Technical Services Librarian Interviews
There are two candidates scheduled to interview next week for the Technical Services Librarian. Open meetings with candidate presentations are scheduled at the times below. Both candidates will be speaking on ‘Next Generation Catalogs’ and the presentations will be followed by Q&A. The presentations will be held in room114A, Ellis Library.
Tuesday, February 21, 10:45 – 11:30: Joan Wang
Thursday, February 23, 10:45 – 11:30: Julie Housknecht
Please remember the following interview guidelines to keep our interview process running smoothly.
Everything that happens during an interview is on the record. This includes time spent with the candidate in informal meetings, including meals and breaks, time between meetings, or tours.
Candidates will want to know about you, your department, the MU Libraries, campus, and Columbia. You can talk about your personal and professional experiences, but remember – candidates are interviewing us as much as we are interviewing them. Please try to be both positive and honest.
Remember that making an employment decision on information that is not job relevant is a violation of University policy and federal law. Protected criteria include: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, status as a veteran, and sexual orientation.
Be sure your questions are job-relevant. Consider what information you are trying to learn. Is it related to the job? A list of questions that are considered inappropriate (and how to make them more appropriate) can be found in the HR policy on Interviewing, HR 110
Please make sure your electronic devices are on silent/vibrate and put away during the time that you are meeting with candidates.
If you have any questions or concerns as we start these interviews, please contact Sheryl Cullina. Thank you in advance for your participation in this process.