Information and Action Items From Library Management Team 10/21/15

Information Item: In general, the Libraries will not change hours for the Thursday, November 5th, MU football game. Regular leave policies will apply. Leave must be approved by supervisors. Vacation or personal leave time must be used.

ACTION ITEM:  LMT resolved to change Library Policy 43- Policy on Food and Beverages in Ellis Library to the following: Messy or smelly food and drinks without lids must be consumed in the Bookmark Café area. Ellis Library Security has discretion to enforce this as needed.

INFORMATION ITEMS: To keep the building secure during 24/5, one of the main elevators in Ellis Library was adjusted so that it can only ascend to the upper floors after midnight with the use of a key. That is the only elevator that will be operational from midnight to 7 a.m. Without the key, the elevator will still go down but does not go up. The security officers on duty will have the key so that they can access the upper floors when needed. 

INFORMATION ITEM: The Libraries are in the process of buying chairs from University Surplus to be placed at all the tables in room 114 Ellis Library.

INFORMATION ITEM: It was announced that all of the floors of Ellis Library will be open overnight the weeks around final exams.  Those dates are tentatively set as Dec 6th – Dec 18th. This would allow more study space for students. The Libraries will further discuss how to promote.

INFORMATION ITEM: Matt Gaunt was in attendance to provide a Student Fee Update. Marketing to users at the Library will be a big part of trying to reach the students between now and the election. Digital and hardcopy promotion material has been developed. Events continue to be planned for external promotion. The election will take place November 9-11. Students will be emailed a link. Upon logging into the system, they will be directed to graduate or undergraduate ballot. Both ballots will have the library fee on it. The undergraduate ballot will include the choices for MSA officers.

INFORMATION ITEM:  A “Flags of the Nations” display was discussed by LMT last spring with room 202 Ellis Library being mentioned as a possible location. Campus Facilities has several concerns about such a display and that location. Discussions about the display and potential locations are ongoing.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Last Spring, LMT discussed developing a Kemper Teaching Award display. They originally discussed locating the display outside of 114 Ellis Library. Currently, the historical display of Ellis Library is in that space. Ann Riley suggested to Campus Facilities that we could wait until the display is taken down or finding alternate locations. Ann plans to turn this matter over to ELSFAC (Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee).

INFORMATION ITEM: The Faculty Library Committee sent a letter to the Provost expressing unhappiness about way the decision to temporarily place the Kinder Institute in Ellis Library was made and communicated. The letter also requested more resources for Libraries and was in general very supportive.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Sheryl Cullina gave an update on her proposal to develop a recognition award based on the Libraries’ values statement. The award(s) would be given out at the Celebration of Service events and be based on the values:  Access, People, Service and Stewardship. A panel of judges would be selected from various library committees. LMT members would not be eligible for the awards. Details continue to be discussed.

INFORMATION ITEM: The Libraries will be ordering nametags for employees who interact with the public and for employees who request them. The nametags are recommended but not required. We are planning to use first names only. LMT believes this will be welcome by most staff members. The presence of the nametags will help identify employees as a resource for students. The Libraries will not order nametags for employees who already have departmental nametags (Security) and/or badges (Health Sciences Libraries).

INFORMATION ITEM:  Sheryl Cullina distributed and reviewed some compiled Student Budget Reports. She explained that Noah Hartsfield of Library Administration has redesigned the reports and have them completely up to date. The reports are distributed regularly to student supervisors and division/department heads. Questions can be directed to Noah and/or Sheryl.