Information and Action Items from Library Management Team Meeting 12/1/15

INFORMATION ITEM: An electrical shutdown in Ellis Library will be required soon – Campus Facilities informed Pat Jones that they will need to replace some of the electrical breakers in basement of Ellis Library.  To complete the work the electricians will need to shut down power to the entire building.  Campus Facilities would like to finish this repair as soon as possible after they receive the parts and equipment.  Pat Jones will communicate to Campus Facilities that LMT prefers the work take place after finals.  If it must take place during the semester, the Libraries request they work on a Friday at midnight or Sunday morning, when the Library is not open. 

INFORMATION ITEM: Budget Update – Budgets have been a big topic of conversation at recent Council of Deans meetings.  The Libraries are not alone at MU in having financial challenges. The Provost has asked the Libraries to provide a current budget strategy to meet the projected budget shortfall for 2016 as well as an ongoing plan for the future. The Libraries are seeking one-time assistance from various library and campus resources to assist with immediate shortfalls. The strategy will likely have to include some sort of journals cut.  It is not clear yet how many or what titles. The ongoing Library plan will include educating the Mizzou community about the Libraries budget situation and spreading awareness of Open Access.  Discussion ensued about whether or not the Libraries would ever consider trying to get another Library Fee.  If so, would it be beneficial to try for a “targeted fee” that does not require a vote of the student body because it does not get charged to all students?  It was generally agreed that any future student fee proposals, if there are any, would not be per credit hour but would, instead, be a flat fee.   

INFORMATION ITEM: Kemper award display – The Libraries have been in discussion with the coordinators of the Kemper teaching awards about having a display in Ellis Library that shows the names of the past winners of the Kemper teaching award.  After considering different areas, 114 Ellis Library was chosen as a potential place for the display.  The display would not take up any student study space.

INFORMATION ITEM: Archiving Concerned Student 1950 movement –  Matt Gaunt has reached out to the student leaders involved with the Concerned Student 1950 organization and has suggested that they turn over relevant documents from that groups activities to University Archives.   Having some of this primary source material could be very valuable in the future if anyone tries to look into and understand what happened on the Mizzou campus in the Fall of 2015.  Matt built a relationship with many of the student leaders due to his role in promoting the Library Student Fee.  He hopes to build a bridge between the students and the personnel at University Archives.  

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 11-12-15

INFORMATION ITEM: The MSA Presidential elections and the vote for the Student Library Fee was delayed one week. The Libraries will not campaign during this period as the campus continues to process and work through the events that led up to the resignation of the university president and chancellor. We will resume handing out flyers and encouraging students to vote during the new polling period (11/16/15 at 5 p.m. through 11/18/15 at 5 p.m.). Acting Director Ann Campion Riley has invited staff to one of two open meetings the day after the election ends to discuss the outcome of the ballot measure and the plans for Library funding going forward. 

UPDATE – On 11/18/15 we learned that the fee did not pass. The election results were 46% in favor, 54% opposed.

INFORMATION ITEM: Now that the plans to create space in Ellis Library for the Kinder Institute have changed, the Libraries are in the process of returning material to the fourth floor. Preparations were underway to vacate a significant portion of that floor to make room for the new institute. Those plans will now stop. Also the students study area known as The Nook will no longer be relocated. For now, the recorded sound collection will stay in the northeast corner of the fourth floor.  

INFORMATION ITEM: A survey of overnight library users has been developed to collect feedback from the individuals who use the building during the recently expanded hours of Ellis Library. Jeannette Pierce presented a draft to LMT. The survey will be administered around 3:30 a.m. Candy will be offered to participants who turn in a completed survey. The survey asks the students questions such as; What times did they come in? How long do they plan to stay? What services would students like to see offered overnight? etc.

INFORMATION ITEM:  LTS is developing a computer program that uses information from Sierra to pull up the first and last names of MU students when a valid student ID is scanned.  The system will be used by the security officers stationed at the Ellis Library entrances between the hours of midnight and seven a.m. to verify that individuals entering the Library are current MU Students.  Security and LTS are still looking into the process and costs of eventuality using a door swipe system. 

INFORMATION ITEM: The Libraries will explore keeping the upper floors of Ellis Library open until 2 a.m. during the week starting the Spring Semester of 2016. (We currently close floors two through four from midnight to seven a.m.) 

INFORMATION ITEM: Six computer work stations will be put into Room 114 Ellis Library. This will provide a quiet computer area that will remain open past midnight. The target setup dates will be during the Thanksgiving break.    

Information and Action Items From Library Management Team 10/21/15

Information Item: In general, the Libraries will not change hours for the Thursday, November 5th, MU football game. Regular leave policies will apply. Leave must be approved by supervisors. Vacation or personal leave time must be used.

ACTION ITEM:  LMT resolved to change Library Policy 43- Policy on Food and Beverages in Ellis Library to the following: Messy or smelly food and drinks without lids must be consumed in the Bookmark Café area. Ellis Library Security has discretion to enforce this as needed.

INFORMATION ITEMS: To keep the building secure during 24/5, one of the main elevators in Ellis Library was adjusted so that it can only ascend to the upper floors after midnight with the use of a key. That is the only elevator that will be operational from midnight to 7 a.m. Without the key, the elevator will still go down but does not go up. The security officers on duty will have the key so that they can access the upper floors when needed. 

INFORMATION ITEM: The Libraries are in the process of buying chairs from University Surplus to be placed at all the tables in room 114 Ellis Library.

INFORMATION ITEM: It was announced that all of the floors of Ellis Library will be open overnight the weeks around final exams.  Those dates are tentatively set as Dec 6th – Dec 18th. This would allow more study space for students. The Libraries will further discuss how to promote.

INFORMATION ITEM: Matt Gaunt was in attendance to provide a Student Fee Update. Marketing to users at the Library will be a big part of trying to reach the students between now and the election. Digital and hardcopy promotion material has been developed. Events continue to be planned for external promotion. The election will take place November 9-11. Students will be emailed a link. Upon logging into the system, they will be directed to graduate or undergraduate ballot. Both ballots will have the library fee on it. The undergraduate ballot will include the choices for MSA officers.

INFORMATION ITEM:  A “Flags of the Nations” display was discussed by LMT last spring with room 202 Ellis Library being mentioned as a possible location. Campus Facilities has several concerns about such a display and that location. Discussions about the display and potential locations are ongoing.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Last Spring, LMT discussed developing a Kemper Teaching Award display. They originally discussed locating the display outside of 114 Ellis Library. Currently, the historical display of Ellis Library is in that space. Ann Riley suggested to Campus Facilities that we could wait until the display is taken down or finding alternate locations. Ann plans to turn this matter over to ELSFAC (Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee).

INFORMATION ITEM: The Faculty Library Committee sent a letter to the Provost expressing unhappiness about way the decision to temporarily place the Kinder Institute in Ellis Library was made and communicated. The letter also requested more resources for Libraries and was in general very supportive.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Sheryl Cullina gave an update on her proposal to develop a recognition award based on the Libraries’ values statement. The award(s) would be given out at the Celebration of Service events and be based on the values:  Access, People, Service and Stewardship. A panel of judges would be selected from various library committees. LMT members would not be eligible for the awards. Details continue to be discussed.

INFORMATION ITEM: The Libraries will be ordering nametags for employees who interact with the public and for employees who request them. The nametags are recommended but not required. We are planning to use first names only. LMT believes this will be welcome by most staff members. The presence of the nametags will help identify employees as a resource for students. The Libraries will not order nametags for employees who already have departmental nametags (Security) and/or badges (Health Sciences Libraries).

INFORMATION ITEM:  Sheryl Cullina distributed and reviewed some compiled Student Budget Reports. She explained that Noah Hartsfield of Library Administration has redesigned the reports and have them completely up to date. The reports are distributed regularly to student supervisors and division/department heads. Questions can be directed to Noah and/or Sheryl.

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 10/12/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Centennial Celebration – The Kick-off on September 23rd went well. An HSL Open House event will be held Thursday, Oct 15th – 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.   A Centennial purchase for Special Collections will be pursued with money saved up through NEH Funds. The Libraries will try to acquire the purchased item by the date of the Library Society Dinner on April 15, 2016.

INFORMATION ITEM: Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy – The public announcement was made Thursday, October 8th.  The Faculty Library Committee had considerable concerns about how the decision was made to locate the institute in Ellis Library and the lack of communication with students and faculty.  After several meetings and negotiations (which included the committee, the Libraries, University Administration and the leaders of the Kinder Institute) it was resolved that the opening date of the institute would be moved back to July 1, 2016 (from March 1).  This would allow more time for faculty and student consultation as well as the ability to work around student study needs during construction:

  • No Construction will begin until after Fall Semester 2015 final exams.
  • During the Spring Semester 2016:


    • Construction will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. while school is in session.
    • During the weeks around final exams and midterms there will be no construction.

“The Nook” will be relocated from the fourth floor to another location at no cost to the library, with no down time to studiers and with the money being refunded to the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee.  Another $100K in renovations will be paid for by campus facilities to create more study space in Ellis Library and the specialized Libraries

INFORMATION ITEM: Student Fee Update – it was announced that this is “crunch” time. Student ambassadors are planning to “table” in the student center and speaker circle between now and the vote. There is a MSA student forum on Thursday at 7 p.m. in 114 Ellis Library.

INFORMATION ITEM: Review of revised Library Policy #4: News Notes – Mike Holland worked with Shannon to update this policy.  It brings the wording about personnel and process up to current procedures.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Automated Phone system at the Library – LMT discussed the pros and cons of setting up a call tree in the Libraries. The idea is to present one number for patrons to call and from that number the user can self-direct where their call will go. Current calls to to the Admin office and are transferred to other departments.  The Admin office is only open 8-5 M-F. LMT resolved to pursue this on a trial basis if the price was very low and the options given to callers was very limited. (No endless call loops before reaching a human voice…)

INFORMATION ITEM: Depository discussion – LMT reviewed several possible UMLD addition plans provided by the architects who built our original space.  It was resolved to pursue the one with the most space possible, even though it may be more expensive.  The idea being it will be cheaper in the long run and all the space will be needed sooner rather than later. More meetings with University Operations are planned.  The project will need to be taken before the Board of Curators. Vice Chancellor of Operations Gary Ward said he would be willing to pitch the plan to the Board when necessary.

Information and Action Items from LMT 9/10/15

Information Item – Twenty-four/Five issues: No one has heard any negative issues or concerns with the first few days of the 24 hour operation of Ellis Library. On September 8th, 2015, Ellis Library started a regular semester schedule that will open the first and ground floor from 12 midnight to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday mornings.  The upper floors of Ellis Library will be closed during those times.  Ellis Library Security reports that about 49 Library users were in the building at some point during the first overnight.

Information Item – Library Space: Cyndi Curnutte of Campus Facilities Space Planning and Design reported to the Library that Room 114 Ellis Library should be available to patrons next week. The new carpet is installed. They are currently moving furniture.  Work is still in process in Room 202.   

Information Item – Long range planning committee: A first draft of the charge for the Libraries Long Range Planning Committee was distributed.  Members of that group have been invited to serve and will be meeting soon.  LMT was asked to review the drafted charge and get any suggestions back to Ann Campion Riley by next Tuesday, September 15th.  

Action Item – Policy Review: Mike Holland presented Policy 25 “Policy on the Staff Suggestion and Innovation System”.  The policy was last updated in 1984 and although staff suggestion and innovation is highly valued and sought after in the Libraries, the policy in question refers to a specific method that was likely trendy at the time of its adoption.  Among other things it refers to forms that do not exist and mentions ways of making suggestions that predate anonymous computers suggestion pages.  As far as Mike and anyone else in LMT can remember the system was never fully put into place and would not benefit the Libraries if it was attempted as written.  LMT resolved to rescind the policy and encourage all employees in all departments to continue making suggestions in person and by email to supervisors and division-heads.  Mike will present this topic at the next Library Assembly meeting.

Information Item – Workplace Recognition: Libraries Human Resources Manager Sheryl Cullina presented several ideas for formal and informal employee recognition programs that she would like to adopt at the Libraries.  These efforts would be in line with the overall goal of creating a “recognition culture”. 

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 8/31/15

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT reviewed the proposed agenda and made additions/adjustments.

INFORMATION ITEM: Update on 114 Ellis Library: Pat Jones reported that carpet will be installed around 9/14/15. We hope the room will open to students soon after that date.

INFORMATION ITEM: Campus Facilities Department is updating the specifications of the UMLD expansion (Phase II).Plans and cost estimates will be used to further consider the Libraries proposal to complete the expansion as originally designed.

INFORMATION ITEM: Update on the conversion of room 205 Ellis Library into a US Census Regional Data Center:  Two meetings are planned with contacts from the RDC in the near future.  The meetings will discuss the security needs of the room and some of the operational details. The Center is operated independent of the Libraries but everyone is eager to explore how the resources of the two entities might complement each other.  

INFORMATION ITEM: Ellen and Ann Riley will meet with Risk management soon to talk about traditional insurance for the collection until the Libraries’ self-insurance fund is replenished. The self-insurance account is allocated an incremental amount of money per year.  The library lets that account build-up in order to draw money from the overall pool in the event of an emergency.  The pool of money was nearly all used up to deal with the mold situation.  Discussion ensued about how to insure the collection going forward.  More information and clarifications will be sought from Risk Management.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed specific and general issues about Ellis Library extending its hours beginning 9/8/15.  The Library will stay open 24 hours during the semester. The 24 hour operation will begin Sunday at 12 Noon and extend to Friday at 12 Midnight (during a typical semester week).  After Midnight, Security will ask library users to move to the ground and first floors.

INFORMATION ITEM: Library employee representation – Ann visited with Bryce McDonald who, along with others, would like to form a library staff organization as a comparable group to MULAC (MU Librarians and Archivist Council).  LMT expressed support.  The group would be initiated and organized by the staff.

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries employees are encouraged to go to educational and training sessions, especially those offered by the Libraries. Division heads will ask supervisors to be as supportive as possible, acknowledging that coverage is sometimes an issue, especially with the reduced number of staff members.  As always, supervisor permission is still required to attend.

INFORMATION ITEM: Staff Development Committee will be conducting a needs assessment survey in September.

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 8/11/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Ann Campion Riley welcomed the new members of LMT:

  • Budget/Library Finances – Ellen Blair
  • Security and Facilities – Pat Jones
  • Technology – Ernest Shaw
  • Human Resources – Sheryl Cullina
  • Corrie Hutchinson joins LMT as the acting head of ACTS.

These members will be very useful to quickly discuss and communicate any operational issues as they come up during the meeting.  As before LMT will invite other stake holders to meetings as needed.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed two agenda items that they would like to send to Library Assembly:

  • Collection Steering Committee report – to better acquaint the assembly with their role.
  • Library Policy Review – two policies per meeting to review and consider updating or deleting.

INFORMATION ITEM: There has been some movement on the proposal to complete the UMLD phase II addition. The detailed building plans are being updated to submit with a formal proposal.  The new plans will include space for preservation work and a digitization lab. 

INFORMATION ITEM: Centennial Kick-Off will be September 23rd in Lowry Mall. Jim Cogswell will announce at the all-staff meeting, Thursday. Mark Ellis will send out a calendar invitation.

INFORMATION ITEM:  A Library gift announcement will take place in Ellis Library on September 11, 2015 at 11 a.m.  All Library employees will be invited.  Matt Gaunt will announce at the all staff meeting.  More information will be distributed as date approaches.

INFORMATION ITEM: Ellen Blair distributed and reviewed the three year expenditure spreadsheet that she will present at the all-staff meetings.  She also plans to review various miscellaneous figures such as book sale figurs, record sales and Bookmark Café earnings for past five years.

Future LMT agenda item:

  • A future agenda item will be Library safety and emergency procedures.

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 7/30/15

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed a sudden development brought forth from University Administration that might require the Libraries to move a portion of the collection in 4 East for the temporary construction of a research institute. Discussions continue and are ongoing.

ACTION ITEM: LMT discussed the creation of a long range planning committee to help give an overall long-term vision in which the other library committees can operate. The new committee would liaison with campus long-term planning committees and strive to better explain within and outside of our organization where the libraries hope to go in the future. The size and make-up of the committee members are not finalized but will be considered and discussed at the next LMT meeting.This group will have a broad representation of employees and may include a faculty member and student representation.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT briefly discussed the Library Assembly and its recent meeting to discuss the MULAC Subcommittee on Communication’s recommendations. LMT will clarify from MULAC if the subcommittee’s recommendation was officially submitted to LMT for a response.


Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 6/16/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Library Management Team was joined by human resource manager Sheryl Cullina  to discuss several personnel issues including the final costs and overall principles of a possible September 2015 Salary Adjustment Plan.  The specifics of the costs and the plan are still to be worked out.

INFORMATION ITEM: Library Management Team discussed the need and schedule for reporting out from the LMT retreat which took place June 10-12th.  The notes from the LMT retreat have been transcribed and distributed to the LMT members for revisions and clarifications.  A reply will be made to MULAC in answer to their report which was prepared specifically for the retreat.  The retreat will also be an agenda item during the all-staff meeting which will take place in August.  

INFORMATION ITEM:  Library Management Team briefly discussed the leadership transition that was announced immediately prior to the LMT retreat.  Ann Riley will assume the role of acting director of MU Libraries beginning July 1, 2015.  She continues to meet with LMT members and her current direct reports to discuss the transition.  This will allow Jim Cogswell to concentrate on such projects as the student library fee campaign, the MU Libraries centennial celebration and successful completion of the Mellon grant.  Jim will also work closely with Matt Gaunt to build on recent successes in acquiring  library donations.  

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim Cogswell will be leaving on Tuesday June 23rd for a personal vacation and will return to work on July 13th.

INFORMATION ITEM: Ann Riley, Deb Ward, Jeannette Pierce and Mike Holland will meet on July 7th to touch base on the transition of leadership and also discuss LMT meetings going forward. 

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 6/09/15

INFORMATION ITEM:  The executive officers of the MU Librarians and Archivists Council met with LMT to discuss the document entitled: MULAC Report to LMT – May 2015: Possible actions in response to student vote on library fee, November 2015.

Executive Officers are Rebecca Graves, Chair;  Sandy Schiefer, Vice-Chair/Chair Elect and Edward McCain, Recorder.