Reversing the Ratchet: Basic Technology Adoption Strategies for Library Workers

Reversing the Ratchet: Basic Technology Adoption Strategies for Library Workers
Date: November 7th, 2008
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Place: Library Instruction Room 1 (4G41)
Presenter: Steven Bell

This Web page features the following description as well as additional material:

Are you feeling more pressure in your library to keep up with the latest technologies?Library workers must constantly learn the latest techno-tweaks to their familiar information systems, but they also face ongoing tension from the expectation that every new technology must be applied to enhance library services. In a technology landscape where gadgets, gizmos, software and Web 2.0 innovations hit us at an ever accelerating pace, how do we successfully manage technology adoption in our libraries?

This Soaring to Excellence presentation addresses the challenge of the technology ratchet and how to keep it from tightening its grip on library workers. Steven Bell will share ideas and techniques for regaining control over library technology with an exploration of better ways to identify, adopt and leverage the technologies that make sense for us and that create a better library user experience for our communities. With the right attitude and approach every library worker can develop a personal professional development strategy for keeping pace with the technology curve.

Release time is available for this program with supervisor approval.

— Staff Development Committee

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