Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 5/8/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Ellen Blair joined LMT to discuss the FY2016 Budget Situation.  LMT resolved to build in a 2% budget pool into next year’s budget even though portions of the budget (collections and E&E) are running deficits.  This was deemed important because:

  • It would improve the morale of library staff members (who have been over-worked with little to no increases for the past five years).
  • Another year of mandatory increases of the salaries at class minimums will worsen salary compression if they don’t coincide with meritorious increases.
  • The Libraries continue to lose valuable personnel to more competitive salaries.

INFORMATION ITEM: The GPC Forum took place Monday, May 4th at 6 p.m. in Leadership Auditorium.  The attendance was mainly the MU Graduate leadership and Library representatives, but it was good meeting with a lot of great questions.  

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim will present the MU Libraries Student Library Fee Proposal at the Undergraduate Deans Meeting convened by Vice Provost Jim Spain. The meeting will take place Monday, May 11th at 3 p.m.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT Talked about strategies to get information about the pending journal cuts out to the Faculty. Jeannette reported that an email was drafted for the selectors to send to their department Liaisons.  Other communication methods discussed by LMT included:

  • An FAQ on the Library website.  
  • Jim would like to send something to Provost Garnett Stokes.
  • Creating a timeline for faculty.
  • Communicating with Library Committee


    • Investigating how faculty are selected/appointed to the committee and try to educate members early in their term.
    • Ask Provost/Chancellor’s office if committee description/charge can include more about communication and education on collection issues.

LMT also discussed how even if immediate funding improves (with the passage of a student fee or an allocation of strategic funds from MUSOP), the Collection Steering Committee would like to create a more systematic and strategic way to talk about collections and possible cuts to the acquisitions so that we are not always having to be reactive to the budget situation.  The Libraries need to be reviewing usage and adjusting subscriptions at all times.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed the official establishment of a social media team. Jeannette worked with the current members of the task force and wrote a draft charge. LMT discussed suggested slate of the first members of the committee. Shannon will serve as ex officio, due to her role of making sure all Library messaging is consistent with MU guidelines (branding and FERPA) and aligned with MU Libraries themes and style.  After reviewing charge, LMT will ask Sheryl Cullina to put out an open call for members.