Barb Jones’ Library Calculator Mentioned in Medical Newsletter

The following quote is from the Wiley-Blackwell Medical Library Newsletter, Spring Edition.  The “Valuing Library Services Calculators” are the ones that Betsy Kelly and Barb Jones developed in their  work for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine MidContinental Region.

“Alison Clapp, MLIS at Children’s Hospital Boston recommended that librarians consider using one of the “Valuing Library Services Calculators” (such as the MidContinental Region one at to demonstrate the value of library services without having to charge individual patrons.  She suggested that the calculator would enable even a small library to prove its value.”


Schmick Appointed Editor for Consumer Health Site

Darell Schmick has been appointed a contributing editor to the NOAH consumer health site.  NOAH editors find, select, and organize current, relevant, accurate and unbiased consumer health information for the website.  Contributing Editors are each responsible for researching, organizing and maintaining a page on a specific topic; Darell will be editing the Patient’s Rights and Resources Page:


Nurses and Librarians: Perfect Partners!

Join us for an interesting session on the partnership between nurses and librarians.  For those who are new to working with nurses, Valerie Meyer, librarian at Chamberlain School of Nursing will speak to the need for outreach to nurses. Nurses recognize that information is needed to improve practice and provide quality patient care. However, many nurses have not used library databases or understand thoroughly how to get the information they need. This is an untapped opportunity for collaboration and bridge building.

Looking at more advanced partnerships, Louise Miller, PhD, RN & Rebecca Graves, MLS will talk about their collaboration on grants, teaching and presenting.  Their work together has taken them from classrooms (virtual and physical) teaching nursing students to the small towns of Missouri teaching frontline nurses.   They have also teamed up for presentations at conferences to school nurses in Kansas City and librarians in Honolulu.  Their next exploits are focusing on getting information literacy woven in an enduring form into the Sinclair School of Nursing curriculum.

July 19, 2011 – Librarians and Nurses: Perfect Partners, panel hosted by Barb Jones. View the archived recording at:

HSL Staff Present at Medical Library Association

The following people presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting held May 13-18th in Minneapolis:

Barb Jones taught two continuing education classes:

“Diagnostic Error and Patient Safety: Team Up and Tackle It!”  Lorri Zipperer, Linda Williams, Barb Jones, Elaine Alligood

“Behind Closed Doors: Politics in the Library”  Barb Jones and Marty Magee

Barb Jones, MaryEllen Sievert, Deb Ward and Dirk Burhans also presented the following poster:

“Do Clinicians Rely Upon Health Sciences Libraries for Patient Care?  Data from Six Mid-Continental Hospitals”  MaryEllen Cullinan Sievert, MLS, Ph.D.; Deborah Ward, MA, MLS; Barbara Jones, MLS; Dirk Burhans, Ph.D.; Margaret Bandy, MLS, AHIP, FMLA; Wilma Bunch, MLS; Jerry Carlson, MLS, AHIP; Sandy Decker; Emily Eresuma, MLS; Erica Lake, MLS; Holly Henderson, MA

Kate Anderson presented a poster (co-authored with Terry N. Wilson from Student Health)

“Go FIGure:  Health Literacy and Freshmen Interest Groups”  Katherine M. Anderson and Terry N. Wilson

Diane Johnson taught a continuing education class:

“Medical subject Headings (MeSH) for Searchers

Rebecca Graves presented a paper at the History of the Health Sciences Section:

“Rethinking Instruction:  The historical relationship between library instruction and medical education”

Rebecca Graves also co-presented a poster:

Rethinking Face-to-Face Chapter Meetings.   MCMLA Annual Meeting Task Force.

Trenton Boyd was honored as having been elected a Fellow of the Medical Library Association.