Present: Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Ellen Blair, Abbie Brown, Shannon Cary, Cindy Cotner, Ruth Feldkamp, Karla Geerlings, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Dustin Hoffmann, Mike Holland, PT Martin, Libby Myre, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, & Marcia Strong
- Discussion:
- Election New Vice-Chair: Terri Hall
Conversation regarding the Communications Audit & forums
- Pros & cons on whether the Library Assembly is still a viable group
Better & speedier reporting methods needed
- Print vs email
- Face to face
Discussion on preferred hierarchy of reporting information
- Department to department
- Committee to committee
- Sent directly to News Notes
- Director Announcements:
Restarting of committees
- Working to restart committees that have been dormant for the past year
- New appointees have been selected
- Each committee will share reports with the Library Assembly
Library space update
- Jesse Hall departments are moving out on schedule
Hope to return room 114 to a study/reading room before school starts on August 24
- Expecting new carpeting
- Still a question of what furniture will be in it
- The projector & screen will remain behind in the little room built on the north side of room 114
- Room 202 will need some additional work before it is returned to library use; estimated finish time Sept 5, 2015
Library policy project
- Restarting the project to update/revise library policies
- Mike Holland & Sheryl Cullina to take on this task
- Departmental Reports:
Digital Services Report presented by Adrienne Arden
Digital Services has been quite busy this month working on the migration of digital materials from the Legacy Digital Library into the MOspace Digital Library. Included are the Sanborn and Plat maps from the early 1900s and Agriculture Experiment Station materials. The Savitar collection is undergoing improvement in both content and appearance.
Tammie, aided by one of her student assistants, has been scanning selected historical items for an Ellis Library Centennial Collection that will be made available in the Digital Library in honor of the library’s Centennial celebration. Some examples of this material are library historical rules and hours, such as dinner was observed by closing the library between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Checking out books was limited to three at a time, and, “Book stacks are open to the teachers and officers of the University. Otherwise, admission to the stacks is necessarily restricted to those advanced students whose work would otherwise be seriously impeded.” Admission cards were issued by the Head of Circulation only, and the application had to be accompanied by a recommendation from the faculty member who oversees the student applicant’s work. This begs the question: How did undergrads become advanced without access to the library?
Mike Holland joined our weekly departmental meeting on July 20 to get a better understanding of how our team plans and functions. We welcome Mike’s presence at future meetings.
We are anticipating the arrival of spring 2015 electronic theses and dissertations which we will make haste to add to the MOspace Institutional Repository. We are also working with a faculty member and a Ph.D. student on a project to add datasets to MOspace that are related to urban biodiversity.
Lastly, we have begun another round of enhancements to Ebrary records.
Access Services Report presented by Tammy Green
The twice daily delivery via email of pickup notices seems to be working. The problem is selecting the best time to do the second delivery.
Circulation will be experimenting with printing paging slips for in-house patrons on weekends and evenings
Administration Report presented by Ellen Blair
Noah Hartsfield, has created new student hour and dollar tracking spreadsheets, which should be very useful to supervisors.
RAIS Report presented by Wendy Batson
-New librarian, Grace Atkins will start on August 10.
-Five new staff members (with an MLS or currently in an MLS program) will be attending the week-long Ref Desk training in August and will then work an hour or two each week at the Reference Desk in the fall.
Health Sciences Library & Veterinary Medical Library presented by Terri Hall
Medical School starts Monday
MULSA announcement from Ivy Hui – MULSA’s Voluntary Action Center “Back-to-School” Supply Drive ends this Thursday – July 30, 2015. There is still time to donate. Contact Ivy for questions 882-0468. Thank you.
Collection Services Report presented by Ruth Feldkamp
Now that we've reached a new fiscal year, new monographs are back to the usual rhythm.
Cathy Richardson has moved from Physical Processing/Preservation up to Shelving, as of Monday, July 27.
Catalog Management Report presented by Jack Batterson
MCO completed the re-mastering of authority files in Merlin.
Catalog management is still adding new items and discarding the old copies of the Y 4 government documents. These Y 4 documents were destroyed by the mold at
UMLD2 and Ellis Library is working with other libraries on getting replacements copies.
Catalog management is continuing to keep pace with UMLD in making Merlin records available as they are “reprocessed.” This is part of the ongoing mold remediation process.
Security Report presented by Marcia Strong
No revise of appendix A until the new Director of Library is hired. The Libraries will be giving a merit based pay raises, the letters will go out on the first week of August. The University of Missouri, MU School of Medicine, and Mercy health systems of Springfield, Missouri recently broke ground to transform medical education in Missouri. The project consists of a $42.5 million medical education building in Columbia and the new MU clinical campus in Springfield.