Brown Bag Invitation: “Diversity Beyond the Obvious” Webinar

Brown Bag Invitation: “Diversity Beyond the Obvious” Webinar
April 3, 11:00 – 12:30 CST
4G41 Ellis Library

The Diversity Action Committee invites you to join them on April 3 to view a free webinar entitled “Diversity Beyond the Obvious” sponsored by the College of Dupage. Mary Evangeliste, Director of User Services & Outreach at Gettysburg College and co-founder of Fearless Future: Marketing & Design for Things that Matter, brings together two distinguished scholars of diversity in libraries to present their recent research and to engage in a lively conversation with you on the topic. They will discuss how diversity in all its manifestations can make the library profession stronger and more vital.

The panel will investigate and discuss the following questions:

• How can we recruit and retain diverse librarians?
• How can we create inclusive library environments in which all types of employees and learners feel welcome and involved?
• How do we foster an environment within our profession to include representatives of all of our constituencies?
• How do our practices in libraries reflect the diverse nature of our communities?

Mary will be joined by Dr. Teresa Y. Neely, Associate Professor and Director, Access Services, University Libraries, University of New Mexico and Dr. Karen E. Downing, the Foundation and Grants Librarian at the University of Michigan.

RSVP’s are not required; feel free to bring your lunch. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Congratulations to Michael Hopkins

Congratulations to Michael Hopkins on his reclassification. Michael’s position was reclassified to a LIS II as his responsibilities have increased over the past year due to a realignment of duties brought about by the Journalism Library renovation and the need to assume computer-support duties for the Library. Human Resources reviewed the job description and determined the LIS II title best matches Michael’s level of duties.

Hello to Michael Kauffman

Hello to Michael Kauffman, late-night security guard (p-t). Michael is moving from student security guard into the late-night guard position. This follows securing permission to fill the position from Jesse Hall. Michael has been with us three months as a part-time student guard. He is in his junior year and pursuing a major in History. Michael is looking to transfer to a criminal justice program.

Graduation Day

Congratulations to Amy Lana, Sue Schuermann and Sheena Waggoner on ‘graduating’ from Supervisor 101. Their time and participation in the course deserves recognition. Supervisor 101 is designed to provide employees with a better working knowledge of select MU HR policies and procedures.

Leo Agnew
HR Manager

Government Documents Librarian Position Filled

I am pleased to announce that Sandra Schiefer has accepted the position of Government Documents Librarian, and that she will start on Monday, February 16, 2009. Sandra’s job duties include: assisting in oversight of the Regional Depository operations, as well as providing reference service for state, federal and international documents and for cartographic materials; assisting and instructing patrons in the use of government information in all formats; revising and updating the Government Documents Web site; participating in collection development activities, helping manage and maintain the document collections; and participating in Reference Division activities including information fluency instruction and reference shifts.

Sandra received her MLS from MU in December 2008. Her work history includes a Practicum in Government Documents at Ellis and graduate assistantships in Ellis Reference and Cataloging. In addition, Sandra once owned her own business selling books online.

Please join me in welcoming Sandra to the MU Libraries.

Jim Cogswell