Pay Advices Going Paperless

In an effort to support the University’s continued sustainability efforts and to provide easy and secure access to pay advices, online pay advices were introduced within myHR in spring 2009. Since that time, employees have been encouraged to opt-in to online pay advices in lieu of paper advices.  Your Pay Advice is summary information detailing gross income, tax withholdings and deductions for a given pay period.

Our campus has been working toward paperless pay advices over the last five years.  Many employees have already chosen that option. Currently, all students receive their pay advice electronically.

The next step in going totally paperless for pay advices involves converting all MU and Extension employees to the online delivery option for pay advices.  This change will take place with the last pay period in June.

  •   If you are paid biweekly, the change will occur on your 7/2/14 pay day.
  •   If you are paid monthly, the change will occur on your 6/30/14 pay day.

Linda Bennett Named Interim Title IX Coordinator

On Monday, June 9, Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin sent an email letting the campus know that he has established the Title IX coordinator as a full time position, and that Linda Bennett has agreed to serve as the interim Title IX coordinator.  In this position, she will be responsible for the following:

  • Oversee the university’s compliance efforts related to Title IX including coordinating any investigations of complaints and identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems revealed by such complaints;
  • Assist the chancellor in reviewing current policies and procedures related to Title IX compliance and developing appropriate campus organizational structures, policies and procedures to ensure Title IX compliance;
  • Develop training on Title IX issues for faculty, staff and students.   

Dr. Bennett’s contact information is 882-7915 or  Vice Chancellor Cathy Scroggs (882-6776 or,  Executive Associate Athletic Director Sarah Reesman (884-6428 or and Noel English (882-9069 or remain deputy Title IX Coordinators for

UM System Rolls Out IT Security Training

University employees are an important line of defense against cyber-criminal attacks. To help educate you about your role in keeping information assets and IT systems secure, we have contracted with SANS, an organization that specializes in security training and research, to deliver a series of online information security training modules.

To access the training modules, please visit  Go to the Security Awareness section and click on the “SANS Securing the Human” link.  You must complete four, brief modules by December 31, 2014 in order to comply with the training requirements within the UM Information Security Program.  The following modules, of which the longest module is 5 minutes and 30 seconds, have been selected for this first year of training:

• You are the Target

• Social Engineering

• Email and Instant Messaging

• Mobile Devices

Online resources related to this new training requirement are listed below:

UM MakeITSafe:


Mandatory training policy:

UM Information Security Program:

If you have any questions, please contact Beth Chancellor at or contact the Columbia Campus Information Security Officer (ISO), Brandon Hough, at 884-7562 or

Kamilah Jones Wins Student Excellence Award

Congratulations to Kamilah Jones, this year’s recipient of the Student Excellence Award. Kami works in Government Docs, and has been an outstanding student employee this year. Her nomination form reads: "Not only has she done a spectacular job on tasks which are usually beyond the range of an undergraduate student assistant, but does her work with exceptional accuracy and attention to detail. She is an assistant I can trust completely to work independently both while I’m here and away, and she always does a great job."

Honorable mentions for the award go to:

Jade Li – Vet Med

Sarah Norris – Health Sciences Library