over time. A schedule-a-meeting notice will be sent to all staff within the next few days. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. If you have suggestions for additional forum topics, please send your ideas to Leo Agnew,

Reminder: Library Issues Forum Invitation

The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to attend a Library Issues Forum, scheduled for Monday, May 11, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., in 159 Ellis.

At the recent Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference in Seattle, one of the Invited Speakers was Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President of Washington State University, who spoke on the topic “Challenging Economic Times: Focusing on the Students and the Mission of Higher Education.” President Floyd’s presentation was very affirming of libraries and the work that we do in libraries. He also included a mention of the University of Missouri Libraries and MOspace. President Floyd gave his permission for his presentation to be taped live as he talked. June Deweese, as a member of the Invited Papers Committee, has offered to present his talk to the MU Libraries. Following his presentation, Ann Campion Riley will do a short presentation on MOspace.

The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. If you have suggestions for additional forum topics, please send your ideas to Leo Agnew,

Meeting Effectiveness Survey

Two years ago, several open, voluntary meetings were led by the library’s Staff Development Committee in which participants were asked to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our meeting processes for library committees and department meetings. Qualitative data was collected from library employees and used to develop training on effective meetings. Another outcome of the open meetings was the generation of a list of Effective Meeting Guidelines. It seems prudent to ask ourselves – “How are we doing, today…have the training and/or guidelines made a difference?”

In a couple of days, all library employees will receive a link to a survey that asks you to provide feedback on the effectiveness of any library committee or committees on which you currently serve. This includes library appointed committees, e.g., Diversity Action Committee, as well as ad hoc library committees and task forces. It does not include an assessment of unit, department, or division meetings. Furthermore, you are not asked to identify the committee(s) you are evaluating.

Survey questions are drawn from the list of ‘Effective Meeting Guidelines.’ Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.

Final results will be tabulated and shared with all library staff via a web link. Open, voluntary meetings will be held to discuss the data and share reactions. The results of this study have the potential to further the understanding of employee perception of progress made in conducting more effective committee meetings. Such knowledge will be used to recognize both areas of improvement and areas for additional training, e.g., agenda building, group processes. Final results will be tabulated and shared with all library staff via a web link.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Leo Agnew
Staff Development Committee, chair

Reminder: Grant Writing 101

Grant Writing 101
February 19, 2009
Time: 3:00 – 4:00pm
Place: 213 Ellis Library

Presenter: Mary Barile, Grant Writer, MU Libraries & MU’s Office of Research
An introduction to the world of grants and funding. Participants will become familiar with: basic grant searches; how to choose the grant that is right for you; the grants process at MU; and how Mary Barile is a resource for library employees for any part of the grant process.

The target audience is anyone interested in learning the ‘first steps’ in writing a grant. The focus is on developing competency in locating relevant grants for your topic of interest. Release time is available with supervisor approval. Please RSVP Leo Agnew ( for headcount purposes.

‘Advanced Grant Writing’ will take place March 5, 10:00 – 11:00 am, 213 Ellis Library.

The Charleston Conference on Acquisitions, Collection Development and Digital Futures

Presentation Invitation – The Charleston Conference on Acquisitions, Collection Development and Digital Futures

The Staff Development Committee invites you to a presentation by Anne Barker, Sarah Cron & Ann Riley on their attendance at the fall Charleston Conference. Each will present an overview of a hot topic or two discussed at the conference. The session will be held on Dec. 3, from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., in room 4F51-A Ellis. Please come and join us. RSVP’s are not required. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Reversing the Ratchet: Basic Technology Adoption Strategies for Library Workers

Reversing the Ratchet: Basic Technology Adoption Strategies for Library Workers
Date: November 7th, 2008
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Place: Library Instruction Room 1 (4G41)
Presenter: Steven Bell

This Web page features the following description as well as additional material:

Are you feeling more pressure in your library to keep up with the latest technologies?Library workers must constantly learn the latest techno-tweaks to their familiar information systems, but they also face ongoing tension from the expectation that every new technology must be applied to enhance library services. In a technology landscape where gadgets, gizmos, software and Web 2.0 innovations hit us at an ever accelerating pace, how do we successfully manage technology adoption in our libraries?

This Soaring to Excellence presentation addresses the challenge of the technology ratchet and how to keep it from tightening its grip on library workers. Steven Bell will share ideas and techniques for regaining control over library technology with an exploration of better ways to identify, adopt and leverage the technologies that make sense for us and that create a better library user experience for our communities. With the right attitude and approach every library worker can develop a personal professional development strategy for keeping pace with the technology curve.

Release time is available for this program with supervisor approval.

— Staff Development Committee

Student Excellence Award

Nominations are being solicited for the fall 2008 Student Excellence Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize those student assistants who are dedicated, creative and/or industrious. Any student assistant employed in Ellis Library or in any of the branches is eligible for consideration. The recipient will receive a $25 gift certificate to the MU Bookstore. The award will be announced in November and will be presented to the student in his/her own department.

The nomination deadline is Friday, Nov. 7. Please forward nominations to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The nomination form can be found found here. In the event of multiple nominations, the ‘extra’ forms will be retained for consideration for the spring 2009 student award.