Libraries Appointed Committees – Call for Self-Nominations

It’s that time of year again to let you know that replacements are needed for several vacancies on various MU Libraries committees for 2012-2014. All MU Libraries employees are encouraged to apply for committee membership with supervisor approval. Current committee members may apply for reappointment. The new committee appointments will be announced in June and will be effective July. 1. This effective date is earlier than last year for some committees. The change follows a discussion and decision to match effective dates with the fiscal year. A July 1 start allows committees time to plan before the rush of the fall semester

The following list provides information on the composition of all the committees. For information on the charge of each committee, click on the associated url.

Faculty Lecture Series Committee – The MU Libraries Faculty Lecture Series provides a forum for MU faculty to present original scholarship from across the disciplines, presented in an accessible fashion for an audience for non-specialists.  Lectures will be videotaped and archived in MOspace — the MU Libraries digital repository for scholarly work.  Members of this committee will need to plan and coordinate approximately four faculty lecture events per academic year.

The MU Libraries Research Paper Contest Committee administers the Undergraduate Research Paper Contest, established in 2010 and sponsored by the Friends of the MU Libraries. The committee works with the Libraries Communications Officer to promote the contest to students and faculty throughout the year, coordinates the judging of the contest by panels of librarians and faculty in February/March, arranges the presentation of the awards in April, and handles any questions that arise concerning the contest. For more information on the contest see:

Staff Development Committee – Three librarians, not from the same division, three members of the support staff, not from the same division, and the Library Administrative Associate (ex officio).;

Diversity Action Committee – Five to seven members representing all levels of full-time staff.

Preservation Committee – The Committee will consist of at least seven library staff members. A mix of members from Technical Services and Public Services, as well as branches and Ellis Library is desirable.    astermanual/section_9.htm;

Exhibits Committee – The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers.;

Library Assembly – The group shall consist of representatives from within the MU Libraries.

Replacements Needed – Libraries Appointed Committees—2012-2014

Diversity Action Committee Members
HR Manager, Chair
Abbie Brown (11-13)
Darell Schmick (11-12)
Sheena Waggoner (10-12)
Karen Witt (11-13)
Sean Witzman (11-13)

Need replacements for:
Darell Schmick
Sheena Waggoner
(The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers of members.)

Ellis Exhibits Committee Members
Kelli Hansen, Chair (11-13)
Mary Amann (11-13)
Ellen Blair (10-12)
Elaine Huntsucker (11-13)
Charlotte Mustain (10-12)

Need replacements for:
Ellen Blair
Charlotte Mustain
(The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers of members.)

Preservation Committee Members
Ruthe Morse, Chair (11-13)
Michaelle Dorsey (ex officio)
Michael Holland (ex officio)
Ann Riley (ex-officio)
Anne Barker (11-13)
Jackie Blonigen (11-13)
Dorothy Carner (11-13)
Sharon Gaughan (11-13)
Regina Guccione (11-13)
Libby Myre (11-13)

Need replacements for:
(The committee’s charge calls for at least seven library employees to serve on the committee.)

MU Libraries Research Paper Contest Committee
Anne Barker, Chair (term ends 8/31/13)
Gwen Gray (term ends 8/31/13)
Alla Barabtarlo (11-13)
Goodie Bhullar (11-13)
Rachel Brekhus (11-13)

Need replacements for:
Two new members are requested. This will allow the committee to have staggered terms of appointment which helps with continuity.

Staff Development Committee Members
HR Manager, Chair
Alla Barabtarlo (10-12)
Mat Miller (10-12)
Colleen Smith (11-13)
Amanda Sprochi (10-12)
Stephen Stanton (10-12)

Need a replacement for:
Alla Barabtarlo
Mat Miller
Amanda Sprochi
Stephen Stanton

A total of 4 new members are needed – 2 from the academic ranks and 2 from the classified staff ranks.

Faculty Lecture Series Committee
Brenda Graves-Blevins, Chair (11-13)
Suzy Bent (10-12)
Jackie Blonigen (11-13)
Shannon Cary (ex officio)
Paula Roper (11-13)
Ernest Shaw (11-13)
Deb Ward (11-13)

Need replacements for:
Suzy Bent

Library Assembly
The call for self-nominations will take place within individual departments based upon scheduled turnover; voting will again take place via an online survey distributed by Leo. As an FYI, the following departments will be invited to elect new representatives to serve on Library Assembly for 2012-2015:

University Archives
Journalism Libraries


Nomination Form

All interested employees are encouraged to apply. Committee members whose terms are ending may apply to be reappointed. If you are interested in more than one committee, please prioritize your selection. Check with your supervisor before volunteering your services for a committee(s).

Name:______________________________________      Phone:________________      E-mail:__________________________

Place a 1 next to your first choice and a 2 next to your second choice (if you have one). Return this form to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The preferred return deadline date is Friday, May 25, 2011, but self-nominations will be accepted until all positions are filled.


_____    Diversity Action Committee

_____    Exhibits Committee

_____    Faculty Lecture Series Committee

_____    Preservation Committee

_____    Research Paper Contest Committee

_____    Staff Development Committee


Check one if you indicated multiple committee choices:

____       I am available to serve on one committee only

____       I am available to serve on multiple committees

2012 Staff Appreciation Week – Human Resouce Services Training Sessions

Human Resource Services is sponsoring series of training sessions during Staff Appreciation Week, May 14-18, 2012. Overall, there will be 15 sessions covering diverse topics for managers, supervisors, professionals, office, technical and service/maintenance staff. All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for development for you and/or your staff. The speakers are primarily MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields.

Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and attend as many sessions as you can during this two day training. Most sessions are intended for Columbia Campus, UM System and UOEXT staff employees, however, academic employees can register and attend on a space-available basis.

The follow link goes to a HR website where you can find a complete course description and a link to register on-line. Supervisor approval is required to attend. If granted, attendance is considered release time.

Of note: Bob Almony returns to campus to conduct two financial planning courses as part of the conference:

Take Charge of Your Finances, May 15

1:00-4:30 p.m.
Location: N201/202, Mark Twain Ballroom
Presenter: Bob Almony w/Beth Steele (a teacher of
Real Estate at MU’s College of Business as well as at Columbia College)

This course deals with misconceptions about money management, your net worth, and tracking your cash flow each month. Learn to set up a real budget, handle debt, and discuss the 10 leading causes of overspending. We will review the overall personal budget process

Invest Now on a Small Budget for Better Retirement, May 17

1:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: S203 Aarvah Strickland Room
Presenter: Bob Almony

Learn the principles of investing for the long-term accumulation of wealth, especially for a comfortable retirement. We will discuss the issues of 403(b), IRA, Roth IRA, 401(1), 456, etc., and which one you should use in your retirement planning and why.
In addition, Leo and his colleagues with the MU Trainers’ Network will present the teambuilding/leadership skit based on the book by Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
May 18

1:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: S203 Aarvah Strickland Room
Presenter: Members of the MU Trainers’ Network

The skit portrays a new Executive Director of a fictitional software company. The Executive Director inherits a dysfunctional team and engages them in an effort to increase their capacity to function as a team.  This is a dynamic training program in which audience members will be able to interact with each other and with skit characters. By observing skits on group dysfunction, and by assessing and comparing their recommendations for improving the skit team, participants will develop skills to tackle tough team-based issues.

Denim Day at MU

Denim Day has been internationally celebrated since 1999 in protest of an Italian High Court ruling that overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans. The justices reasoned that since the victim wore very tight jeans, the man who was accused of raping her could not have removed her jeans by himself, so the victim must have willingly participated. Enraged by the verdict, women of the Italian Legislature protested the decision by wearing jeans. As news of the decision spread, so did the protest.

Blue jeans are worn by millions of Americans every day, but students, faculty and staff at the University of Missouri would like your department to wear denim on Thursday, April 26th for a special reason – to step forward and take a stand against rape and sexual violence. In addition, the RSVP Center has distributed Denim Day pins, provided by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, to MU departments. Contact Leo if you would like a pin.

The RSVP (Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention) Center, in partnership with the Craft Studio and True North, will sponsor a Denim Day rape and sexual assault awareness event on campus from 10:00am-2:00pm on Wednesday, April 25thin front of the MU Student Center. They will distribute information about Denim Day and encourage the Mizzou community to wear denim on Thursday, April 26th. Anyone interested in helping with this effort can contact Juanita at the RSVP Center by e-mailing

For more information about Denim Day and Sexual Assault Awareness Month events, contact the RSVP Center by phone at (573) 882-6638, by e-mail at or visit our website:

Position Opening: Digital Resources Catalog Librarian

Digital Resources Catalog Librarian
MU Libraries
University of Missouri
(Immediate opening)

General Overview: The University of Missouri in Columbia, MO is seeking qualified applicants for a Digital Resources Catalog Librarian I position within our division of Access, Collections and Technical Services. Principal duties will include providing bibliographic control of and access to the resources of MU Libraries through original and complex copy cataloging, some metadata production and the oversight of batch records loads.  Resources handled will include monographs, serials, and integrating resources, with a focus on online resources.  Bibliographic databases in use at the University of Missouri include OCLC WorldCat and the University of Missouri online catalog, institutional repository, and digital library catalog. The Digital Resources Catalog Librarian reports directly to the Head, Catalog Department.  He or she may supervise support staff and/or student employees.

Specific areas of responsibility include:

  • Perform original and complex copy cataloging for a variety of materials applying standards including AACR2, MARC, Dublin Core, MODS, MARC, LCSH, and LCGFT.
  • Oversee ebook cataloging and selected special cataloging projects in the department.
  • Complete routine and special bibliographic record maintenance including bibliographic file uploads to Summon and review of MARCIVE Government Document record loads.
  • Oversee bibliographic record loads into the local online catalog (currently III Millennium), including batch editing of records before and after loads using tools including MARCedit and the local online catalog.
  • Work with members of the Digitization Unit in reviewing and setting standards for best practices in workflow, scanning, preservation, and metadata.
  • Share supervision of a graduate library assistant who will assist in work assigned to this position.

The full job description can be accessed at

This is an entry-level, Librarian I position. All entry-level librarians must qualify for promotion from Librarian I to Librarian II in three years to obtain reappointment.  Refer to the MU Libraries’ academic Governance Document for criteria.

Minimum Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program or the equivalent. Knowledge of cataloging practices and trends.  Demonstrated self-motivation and strong analytical and problem solving skills, excellent written and oral communication skills, and the ability to think critically. Able to learn and accurately perform complex tasks following established rules, standards, and procedures.  Demonstrated ability to adapt to ongoing change in a positive manner.  Work well independently and collaboratively with staff at all levels; demonstrated positive attitude.

Preferred Qualifications:  Library experience, particularly in cataloging.  Skills in project management and interpersonal relations.  Familiar with emerging metadata standards.  Experience developing and writing procedures.  Experience supervising and training other staff.

Compensation: Annual beginning salary of $40,000 with excellent benefits (medical, dental, vision care, educational) through the University of Missouri plus other fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. For more information on MU’s “Total Rewards” package, go to

To apply: Preference for applications received by May 9, 2012, but résumés will be accepted until the positions are filled. Only online application materials will be accepted. Position is available immediately. To apply, go to MU’s campus Human Resources office at and include a cover letter, resume and the names of three references. The Job ID # is 7332.

The University of Missouri Libraries is located at the flagship campus in Columbia, Missouri. Working at the University of Missouri in Columbia (MU) offers major learning opportunities in an ARL library with a sizable catalog department, NACO and SACO participation, and a history of support for leadership development.

The University of Missouri-Columbia is committed to cultural diversity and it is expected that successful candidate(s) will share in this commitment. MU is an equal opportunity/ADA institution and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. For ADA accommodations during the application process, please call 573-882-4701.  Relay Missouri users call through 1-800-735-2966.

Librarian Search Update

The search is underway for the position of Assistant Head of Access Services. This position will be filled at the Librarian I or II level, depending upon the qualifications of the final candidate. The full job ad is listed

Ann Riley chairs the search committee. Other members include June DeWeese, Felicity Dykas, Tammy Green, Amy Lana, Nancy Turner Myers and Darell Schmick.