Government Documents Librarian Position Filled

I am pleased to announce that Sandra Schiefer has accepted the position of Government Documents Librarian, and that she will start on Monday, February 16, 2009. Sandra’s job duties include: assisting in oversight of the Regional Depository operations, as well as providing reference service for state, federal and international documents and for cartographic materials; assisting and instructing patrons in the use of government information in all formats; revising and updating the Government Documents Web site; participating in collection development activities, helping manage and maintain the document collections; and participating in Reference Division activities including information fluency instruction and reference shifts.

Sandra received her MLS from MU in December 2008. Her work history includes a Practicum in Government Documents at Ellis and graduate assistantships in Ellis Reference and Cataloging. In addition, Sandra once owned her own business selling books online.

Please join me in welcoming Sandra to the MU Libraries.

Jim Cogswell

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