Update on CAPS Center

The MU Libraries has partnered with the Schools of Engineering, Journalism and Law to establish a CAPS Center, which serves to process all paperwork for faculty, staff, student hires and rehires, for all four departments. Two full-time positions will run the CAPS Center. One position has been filled – the HR Associate position – by Francie Martin, currently of MU Payroll. Francie’s expertise with PAF processing and trouble-shooting at Payroll will allow her to provide the leadership needed to get the CAPS Center up and running. The second position – HR Asssitant – is still being recruited. The goal is to have someone on board before school starts.

Change in OT Calculations From HR

From Campus HR: At the February Board of Curators meeting, the Board approved changes to the Collected Rules and Regulations regarding the calculation of overtime. As a result of that Board action, overtime will only include actual hours worked and will not include hours paid but not worked (e.g., paid time off, stand-by, etc.) At the April Board meeting the original effective date of April 19, 2009 was delayed. This change will be effective with the pay period which begins August 23, 2009.

Time & Labor is being reprogrammed to handle the change to calculating overtime. In addition, HR policies are being revised consistent with the change to the Collected Rules & Regulations. I will send you additional information as it is received.


August Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition

9/2/1980, Wayne Barnes
9/13/1982, Shelley Worden
9/4/1984, Rebecca Schedler
9/11/1989, Sue Barnes
9/1/1994, Rhonda Whithaus
9/1/1998, Ryan Bish
9/28/1998, Mark Ellis
9/8/2000, Dan Dodd
9/5/2001, Sean Witzman
9/10/2001, Terry Brooks
9/9/2002, Anselm Huelsbergen
9/6/2005, Kate Anderson
9/5/2006, David Shay
9/18/2006, Nora Tamm
9/3/2008, Karen Marshall
9/8/2008, Cara Blome
9/8/2008, Dustin Hoffmann
9/28/2008, Cathy Heckmaster
9/29/2008, Jessica Renze

Libraries Appointed Committees – Call for Self-Nominations

The nomination form for membership on several MU Libraries Committees is now available on the staff Web page. All MU Libraries employees are encouraged to apply for committee membership with supervisory approval. Current committee members may apply for reappointment. The new committee appointments will be announced in August and will be effective no later than Sept. 1.

The following list provides information on the composition of the committees. For information on the charge of each committee, click on the associated links.
Staff Development Committee – Three librarians, not from the same division, three members of the support staff, not from the same division, and the Library Administrative Associate (ex officio);
Diversity Action Committee – Five to seven members representing all levels of full-time staff;
Preservation Committee – The Committee will consist of at least seven library staff members. A mix of members from Technical Services and Public Services, as well as branches and Ellis Library is desirable;
Exhibits Committee – The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers; and
Communications Committee – Four members: two librarians and two staff members.

FYI on viewing your Pay Stub online (aka pay advice)

The following information is provided by MU Payroll:

A few things related to “opting out” of receiving paper pay advices. There are several advantages to electing this option:
• Fully leverage the features offered by myHR
• Contribute to sustainability and cut down on the use of paper (nearly 500,000 envelopes and pages printed annually)
• Significant savings of time and resources throughout System (nearly $100,000 in printing and postage costs system-wide)
• Time saved in the departments routing pay stubs, requesting reprints from payroll and forwarding pay advices when employees change departments

To encourage your staffs “opt out” of receiving printed advices please have them navigate to myHR at the following URL: https://myhr.umsystem.edu

Once signed on using their Paw Print and password, to elect to stop receiving printed pay advices navigate to: Self Service>Personal Information>UM Employee Data. Then click the “Check if you want to review your pay advice online through ePay and discontinue receiving a paper pay advice through campus mail.” check box. Be sure to have them save at the bottom when they’ve done so. (screen shot below as an example)

Then to access the pay advice each pay period the navigation is: Self Service>View Paycheck.
To view paid leave balances the navigation is: Self Service>Leave Balances.

Time and Labor ‘Live’ Training for Supervisors

Payroll will sponsor two training sessions for supervisors that features Time and Labor in live mode (see below). These sessions are for anyone who approves a bi-weekly time sheet and/or a monthly absence form. Please plan to attend; rsvp’s are not required. Thank you.

June 23rd at 9:00 a.m. at Ellis Auditorium
June 30th at 1:30 p.m. at Middlebush Hall, room 12

Promotion Announcements

Congratulations to Gwen Gray, Wayne Sanders, Caryn Scoville and Rhonda Whithaus on their promotions. Gwen, Caryn and Rhonda move to Librarian III, and Wayne moves to Librarian II. Their new titles are effective September 1, 2009.

This official validation by professional colleagues and the University administration recognizes performance and accomplishment and gives us opportunity to thank and applaud our colleagues for their contributions.

The Promotion Committee reminds those considering applying for promotion this year that the deadline for receiving dossiers is October 1. Details of the promotion process can be found in “A Governance System for Librarians and Archivists at the University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries”. Members of the 2008/2009 Promotion Committee are Kate Anderson (Chair), Trenton Boyd, Rachel Brekhus, Janice Dysart and Anselm Huelsbergen. Dossiers can be submitted to any member of the committee. We are happy to encourage the professional development of our colleagues and look forward to hearing from you.