New Posts, March 2-6

  1. Director's Calendar, March 9-13
  2. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 3/6/15
  3. Graves Elected to MLA Committee
  4. Centennial Committee Meeting, Feb. 26
  5. Library Assembly Meeting, Feb. 25
  6. Black History Month Trivia Night Will Become a Tradition!
  7. Active Shooter Training
  8. Employment Opportunity
  9. Muse Blog Posts
  10. Congratulations and Goodbye to Nancy Messina
  11. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 2/17/15
  12. Congratulations to Victoria Yu, One of the Mizzou 39 Outstanding Seniors
  13. Amigos Update

New Posts, Feb. 9-13

  1. Information and Action Items from LMT 2/13/15
  2. Director's Calendar, Feb. 16-20
  3. All Staff Meeting Documents
  4. Employment Opportunity
  5. Goodbye to Mat Miller
  6. Events Team Is Here to Help You With Your MU Libraries Event
  7. Muse Blog Posts
  8. Library Assembly January 2015
  9. Congratulations and Goodbye to Shelly McDavid
  10. Electronic Resources & Libraries 2015 Online Conference Schedule
  11. Amigos Update
  12. Access to Web of Science
  13. Upcoming Black History Month Events

New Posts, Feb. 2-6

  1. Director's Calendar, Feb. 9-13
  2. Turner Avenue Garage Elevator Project Update
  3. Report of Injury/Work Injury Services
  4. Urgent Care Has Moved
  5. Opening Reception for The Nook, Feb. 12
  6. MU Libraries Fundraising Update
  7. Inaugural SEC Academic Collaboration Award
  8. RJI and MU Libraries Receive Knight Grant
  9. MU Libraries in the News
  10. Anderson Presents "Responsible Authorship and Publication Ethics" on Feb. 18
  11. Amigos Update
  12. Upcoming Black History Month Events

New Posts, Jan. 26-30

  1. Amigos Update
  2. Communication Audit Group – brief update
  3. Active Shooter Update
  4. Mizzou Cares Crisis Resource Line
  5. Mandatory Training
  6. New FERPA Release for Student Employees
  7. Welcome to Kathryn Wright
  8. Goodbye to Jerri Eldridge and Rebecca Schedler
  9. Hansen Wins ACRL Conference Scholarship
  10. Muse Posts
  11. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 1/27/15
  12. Director's Calendar, Feb. 2-6
  13. Opening Reception of the Nook, Feb. 12
  14. Upcoming Black History Month Events
  15. Boyd Wins Distinguished Service Award

New Posts, Jan. 5-9

  1. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 12/30/14
  2. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 1/6/15
  3. Director's Calendar, Jan. 12-16
  4. MU Librarian in the News
  5. MCAC College Adviser Positions Open for Application
  6. City of Columbia Recycling Announces Big Changes
  7. Mandatory Training
  8. Welcome to Julie Christenson
  9. Web Tips of the Week
  10. Employment Opportunity
  11. Barb Jones Wins Award at Medical Library Meeting
  12. Amigos Update

Director’s Calendar December 15th – 19th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, December 16th     
2:00-3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – MU Library Student Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Wednesday, December 17th
12:00 Noon – Jim Cogswell meets with the campus Budget Allocation Advisory Council, Memorial Union

Friday, December 12th   
11:30 a.m.  – MU Honorary Degree Recipient Luncheon, Memorial Union