Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 5/26/15

ACTION ITEM: Late night hours the week before finals – Pat Jones recommends staying open the week before finals as well as the week of finals.

  • Exams and papers are often due the week before finals.
  • The statistics show that students are using the extended hours more previous years.
  • LMT agrees and will support making this possible beginning Fall Semester 2015.
  •  Access Services will consider if they would like to stay open later, as well.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT Retreat update – Jim will meet with the Director of the Management Training Institute Alan St. John on Friday (5/29) to discuss a visioning exercise at the beginning of the LMT retreat. 

  • MULAC executive board will be invited to the LMT on June 9th to discuss the retreat.  
  • MULAC plans to send LMT a letter suggesting ways to proceed if the Library fee passes or does not pass (which is also  the main agenda item for the retreat). 

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT will review the various Library committees at a meeting that will take place in July.  LMT will be looking for Sheryl Cullina to provide recommended slate of members. Consideration will be given to a specified LMT liaison for each committee. Attention will be given to creating a balance of membership. It is recognized that these committees:

  • Take on important tasks.
  • Create valuable experiences for employees.

INFORMATION ITEM: Announcements:

  • Jeannette Pierce – A candidate for User Engagement Librarian is on campus today. Another candidate will be here on Friday (5/29/15).
  • Jeannette Pierce – The Engineering Library is temporarily losing some of their group study rooms that are being used by the Apple Lab while renovations on Lafferre Hall are being completed.  The renovations are estimated to take two years. 
  • Deb Ward – HSL is pleased to announce an offer is out to one of the two candidates for Health Sciences Information Services Librarian. They hope to hear back soon.
  • Jim C asks LMT to send summer vacation plans to Mark Ellis so that meetings and Acting Director designations can be coordinated. 

Director’s Calendar June 1st – 5th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday -Tuesday, June 1st – 2nd   
Jim Cogswell will attend various meetings at the MOBIUS Conference, Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, MO

Tuesday, June 2nd   
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. –Luncheon for Emeriti Faculty, Reynolds Alumni Center

Thursday, June 4th  
Jim will attend a UM Library Directors retreat at the MU Law Library, Columbia, MO

Director’s Calendar May 26th- 29nd

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, May 26th  
11:00 a.m. – User Engagement Librarian Candidate Grace Atkins presentation and open meeting, Ellis Library.

Thursday, May 29th
11:00 a.m. – User Engagement Librarian Candidate Michayla Sullivan presentation and open meeting, Ellis Library.

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 5/19/15

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed the upcoming conference entitled “Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age” and considered how many attendees from MU Libraries should go and who might benefit from attending the most. They put together an initial slate of individuals to ask as well as possible alternates. It is hoped that the attendees will bring back information, ideas and material to share with the rest of the Library personnel. Here is a link for more information about the conference. 

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim Cogswell spoke to Gary Ward about the ongoing Library Space issues. Gary said any consideration for the addition to the original UMLD building would start with a Project Request Form  and recommended that Jim send one to him for discussion at central University Administration. Jim will talk to Ellen about estimated costs and submit.

INFORMATION ITEM:  At the 3 day LMT retreat scheduled for June 10-12th, LMT will go through a facilitated visioning exercise and then discuss in more detail:

  • How to implement projects if the student fee passes.
  • What to do if the fee does not pass.

    • Cuts will need to be as strategic as our expansions.

LMT will reserve time at an upcoming LMT meeting to discuss the distribution of pay increases. They hope to specifically look at:

  • Ways to address classified staff salary compression.

    • When, over time, the pay of strong-performing employees is not very different from new employees due to cycles of minimum pay-range increases and the limited ability to give ongoing meritorious raises due to budget constraints.
  • The most extreme discrepancies when comparing the MU Librarian and Archivist salaries to the ARL Median salaries.   

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 5/12/15

Information ITEM: Nathan Willet, From MSA, presented an MSA proposal to install a flag display in Ellis Library. The display would feature the flags of the 193 countries in the UN. They currently recommend 202 Ellis or the Administrative Hallway (area between 104 and Circulation).  They feel the display would:

  • Showcase MU’s pride of its international community.
  • Make international students feel welcome.

LMT thanked Nathan for his presentation.  They will consider and get back to him.

Information ITEM: Jim presented the MU Libraries Student Library Fee Proposal at the Undergraduate Deans Meeting convened by Vice Provost Jim Spain, Monday, May 11th.  Jim felt it went well. He made a general offer to present at any school/college. Most Deans knew a little about the issue and were very interested to know how the idea was being received by the students.

Information ITEM: Jim hopes to focus the MU Administration on the need for more off-site storage.

  • All plans to repurpose Library space start with lessening the footprint of the onsite collection
  • Jim hopes the university will invest in the UMLD expansion.

    • Jim to follow up with Gary Ward.
    • There is hope that the recent willingness of the Library to be flexible about space will highlight the need for more storage.

Information ITEM: Deb Ward announced that the School of Medicine expansion is falling in place. There may be a chance for the school of medicine to help fund a couple Library positions in support of the expansion. If they can fund a HSL Clinical Librarian position through the med school expansion, it may affect the positions portion of the student fee proposal.

Information ITEM: Announcements:

  • Health Sciences Library: the National Library of Medicine has announced the inclusion of an Information Services supplement for NIH funded research.
  • ACTS: to deal with budget restraints, On Demand Acquisition will be suspended until the new budget year.  (This has grown so we may hear about it, but this is all fallout from the SWETS bankruptcy.)
  • SCARAB – Special Collections continues to battle space issues. 

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 5/8/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Ellen Blair joined LMT to discuss the FY2016 Budget Situation.  LMT resolved to build in a 2% budget pool into next year’s budget even though portions of the budget (collections and E&E) are running deficits.  This was deemed important because:

  • It would improve the morale of library staff members (who have been over-worked with little to no increases for the past five years).
  • Another year of mandatory increases of the salaries at class minimums will worsen salary compression if they don’t coincide with meritorious increases.
  • The Libraries continue to lose valuable personnel to more competitive salaries.

INFORMATION ITEM: The GPC Forum took place Monday, May 4th at 6 p.m. in Leadership Auditorium.  The attendance was mainly the MU Graduate leadership and Library representatives, but it was good meeting with a lot of great questions.  

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim will present the MU Libraries Student Library Fee Proposal at the Undergraduate Deans Meeting convened by Vice Provost Jim Spain. The meeting will take place Monday, May 11th at 3 p.m.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT Talked about strategies to get information about the pending journal cuts out to the Faculty. Jeannette reported that an email was drafted for the selectors to send to their department Liaisons.  Other communication methods discussed by LMT included:

  • An FAQ on the Library website.  
  • Jim would like to send something to Provost Garnett Stokes.
  • Creating a timeline for faculty.
  • Communicating with Library Committee


    • Investigating how faculty are selected/appointed to the committee and try to educate members early in their term.
    • Ask Provost/Chancellor’s office if committee description/charge can include more about communication and education on collection issues.

LMT also discussed how even if immediate funding improves (with the passage of a student fee or an allocation of strategic funds from MUSOP), the Collection Steering Committee would like to create a more systematic and strategic way to talk about collections and possible cuts to the acquisitions so that we are not always having to be reactive to the budget situation.  The Libraries need to be reviewing usage and adjusting subscriptions at all times.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed the official establishment of a social media team. Jeannette worked with the current members of the task force and wrote a draft charge. LMT discussed suggested slate of the first members of the committee. Shannon will serve as ex officio, due to her role of making sure all Library messaging is consistent with MU guidelines (branding and FERPA) and aligned with MU Libraries themes and style.  After reviewing charge, LMT will ask Sheryl Cullina to put out an open call for members.  

Director’s Calendar, May 18-22

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, May 19th  
​11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. – Celebration of Service Luncheon, Ellis Library

2:00-3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

3:30-5:00 p.m. – Student Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Director’s Calendar May 11th- 15th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, May 11th
11:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon – Presentation and Open Meeting of Health Sciences Information Services Librarian Candidate Christina Magnifico, Ellis Library

3:00 p.m. – Jim will present the proposal for the Student Library Fee at the meeting of the Undergraduate Deans, General Services Building

Tuesday, May 12th  
2:00-3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

3:30-5:00 p.m. – Student Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Wednesday, May 13th
1:00-3:00 p.m. – Council of Deans, General Services Building

Friday, May 15th
11:15 a.m. – Chancellor’s Honorary Degree Luncheon for Dr. Susan Golden

Director’s Calendar May 4th – 8th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, May 4th
10:30-11:30 a.m. – Presentation and Open Meeting of Health Sciences Information Services Librarian Candidate Taira Meadowcroft, Ellis Library

6:00 p.m. – Graduate/Professional Council (GPC) Forum, Missouri Student Center

Tuesday, May 5th – 7th
Jim Cogswell will attend the 20th annual meeting of AgNIC (the Agriculture Network Information Collaborative).  Also attending will be MU Libraries Agricultural, Food and Natural Resources Librarian Noel Kopriva.  The event will take place at the Natural Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland.

Friday, May 8th
10:00 a.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 4/21/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Matt Gaunt and Cyndi Curnutte joined LMT to discuss the Ellis Library space renovation component of the Proposed Student Library Fee.

ACTION ITEM:  LMT chose one of four possible revisions to the 1ST Floor renovation plan of Ellis Library.  The new options all open up sightlines and create a more natural traffic flow between the new spaces that will be created on the first floor.   

INFORMATION ITEM: Each of the new fist floor plans (mentioned above) rearrange areas that were created in previous drafts and discussions. The new spaces that may be created on the first floor include:

  • More study spaces in general

    • Well lit glass alcoves near East windows
    • Computer stations
    • “Plug and play” stations
    • More soft seating
    • Casual study and meet places
    • Additional study rooms
  • A Maker Space
  • Electronic Classroom
  • Digital Media labs
  • Digital Media offices
  • Additional office space for new positions

​ (All renovation plans are part of the student fee proposal and would only be possible with new funding.  They also will require moving more of the Library collection to offsite storage. )

INFORMATION ITEM: From the agreed upon first floor space plan, Matt Gaunt hopes to acquire high quality renderings to help promote the Proposed Student Library Fee.